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Comments Received by scarlet
Showing 21 - 30 of ~47
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What happens in Vegas.. should stay in Vegas
04/13/2007 09:59:12 PM
What happens in Vegas.. should stay in Vegas
by scarlet

Comment by olukannibo:
It lacks detail and needs more emotion.
What happens in Vegas.. should stay in Vegas
04/13/2007 07:21:05 PM
What happens in Vegas.. should stay in Vegas
04/13/2007 03:42:12 PM
What happens in Vegas.. should stay in Vegas
by scarlet

Comment by JunieMoon:
Funny. Really laughed when I saw this one. Looks like you were being naughty, but fun.
What happens in Vegas.. should stay in Vegas
04/13/2007 02:44:09 AM
What happens in Vegas.. should stay in Vegas
by scarlet

Comment by klstover:
It definitely looks like it should... heh! I think you did a good job with the lighting. I can believe you took this at night. However I feel like the vibrancy and energy which the subjects are displaying contradict a little with the peaceful feel of what I think of as "night". Perhaps desaturated would have helped decrease the energy a little bit.
What happens in Vegas.. should stay in Vegas
04/12/2007 07:01:52 PM
What happens in Vegas.. should stay in Vegas
by scarlet

Comment by indridistefans:
It is a fun moment, but as far as I am concerned it should have stayed in Vegas. Sorry it is a DNMC for me.
What happens in Vegas.. should stay in Vegas
04/12/2007 03:56:54 PM
What happens in Vegas.. should stay in Vegas
by scarlet

Comment by fireserpent:
Ok... this is just wrong LOL
What happens in Vegas.. should stay in Vegas
04/12/2007 12:08:44 AM
What happens in Vegas.. should stay in Vegas
04/12/2007 12:02:28 AM
What happens in Vegas.. should stay in Vegas
04/11/2007 11:52:01 PM
What happens in Vegas.. should stay in Vegas
04/11/2007 10:59:30 PM
What happens in Vegas.. should stay in Vegas
by scarlet

Comment by Dirt_Diver:
OMG you should not have put this online.
Showing 21 - 30 of ~47

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