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Registered Userltl_quail

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Comments Made by ltl_quail
Showing 1 - 10 of ~14
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Fire your imagination
01/14/2008 07:16:33 AM
Fire your imagination
by alavattam

I can't believe this shot did not score higher! This was my ten! I love the colours but yeah It must be too artsy. Well done!
I Have the Sniffles
11/29/2006 05:01:51 AM
I Have the Sniffles
by cheegirl

This is just hilarious and so cute! May have benefited from a little more exposure as the fur seems slightly too grey for me. other than that well done!
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Tilted Reed
11/29/2006 05:01:47 AM
Tilted Reed
by TonyT

Very nice composition colours are nice too. I think this shot may have benefited from a slightly sharper focus on the front reed
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Boat House
11/29/2006 01:56:43 AM
Boat House
by dv_rock

I really like this shot the bright coloured house really wants to stand out however the UFO in the sky is kind of distracting. This same shot made with a few clouds in the sky would be very nice also a tighter crop might help the red house stand out more
another day end in my life
11/29/2006 01:47:00 AM
another day end in my life
by whiterook

I feel this shot would have had more impact if the horizon was level and just the beach was on the diagonal.
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T---------------------------------------------------------------------------- P
11/29/2006 01:17:39 AM
T---------------------------------------------------------------------------- P
by Ivo

Wow! I cant believe this shot didnt at least make the top 10. This was my favourite shot of the challenge and one of only 2 I gave a 10. Well done. It really fits the challenge well and I get a real feeling of awe when I look at it. Composition and lighting are superb.
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Green Hot Chilly Pepper
09/07/2005 08:11:24 PM
Green Hot Chilly Pepper
by MihaiCiobanu

Nice but I would have liked if you could have positioned the chilli so the whole thing was lit by the sun to make it stand out. The bottom half in shadow takes away from the shot
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"Bird's eye view"
09/07/2005 08:06:47 PM
"Bird's eye view"
by bpcardona

Nice idea but the lack of contrast between the branch in the foreground and the backround of trees doesn't work. Maybe by getting up higher and having the branch against the water as a backround would have helped.
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Who Took My Branch Away....!  HELP!!!
09/07/2005 07:58:38 PM
Who Took My Branch Away....! HELP!!!
by Judi

Wow this is a funny shot. Just the expression on the parrots face cracks me up. The shadows around the cat are a bit distracting though.
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09/07/2005 07:53:16 PM
by Pug-H

I really enjoy this shot. Nice Composition and the contrast not only between the branch and backgroung but the static and moving dragonfly sets it off well.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~14

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