baby's joyby
tremeComment by Annida: Hello from the Critique Club!
Heya treme,
My first impression of this photo was, "Cute! Very very very cute!" It definitely fits the challenge as a cliche photo!
I like the look of the baby, she looks very very joyful and happy, which is important to relay the message you are trying to give through the photo which you achieved well there. Other ways you could have achieved that, were by brightening up the photo a bit more. Perhaps making sure the letters at the bottom of the picture showed more "Thank heaven for _____(?) girls" The mess around her lips just adds to the beauty of the photo, in my opinion.
Technically, you could have added more natural light around the subject, and perhaps try putting half a finger in front of the flash to reduce the glare on the back left beside the baby's head. Another good thing would have been to not crop out the top of her head! More stuff you could have done was to put a soft coloured material behind her to make sure you catch the glare from the flash going off. The sparkle in her eyes is good, as it adds a lot of life to it! Try a bit of experimentation and messing around with levels, curves and the saturations in photoshop or whatever program you use, because that is a good way to learn.
She's very cute, and I'm sure she's the joy in your life, well done on your cliche shot, I hope to see more of your work in the future.
Message edited by author 2003-02-13 03:41:38.