Barefoot and
egambleComment by karmat: CRITIQUE CLUB CRITIUQUE
by karmat
You have received a lot of feedback on this, as I thought you would. Also, now that I read that it is tomato sauce, it *looks* like tomato sauce. Perhaps if it were in black and white, or almost completley desaturated that might make it look less fake.
Yes, this picture is disturbing. Largely so. But, um, aren't most crime scenes, especially violent ones?
Do I want to look at this picture? Is it pretty? Is it emotionally appealing? Um, no. But, then violent crime isn't.
Is the "blood" excessive? Yes, but, for heaven's sake, she has just "committed" murder and suicide. I don't think that would be really neat and tidy, now would it?
It is a depressing, hopeless, stark, distressing, unreal, smacked in the face kind of picture. The challenge was crime scene, what were people expecting?
The surreal colors, the stark contrast, the gritty focus (all things I would normally comment on to "correct") add to the overall effect of the shot. You may not have scored well, but you didn't score well for all the right reasons.