Guitarist dreamingby
jeromeComment by LalliSig: Greetings from the critique club :)
Well I didn´t vote in this challenge but I probably would have given it a 4. Most of that would have been attributed to the image quality of this photo and then also a weak tie to the challenge theme.
I noticed you are new here at DPC and you really need to take away any and all doubt of the voter that the image was shot specifically for this challenge and that it meets it head on. To me and probably most of the voters, it kindof seems you just took a photo you liked and slapped a title on it to make it fit the challenge. That is almost always a sure way to score poorly here.
In regards of the image quality, I notice you wrote "Photo shown as is." I hope you don´t have anything against post processing, if you do and you want to be successful as a photographer you need to change that attitude pretty much right now. Maybe I am reading too much into that sentance but I get this vibe from a lot of people who are just starting out with photography.
Try shooting this in raw format next time and use a raw converter to tweak the white balance to a more neutral color (I find the shot to have way too warm tones in it, the guys skin color is too orange and in my experience you need to adjust the WB to somewhere around 3200-4000 kelvin for concert photos, most of the time) Also boost the contrast and sharpen the image and you would be set with under a minute of post processing. If you feel like this is "cheating" from the integrity of the photo, let me just point out to you that everything that is possible in photoshop has been possible to do in the film darkroom for decades, only difference is you get an undo button in photoshop.
Kind regards from Iceland, Lárus.