The lambby
sdburbankComment by L1: Greetings from the Critique Club...and welcome to DPC!!! :)
I see that this is your first submission, so I will give you a few pointers about this place as well as talk about your image.
Do yourself a wonderful favor and look at all the tutorials and helpful information under the "Learn" tab at the top right of the home page. You'll find one in there about resizing and submitting your images for challenges, which will correct the first thing you were probably knocked for in the voting...SIZE. Voters here need to see every one of the 640 pixels we're allowed (on the longest side) so be sure to maximize the size of your helps.
Your subject and light are beautiful, and there is a lot of drama present by the lighting. I agree with the posters who think the angle of the light could be changed a bit, perhaps more on the face of the statue, to enhance your shot. I also think that more light would have made the focus sharper on the face, which also will help your votes.
Voters at DPC are very fickle and finicky...they want to be wowed, they want to be awed, and they want (for the most part) slick, studio style shots with gloss and sheen. Not many of shots of statues, toys, or other inanimate objects fare well in challenges, but are typically received pretty well just for portfolio critique and/or specific uses. This is important to know so that you can kind of see where they were coming from in their comments and in your score/placement. Voters are also MAJOR sticklers for the challenge descriptions and will punish anyone who enters a "DNMC" shot... Does Not Meet Challenge. Even if it's good.
I hope your stay around DPC is a pleasant one, and I encourage you to keep entering challenges. Keep on clicking...and let me know if you have any questions! :)
Take care,