Lovers Quoby
CocoladComment: Thanks guys, nice feedback.
To the Bmilne and SonnieJack;
i can see where your coming from and Muckpond has also said, about the blending, i couldnt help that as when i took the shot it was dark to begin with,
also i mentioned about the resolution, which im standing by the reason for its graininess.
I prefer emotion to sensless snaps, i prefer to take time to put work up, hence why i have so few images up.
to ChromeyDome, i find it kind but funny that youd give me an award, as i have done photography for a year at AS level.
Alls well that ends well, im thankful for all this feedback, negative or not.
I believe your helping me to clean my errors.
Message edited by author 2009-07-01 12:10:13.