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Registered UserClou9

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Comments Received by Clou9
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Liquid Groove
06/10/2003 09:17:55 PM
Liquid Groove
by Clou9

Comment by SweetKali:
Hey now, martini hour! Beautifully done....I'll assume this is vodka or gin and not water which isnt supposed to be in this challenge
Liquid Groove
06/10/2003 11:03:52 AM
Liquid Groove
by Clou9

Comment by Shiiizzzam:
Beautiful color ! The lighting is perfect ! Not white overblown areas. GREAT job.
Liquid Groove
06/10/2003 01:20:18 AM
Liquid Groove
by Clou9

Comment by qachyk:
Well, very nice iridescence, at least, though I'm a little less fond of the use of a CD. I can't tell what your liquid is, but it does look too thick to be water. Bright dots to the right are distracting; might have been better to crop those babies out. Otherwise good use of negative space.
Liquid Groove
06/09/2003 04:47:57 PM
Liquid Groove
by Clou9

Comment by jillz:
Creative shot
Liquid Groove
06/05/2003 02:25:27 PM
Liquid Groove
by Clou9

Comment by Charlie68:
This is beautiful
Liquid Groove
06/05/2003 01:13:48 PM
Liquid Groove
by Clou9

Comment by vtruan:
Reflected Light
04/13/2003 05:44:38 PM
Reflected Light
by Clou9

Comment by floyd:
Greetings from the Critique Club

It's not the first time I've said it during this Symmetry challenge but this photo might just as well have been entered in the colour challenge! Ok, first impressions on this photo - there are two things that hit me right away. The first is that border - I find it very distracting. The green was a mistake in my opinion. The question of whether to use a border and how best to do it has been covered in length on the message boards but my own view is that it should improve the image without distracting from it. If it doesnt improve the image then it shouldn't be there. In this case I think you'd have been better served with something neutral in order to allow the eye to be drawn to the displays of colour in the main image.

That brings me to my second observation - the main image is very dark. Your comment on this photo says you used a single reading light in an otherwise pitch black room. That made it very difficult for you to bring out the full circle of the CDs. Using a single light source can be very effective but it's also tricky and doing it with very reflective subjects is that much harder. I think another light source would have made things easier. You could perhaps have had multiple reflected rainbows on each CD or a gentle light showing the whole scene as well as the strong rainbows.

Composition-wise your picture is just dandy. You've stuck to the tried and true rule of thirds and there's nothing at all bad about that. Your focus seems good but it's hard to tell because things are so dark. Exposure was always going to be difficult with such extremes of light and dark but you've captured the colours extremely well.

Overall it looks like you started with a very clear idea in your head about what you wanted to photograph. You've made significant progress in capturing that but the lighting and that border detract.
Reflected Light
04/06/2003 11:32:40 PM
Reflected Light
by Clou9

Comment by johnny_justjohnny:
i don't know about the border...
Reflected Light
04/06/2003 11:15:40 PM
Reflected Light
by Clou9

Comment by dacrazyrn:
A bit too dark, but not sure if that would take away the prism light on the CD's. the back CD has noise on it, but that can happen from downsizing the photo to upload here. I hate the green border, but I do not take off for borders, even though I personally do not like them.
Reflected Light
04/04/2003 11:36:17 AM
Reflected Light
by Clou9

Comment by pinback:
I like the shot, but not the acid green border.
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