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Comments Made by rathomas
Showing 1 - 10 of ~11
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Hit & Run
08/08/2012 10:41:11 AM
Hit & Run
by mefnj

An then I read the title... oh wow!
Hit & Run
08/08/2012 10:40:26 AM
Hit & Run
by mefnj

I think any vote below a 4 should require explanation on this site! This is photo got my attention for over ten minutes! There is a marking below the eye, almost looks like a wound as well as what loos like blood above the eyelid. The strong local contrast makes the hair look like small porcupine quills. The animal must be lying down in this shot (from your reflection in the eye), which adds a feeling of submission. I cant help pointing out an interesting and often overlook functional pattern in nature: hair follicles have such a per-determined flow, especially around the eye. Your photo does a great job showing this detail.

Message edited by author 2012-08-08 10:42:05.
08/08/2012 10:20:42 AM
by rathomas

posthumous, Thank you!
Cry For Help
07/10/2012 10:22:33 PM
Cry For Help
by alanlawrence

Why is this disqualified, where the second place finisher is not?
3AM Beach Candid
06/12/2012 11:19:51 AM
3AM Beach Candid
by rathomas

Thanks everyone for the comments! Yes, it really was 3AM. I had actually started getting ready for bed, but I had that stir-crazy feeling where I didn't think I could sleep. So, I decided to ride my bike down to the beach bars near our house in hopes of finding some interesting late night subects. I got down there at 1 AM, had a couple beers at my favorite spot. It is one of those images that I got exactly what I was hoping for. Its not uncommon for a couple to be out at the beach after a long night of drinking, but it sure IS uncommon for them to stand almost exactly still for 30sec while the shutter is open. Since the lens I was using is a prime 50mm I had to get very close to the couple. The whole experiences gave me that eerie feeling that you get, when you feel like you shouldn't be something but decide do it anyway! It was a intense, because I didn't them see me or know what I was up to. I am sure many folks had similar experiences while taking a photo.

This image brings me right back to that intense moment. its certainly a person favorite, which is probably more related to the experience than the image itself. Thanks again for the helpful comments!

Seneca Road
05/16/2012 12:36:52 AM
Seneca Road
by gzupruk

Great attention to position / composition at the time of the shot. Were you riding as a passenger in a moving car? I'm guessing so, from the slight motion blur. Really like this. I grew up ski racing and it is a window into what you see going down a course.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Must Break the Cycle
05/09/2012 11:30:46 PM
Must Break the Cycle
by rathomas

Thanks guys! Your feedback is helpful and much appreciated.
fine print
05/09/2012 11:22:31 PM
fine print
by doremi

I thought this was one of the stronger shots in this round. Great Job!
Photographer found comment helpful.
Woody's into Heavy Metal
05/09/2012 04:04:50 AM
Woody's into Heavy Metal
by Lydia

I saw one of those curvy metal pieces (not the spring) out by some train tracks last weekend. I thought it was some random part to a train, but it must be a more common part that it used in the tracks. Weird. Deja-vu!
Photographer found comment helpful.
05/09/2012 04:01:12 AM
by rathomas

Thanks for the comments guys. @Tiny - Actually, I was thinking that the straight bits can be twisted with the right wrench. :)
Showing 1 - 10 of ~11

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