As round as she can go!by
cloud9Comment by zeuszen: The photo seems overly manipulated (\"pushed\") without achieving a satisfying \"external\" aesthetic. Items, in the background, remain sufficiently lighted for a conspicuous ambiguity. The edge of the frame or table top (foreground) is overexposed, rendering a distraction. Framing and composition, too, are awquard (almost corner to corner > bottom left - cut off > bottom right). The subject is centred, which might be justified for an object with an entirely \"contained' dynamic and without the given larger perspective (beyond the foreground rectangle). There's also a fair amount of noise in the photo, likely due to post processing.
Despite all these apparent flaws, the capture itself is remarkable. Apart from the astounding physical feat presented here, the subject's concentration and discipline are clearly caught. The timing of the shot, also, is marvellous (note the left hand and fingers and the perfectly tuned light on this detail).
I could imagine intending to incorporate \"some\" of this capture's flaws to place the photo within the context of an old pictorial from far-away lands... (or to hide an all to obvious talent). Still, the application of such artifacts here, if in fact there is one, is excessive. > 6