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Comments Received by deadbird
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Showing 191 - 200 of ~217
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Mistery rose
02/04/2003 07:16:17 AM
Mistery rose
by deadbird

Comment by nds:
Interesting try to make something different. Unfortunately the rose is out of focus and has some overexposed parts.
Mistery rose
02/04/2003 04:08:07 AM
Mistery rose
by deadbird

Comment by KingLok:
Some petals at the top is over exposed, otherwise it's a good take.
Mistery rose
02/04/2003 03:48:06 AM
Mistery rose
by deadbird

Comment by JPR:
I would love to know where the smoke is coming from. Nice job, although the lighting seems a bit dark, it is perfect for a dark artists smoke filled room. Good spotlighting.
Mistery rose
02/03/2003 04:18:08 PM
Mistery rose
by deadbird

Comment by sfarrell23:
very nice.....
Mistery rose
02/03/2003 01:59:35 PM
Mistery rose
by deadbird

Comment by Chuckie:
good picture, its alil dark but i like the creativity.
Mistery rose
02/03/2003 09:52:16 AM
Mistery rose
by deadbird

Comment by pstuhr:
Very interesting to look at - the colors really pop. I love the overblown highlights on the rose. Good job.
Mistery rose
02/03/2003 01:28:09 AM
Mistery rose
by deadbird

Comment by Ziggy:
Nice lighting, and is a beautiful photo! The smoke is putting something into the space. I like it!
Timesquare in Electrocity
02/02/2003 09:32:47 PM
Timesquare in Electrocity
by deadbird

Comment by johnny_justjohnny:
somebody else this week took a shot of their chip against a cloth background, i like this one better, showing it in its natureal environment. great grain on the chip, nice macro.
Waiting for the bus
02/01/2003 10:36:13 PM
Waiting for the bus
by deadbird

Comment by ClubJuggle:
*Critique Club*

FIRST IMPRESSION: This shot is a bit bland in my opinion. It's mostly grey and lacks the contrast necessary to draw out your main subject. Also, this image lacks anything to hold the viewer's interest.

CHALLENGE: Meets the challenge.

COMPOSITION: It might have been nice to see evidence of a bus stop along with the sign... people waiting, a bus shelter, etc.

TECHNICAL: There is not enough contrast in this image to draw out your subject. If there is more light at this location at a different time of day (yes I know you're in Iceland, so there might not be), it may have benefitted you to shoot then. Otherwise, a conversion to b/w and pumping up the contrast might have benefitted you. I feel the b/w might help since your background is colurful and competes with the main subject.

CONCLUSION: This is a subject with potential, but overall not one of the most exciting shots this week. Overall, the shots that score best are the ones that seem to have a purpose above and beyond the challenge itself.

Thanks for sharing and good luck in future challenges!
Timesquare in Electrocity
02/01/2003 03:35:18 AM
Timesquare in Electrocity
by deadbird

Comment by paully2k1:
i think a wider DOF would've been better
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Showing 191 - 200 of ~217

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