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Comments Received by slickshooter
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soccer players get an extra kick from FIJI
10/06/2006 05:48:55 PM
soccer players get an extra kick from FIJI
by slickshooter

Comment by PapaBob:
Really nice, skin tones and lighting on the boy are great, the down side is the bright spots and lighting on the bottle. I gave it a 6 but it would have gone up with a little better overall lighting.
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soccer players get an extra kick from FIJI
10/05/2006 09:45:12 PM
soccer players get an extra kick from FIJI
by slickshooter

Comment by sdrawkcab:
You titled this photo "soccer players get an extra kick from FIJI" but I can't see that this boy is a soccer player. The image is good but if you wanted that title you should have pulled away and maybe had the kid either holding a soccer ball in one hand or standing on a soccer ball with one foot or just gone with a different title.
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soccer players get an extra kick from FIJI
10/05/2006 07:14:37 PM
soccer players get an extra kick from FIJI
by slickshooter

Comment by conect:
good thought, But I feel the bottom of the bottle is in view and does not look good.
Photographer found comment helpful.
soccer players get an extra kick from FIJI
10/05/2006 06:35:18 AM
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soccer players get an extra kick from FIJI
10/04/2006 11:24:12 PM
soccer players get an extra kick from FIJI
by slickshooter

Comment by megano:
I love the look in his eyes. It is very realistic too.
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soccer players get an extra kick from FIJI
10/04/2006 06:51:40 PM
soccer players get an extra kick from FIJI
by slickshooter

Comment by sacredspirit:
incredible portrait, but the bottle bugs me. Not sure why exactly, but the bottle is off. Maybe its color, or maybe its focus. Or maybe it just doesn't match the bokeh, and subject. GL, hope this comment helps.
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soccer players get an extra kick from FIJI
10/04/2006 02:01:57 PM
soccer players get an extra kick from FIJI
by slickshooter

Comment by freakin_hilarious:
It's not beer or a soft drink, but it's a wonderful photo. You'll probably get dinged a bit, but who cares? This is great.
Photographer found comment helpful.
soccer players get an extra kick from FIJI
10/04/2006 10:28:46 AM
soccer players get an extra kick from FIJI
by slickshooter

Comment by justine:
Love he's looking at the camera. Great focus, color.
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the mouse and the crocodile
10/04/2006 10:12:40 AM
the mouse and the crocodile
by slickshooter

Comment by e301:
Your light is quite poor, and the shot could be more effective simply by working on that element alone. I'd guess this is an on-camera flash and bit of ordinary tungsten light from the room, and shot against a black background of velvet or something. The black works, certainly - it appears flawless.

The room lighting has leant an unpleasant orange tinge to the edges of everything, and your main light is so front-on that it prevents us getting much real sense of shape or texture. I'd try moving the main light ot one side, and getting rid of the room lights, and using a piece of paper as a reflector to fill in the shadows a little - you'll get a muich more pleasant effect that way.
Photographer found comment helpful.
soccer players get an extra kick from FIJI
10/04/2006 12:29:09 AM
soccer players get an extra kick from FIJI
by slickshooter

Comment by nico_blue:
The exposure and lighting on the boy and background is very good but the bottle (which is the main part of the challenge) is not as well exposed... and its cropped on the right... 6
Photographer found comment helpful.
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