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Registered UserNameNick

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Comments Received by NameNick
Showing 11 - 20 of ~23
Image Comment
05/05/2007 04:44:51 AM
by NameNick

Comment by Bud:
Excellent - the colors and framing are great.
Vintage Camera
05/05/2007 12:50:59 AM
Vintage Camera
by NameNick

Comment by taterbug:
Greetings from the critique club :-)

So this is your entry for the 'Rule of Thirds' challenge. The shot fits the challenge, as I see it. The subject is placed on the right thirds line. The technicals look ok here. Exposure is ok. The camera is in focus, although a touch of sharpening in post probably wouldn't hurt.

So, meets the challenge, and is technically sound, but the image seems to have scored a little on the low side. I can talk about a few things that, in my opinion may be holding this photo back. First thing is, just the overall presentation that strikes me as the photo opens. It is pretty much just a straight forward shot of a camera on a tripod. The tripod, and hanging straps are 'cut off' in the frame, as are the people and elements in the background. Although the background is blurred out, isolating the camera with the narrow dof, it still doesn't seem to really be supporting the image, and seems a little 'cluttered'. And the tones in the background just are too close, and don't allow the camera to 'pop'. And I find the red shirt of the lady, being this bright splash of color in the whole frame, to really be pulling my eye away from the actual subject. The colorful film label tries to pull me back to the camera, but the red shirt is just powerful competition for the viewers attention. So, as a viewer, I find that I look at this and get a feeling of ok, this is exactly what I would see if I was just standing here looking at the scene. As a viewer, I just don't find it stimulating at all, there is no stand out of perspective, point of view, color, light, texture, emotion, subject, anything to really grab me, to pull me in, to connect with.

So what could one do differently in this situation? Perhaps a more dynamic point of view, a different angle than just eye level, straight on. Maybe choosing a framing/angle where the background doesn't compete at all, and allows for complete isolation of the subject or complements and adds to the overall image. Maybe getting in a little closer, showing off the subject more. In other words, make the photo something that anyone wouldn't just typically see if they were just standing there. Try to think, what is there about this camera or this scene that makes you want to photograph it? Why does it grab your attention? Then try to transfer that to the image and make the audience feel it, or see it like you do.

So overall, this is not a terrible shot by any means, IMO, just needs some dynamics, some 'oomph' to stand out. Believe me, this is not bad at all for a first entry here at DPC. Heck, you should see mine! hehehe
Welcome aboard, and have fun. If you have any questions, or comments or anything, please feel free to contact me.

happy shooting,
taterbug :-)
05/04/2007 01:04:13 PM
by NameNick

Comment by ryecr:
I like the lighting
05/03/2007 04:37:41 PM
by NameNick

Comment by jsc9306:
05/03/2007 11:33:25 AM
by NameNick

Comment by RolandB:
You might consider a tigher crop. Great capture and lighting.
05/02/2007 01:17:07 PM
by NameNick

Comment by lovethelight:
Really cool lighting, live photo? Cool capture
05/01/2007 10:18:58 PM
by NameNick

Comment by adeldegan:
I am not fond of the mic covering the girls face.
05/01/2007 08:23:20 PM
by NameNick

Comment by jblaylockrayner:
Great set - Like the lighting.
05/01/2007 05:49:16 PM
by NameNick

Comment by citymars:
Great colors, interesting subject. I assume this is from a performance of some kind, my only quibble is that it seems as if you are standing in the same spot for all photos -- which makes sense, but it might have been nice, for example, to catch the guy in the bottom left panel turning and facing the other direction. Still, a high score from me!
05/01/2007 12:53:20 AM
by NameNick

Comment by levyj413:
Interesting lighting.
Showing 11 - 20 of ~23

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