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Registered Userchrismbhouse

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Comments Received by chrismbhouse
Showing 1 - 10 of ~15
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Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
01/26/2003 04:09:02 PM
Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
by chrismbhouse

Comment by jmsetzler:
Greetings from the Critique Club :)

I think this is a nice scene for a photograph. The bridge definitely adds a very nice element to the photo. I think architecture integrates nicely with certain landscapes :)

There are a couple places where this photo could use come improvement overall. 1 - The top of the bridge would be nicer if it was lined up parallel with the top of the frame. It is slightly sloping to one side. The 'horizon line' in any landscape should be horizontal in the frame unless you have chosen an extreme angle for effect. 2 - The colors are a bit 'flat'. I think that a little saturation adjustment in software would fix this right up for sure!

This photo could also possibly use a little extra sharpness maybe... I bet that if you used software to increase the color saturation just a little and increase the overall sharpness, you would have a much more powerful photo :)

Keep up the great work :) This is an excellent first submission. I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future :)

John Setzler
Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
01/19/2003 10:39:03 PM
Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
by chrismbhouse

Comment by janfries:
great framing, composition.
Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
01/19/2003 06:23:33 PM
Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
by chrismbhouse

Comment by PTLParsons:
This is an awesome photo, so relazing and restful to look at. It's beautiful. I love the colors in the bridge. What kind of boats are these? This invites you to take a leisure coast down the river or canal, whichever. I might have added a little more sky, but it's a 10 just as it is. Congratulations on a beautiful photo.
Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
01/17/2003 09:47:53 AM
Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
by chrismbhouse

Comment by inspzil:
More architecture than landscape IMO. Interesting boats. - Inspzil
Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
01/17/2003 06:03:52 AM
Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
by chrismbhouse

Comment by DougPaz:
Nice compositon. I wish the bridge wans't leaning right though.
Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
01/16/2003 07:50:05 PM
Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
by chrismbhouse

Comment by Bullwinkle:
A good local image that captures the classic historical serenity of the location. I like the bridge arching over the boat strerns. Those strerns are a nice color punch to the otherwise restrained color theme. The overhanging tree and meadow bit are lovely compositional accents. I also really like the kiss of light on the background stream. Beautiful touch. The overcast day really brings out those subtle colors. A worthy image.
Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
01/16/2003 02:30:31 PM
Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
by chrismbhouse

Comment by Swashbuckler:
Very nice. (the nearer boats seem to have water in them, did you bale them out?) Neat old bridge. I like the branches hanging on the right, too. How does one access the boats parked under the bridge? 8 Swash
Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
01/15/2003 04:27:22 PM
Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
by chrismbhouse

Comment by camelotnorth:
great use of angles...the limbs of the overhanging tree on the right and trees seen through the bridge ..top and bottom..balance the picture nicely.
Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
01/15/2003 12:01:57 AM
Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
by chrismbhouse

Comment by myqyl:
Very nice... Strong diagonals from the boats. The horizon of the bridge looks a little slanted, but not so much as to overly distract.
Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
01/14/2003 06:34:00 PM
Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, UK
by chrismbhouse

Comment by cbonsall:
he he I bet half the peple on here can't pronounce it though!! Very nice.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~15

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