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Registered UserDiscoVader

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Comments Made by DiscoVader
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A spoonful of honey makes the medicine go down
06/10/2011 02:58:35 PM
A spoonful of honey makes the medicine go down
by Bensted

Your concept is fantastic, I wish I liked your shot better. I don't care for your lighting. I think the table detracts both in color, texture, angles, shadow (far left), and in contrast with the wall. The medicine of choice was good, but I think that bottle is far too busy for this shot. Also, you can't see enough of the spoon for it to be clear that that is what it is at a glance. Again, I love your concept, and I think your glass/honey/lemon combo is great. Scored high.
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Mom, He is hiding in the fridge again
05/27/2011 10:48:02 AM
Mom, He is hiding in the fridge again
by DigiFotoBuddy

My favorite of the challenge. Perfect framing, focus, lighting. Your photo tells a great story! Well done.
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You should see my freezer!
05/25/2011 09:42:40 AM
You should see my freezer!
by jjbeguin

Sorry, I don't get it. Trying to figure out how this relates to the challenge and the title was not enough of a clue.
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red lantern
05/23/2011 11:54:26 PM
red lantern
by tigerluong

Cropping doesn't work for me on this one. I feel like I need to see just a little more a the bottom, and probably on the right as well. Also, nothing appears to be in focus, and I find it difficult to get past that.
Natural Glory
05/23/2011 11:54:21 PM
Natural Glory
by anabil43

Nice bokeh. Unfortunately your subject is oof and I can't get past that as your shot seems to really call for an in focus subject.
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05/23/2011 11:54:04 PM
by jjbeguin

I can't tell if anything is in focus, but it doesn't seem like it to me. Also, I don't understand why you included the road and across the street in shadow at the top. The white dashes painted on the road are the most dominant feature in the photo to my eye.
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Cattails are wetland plants with a unique flowering spike
05/23/2011 11:53:59 PM
Cattails are wetland plants with a unique flowering spike
by whiterook

I wish you cropped a little bit more at the top, the structure(s) up there is very distracting. Also, I love cattails, but I can't make out any of the flowering spikes in your shot. Sharper focus would help as well.
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05/23/2011 11:53:49 PM
by LostMind

I like the idea and title here a lot. Unfortunately the shot is too flat, dark, and out of focus. If you got the flower to pop somehow I think this would have been a really good one.
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Flowers at the spring
05/23/2011 11:53:44 PM
Flowers at the spring
by genova24

Ah, I wish your shot was better in focus.
Purple Trillium
05/23/2011 11:53:37 PM
Purple Trillium
by mainer

The shot comes off looking very flat in an unappealing way to me. Also, the stem on the right is too dominant, taking focus away from the bloom. Speaking of focus, the shot seems oof to me, it certainly doesn't pop.
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