Rainbow at Inaghby
seanmcfotoComment by seanmcfoto: Thanks for all your comments. I've been very busy recently and was absolutely delighted to see such a wealth of comments
This really is my favourite photograph.
Some answers to questions not asked:
This is the west of Ireland (about an hours drive from my house), not Scotland, although I am looking forward to going there next month!
No HDR, this is a single image. I've used a 3 stop Grad ND filter on front of the lens. Needed constant cleaning from the spray, more than one shot was ruined by spray on the filter!
As to saturation, yep probably a little saturated, but that usually helps rather than hinders in competition. Muted tones tend not to do so well (just an observation).
Someone mentioned the image was soft, and I have to say that the preview here does look a little soft. The original isn't, and I resized with Bicubic Sharper, so it should be as sharp here. Maybe it's something in the php conversion.. I'll watch out for it in future.
One final thing.. I never made the connection with the tree and the rainbows end! Thanks!