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Registered Userpogomcl

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Comments Received by pogomcl
Showing 21 - 30 of ~34
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frogs in love
01/03/2007 12:31:34 PM
frogs in love
by pogomcl

Comment by SAhmed1022:
a bit off focus?
frogs in love
01/03/2007 11:23:51 AM
frogs in love
by pogomcl

Comment by pamelasue:
lots of distracting elements here ... the blown highlights outside ... the curtains, window frame ... also not very sharp ...
frogs in love
01/03/2007 05:42:16 AM
frogs in love
by pogomcl

Comment by dcl53:
Might be my screen, or my eyes, that the out-pf-focus foreground frogs detract from the main subject. How would this look with a shallow depth of field, bringing thehearts & bottle into focus and the background window softly blurred?
12/03/2006 02:41:54 PM
by pogomcl

Comment by ursula:
I think the idea is good here, the reflection in the glass of wine is intriguing. I am not sure what the apple has to do with the wine, and the picture doesn't make it clear. I think, for the image to work better, it would be best to not have such a busy background (both the tablecloth and the courtain), it's too much to absorb, and it really takes away from the best part of the image, which is the reflection in the glass of wine. ~6
12/01/2006 10:30:52 PM
by pogomcl

Comment by Spizzer:
Good idea, but the lighting is very subject unfriendly. The curtain in the back is too bright almost making it the subject. If you had put it on a continuous sheet of white paper and lit it from the lower left, the shadows could have created your diagonals, and the subject would have been lit. This can all be done with the window lighting. You don't need artificial.
12/01/2006 03:32:44 PM
by pogomcl

Comment by jasonlprice:
It is too busy for me, I think the background and table cloth distract from the subject. Speaking of the subject, there is just not enough definition to it.
12/01/2006 12:19:54 PM
by pogomcl

Comment by h2:
lacks of contrast, lighting is flat, different decors take away form the main subjects. try single colored cloth next time
12/01/2006 08:23:02 AM
by pogomcl

Comment by A Shrubbery:
Lack of interest
11/30/2006 07:36:25 PM
by pogomcl

Comment by oijulia:
Where's diagonal?
11/29/2006 04:15:18 PM
by pogomcl

Comment by Ann:
While there are some lines in the placemat that go diagonally, the main lines in the composition (glass, curtains) are all strongly vertical. Also, all of the light comes from the back, and it looks like the apple is sitting in the dark.
Showing 21 - 30 of ~34

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