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Registered Userbillsweeneyjr

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Comments Received by billsweeneyjr
Showing 1 - 7 of ~7
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sundown on the ridge
04/29/2003 09:32:54 AM
sundown on the ridge
by billsweeneyjr

Comment by jmsetzler:
Greetings from the Critique Club :)

Hi Bill...

Meeting the challenge:

Definitely... sunrise/sunsets often show very beautiful elements of weather like cloud formations and nice atmospheric colors. Interestingly enough, pollution helps create some interesting sunrises and sunsets also :)

Emotional/Artistic Impact:

I think your color in this photo is probably the key. The blue and pink hues in the sky are saturated nicely and create a lot of color interest for me. I believe it needs some extras to improve this area and I will mention those in the Composition comments...


I think this photo could be stronger it two ways. 1 - there is nothing interesting in the foreground. I would have possibly framed this differently to cut out some of the foreground and include more sky. I would have probably included MORE of the telephone poles and wires on the right to create somethign of interest in the image besides the color. The horizon itself doesn't offer any particularly interesting shapes and contrasts in the image, so these poles could offer that extra 'rural' element that could make this photo stronger in the long run.


I don't see anything to comment on here for the technical aspects of the photo. The exposure looks good and the color saturation is fine as well. There is good sharpness and the overall image definition is fine...

Keep up the good work :)

John Setzler
sundown on the ridge
04/20/2003 12:20:41 PM
sundown on the ridge
by billsweeneyjr

Comment by cannonshooter:
telephone poles are distracting on the right edge. Not much to hold interest in the image not enough color, clouds(weather) and the dark nothing of the siloute area is not interesting either. Good concept, try again....
sundown on the ridge
04/17/2003 05:39:22 AM
sundown on the ridge
by billsweeneyjr

Comment by kiwiness:
Very good image, although I would have prefered less darkness at the bottom and more sky.
sundown on the ridge
04/17/2003 12:54:33 AM
sundown on the ridge
by billsweeneyjr

Comment by ruthiek:
Nice photo -- I think it might be a bit more effective, though, if you cropped out some of the black in the foreground so that the setting (rising?) sun had more focus.
sundown on the ridge
04/15/2003 03:48:38 PM
sundown on the ridge
by billsweeneyjr

Comment by helgihelgi:
Cropping out most of the ground plus the pole on the right would've made it a bit better.
sundown on the ridge
04/15/2003 02:40:24 PM
sundown on the ridge
by billsweeneyjr

Comment by Fiver:
Wow, what colours. I think if you moved the horizon the the lower third and cut out the first telephone pole it would look all that much better.
sundown on the ridge
04/14/2003 02:08:58 PM
sundown on the ridge
by billsweeneyjr

Comment by Becky:
I like the lighting in this photo.
Showing 1 - 7 of ~7

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