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Registered Usersteventhewriter

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Comments Made by steventhewriter
Showing 1 - 10 of ~87
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Time Is Money
03/18/2004 08:45:20 PM
Time Is Money
by zmaerd

Very cool idea, but sorry to nitpick...the fifth quarter from the left is titled a bit! I know this probably took a long time but it's kind of distracting.
Lasers through the Trees
03/18/2004 08:44:37 PM
Lasers through the Trees
by Bupu

This was done extremely well. I was thinking people might do it and mess up, but the exposure is perfect.
Photographer found comment helpful.
To the Stars
03/18/2004 08:43:10 PM
To the Stars1st Place
by Paulk

Wow, this is a beautiful photograph. Really, really good. I'm extremely impressed.
Photographer found comment helpful.
in the fresh snow
03/18/2004 08:41:14 PM
in the fresh snow
by nordic

This would be a cool idea, but the lines aren't parallel...
The Viagra Experiment
03/13/2004 11:10:00 PM
The Viagra Experiment
by Louison

Haha, this is a very funny shot and very well done. It's got a somewhat "naughty" topic but it's done with class. I like it!
Photographer found comment helpful.
03/13/2004 11:06:27 PM
by hugo

I don't think this really fits the theme...and no offense, but the expression on the model's face isn't the most attractive...
Silent Victory
03/10/2004 03:16:54 PM
Silent Victory
by steventhewriter

Thanks guys, now that I look at it, it wouldn't do a very good job of conveying silence without the title and all. But I gonzo, I wish you'd said something a little more helpful or maybe less rude. Thanks everyone else!
Forever Silence
03/09/2004 03:00:00 PM
Forever Silence
by lightpro1

I think this picture could have been done a lot better. It's very small, and seems to be focused on two headstones. The problem is that this makes the focal point right in the middle, which is confusing. My suggestions would be to expand it and include a lot more headstones in the shot.
Shhhhh!!!!!!  My Brother Is Sleeping
03/09/2004 02:58:53 PM
Shhhhh!!!!!! My Brother Is Sleeping
by rachelp

Haha this is a cute shot. I like the colors, but the lopsided view is a little distracting.
Bright Stillness
03/09/2004 02:58:09 PM
Bright Stillness
by swisskiss

I wish this shot had been done better, because it's good as is and could be really cool. I see three problems. First, the flare around the light is a little bright. Also, that little box at the base of the streetlamp is distracting. Finally, the background is pitch black. I would have liked to see it better.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~87

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