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Registered UserDmosier21

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Comments Received by Dmosier21
Showing 1 - 10 of ~21
Image Comment
Too Late
09/11/2008 08:17:41 PM
Too Late
by Dmosier21

Comment by Ronzilla84:
My picture was kind of along the same lines...but not as well executed. Great job!
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Too Late
09/11/2008 02:05:49 PM
Too Late
by Dmosier21

Comment by Yo_Spiff:
This could be my wife at midnight, head on keyboard, but won't go to bed.
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Too Late
09/11/2008 02:56:14 AM
Too Late
by Dmosier21

Comment by rinac:
Hehe, not a very good advertisement for an energy drink, is it? Like the dof, just wish his fingers weren't cut off.
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Too Late
09/10/2008 11:06:58 PM
Too Late
by Dmosier21

Comment by onedragonchick:
hahahaha I know this sene!!! I like the idea but nothing really seems in focus accept his middle finger. Also the lighting could be better but I understand why it is the way it is.
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Too Late
09/10/2008 12:42:43 PM
Too Late
by Dmosier21

Comment by crimsontearseureka:
hehe that is so me
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Too Late
09/10/2008 12:26:03 PM
Too Late
by Dmosier21

Comment by troy77:
this is so me
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His Road
09/03/2008 02:42:21 PM
His Road
by Dmosier21

Comment by JuliBoc:
This would be very good for this week's challenge: Shallow DOF. You have the skill and the tools, you should do well.
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His Road
09/03/2008 09:15:45 AM
His Road
by Dmosier21

Comment by glad2badad:
Duplicating my thoughts/comments here that were made in this thread ==> Methaphorical Road - DNMC? Shoehorned & Obvious?

Well, I gave it a 10. The image made me stop and think. That by itself is enough to say an image worked. Additionally, I considered a couple of other things in scoring this:

1) It takes fortitude to praise God publicly, and in the context of this challenge theme I think it was a great opportunity to do so.
2) I also figured the photographer was probably getting hammered on this so I tossed him a 10 to help lift him up.

On a technical point, one commenter mentioned the crop & aspect ratio of this. I have to agree that adding a movie frame type border (top & bottom) would have made the presentation stronger.
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His Road
09/03/2008 08:55:59 AM
His Road
by Dmosier21

Comment by h2:
That's a road definitely overly travelled - didn't meet challenge. technically, violinist is quite correct; dull lighting, bad crop. lacks of "punch".
For your next entry avoid unusual aspect ratios, if you can't crop better, add an irregular border (movie style black bars had enhanced this image much compositionwise). Go for more contrast.
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His Road
09/03/2008 12:57:59 AM
His Road
by Dmosier21

Comment by Yo_Spiff:
Wow, your metaphor came in even under mine! We are both misunderstood artistes. This didn't come up for me in voting, though I did look at it when browsing the images right after the starting rollover. I definitely got the metaphor, but then my own was also misunderstood. (Perhaps it was that my sign implied the existence of a road that it came in a touch higher?)

As far as the image itself, I think it's decent, and the shallow DOF guides one's eye to the passage on the page. As violinist suggested, religious messages may not always go over well here, and though it's actually a pretty decent shot, it doesn't have any "wow" factor.

Message edited by author 2008-09-03 01:02:15.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~21

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