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Registered Userlarry595

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Comments Received by larry595
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Image Comment
09/17/2006 05:46:42 PM
by larry595

Comment by ambaker:
Critique Club Review:

Looks like most of the issues have already been covered by the other commenters, but I want to add my voice in a couple of areas.

Size matters, size matters, size matters. (Read book once where it said, say it three times and people will remember it.) Take advantage of the photo size and file size rules. Send every pixel and kilobye allowed. Over compressed jpegs wind up showing artifacts and squiggly things that you didn't put there. Small photos are harder to see, hide lack of focus and imperfections, and voters being the conspiracy theorists that they are; suspect that you are out to hide something and vote accordingly.

From what I can tell, focus is good. I would suggest darkening the backround or adjusting the light to hide the highlight to the left of the dog. It is a little distracting. Color saturation and hue are good. I would suggest also finding a friend with one less foot, or and axe, or probably the easiest having (s)he stand a bit to the right so as to be out of the frame. (Sorry a bit silly today.)

Overall I like the picture. My dog has a tendency to do the same. Unfortunately he bit the postman, so we are waiting to see what the price on that shall be. irakly is right, this would make a good post card, or greeting card. Nice first effort. Just remember size, Size, SIZE! Get that detail to us.
09/12/2006 01:16:24 PM
by larry595

Comment by klie0500:
Picture needs to be a little larger. Cute dog. I don't know that I understand the title, fetch.
09/11/2006 11:23:05 PM
by larry595

Comment by irakly:
could be a good postcard if you retouch someone's foot on the right, but this is not a successful entry in this contest.
09/10/2006 04:08:12 PM
by larry595

Comment by jrjr:
Great photo, but you really hurt yourself by not submitting the largest file size that you are allowed. Look in the forums and tutorials on how to size photos to enter. 7
09/10/2006 12:00:23 PM
by larry595

Comment by red_gecko:
Great Capture, great lighting but the photo itself is WAY too small. Make sure you use all the pixels allowed (640) for the largest photo possible.
09/10/2006 02:22:40 AM
by larry595

Comment by Photologist:
A larger resize of the image would have resulted in a larger score.
09/10/2006 12:10:45 AM
by larry595

Comment by elmomarie:
it's kinda small, but i like it.
09/09/2006 08:28:58 PM
by larry595

Comment by oneredstar:
It is really difficult to judge the quality of a photo when it is so small. I do like the crop on this photo, and it seems to be focused well, but again it is hard to tell with its size.
09/08/2006 08:03:50 AM
by larry595

Comment by whitewolf:
Cute pup! Wish photo was bigger!
09/07/2006 04:36:48 PM
by larry595

Comment by Siggav:
Very small photo. Nicely composed but too small.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~17

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