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Registered UserStefanJSimons

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Comments Made by StefanJSimons
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Showing 151 - 160 of ~190
Image Comment
01/06/2013 08:38:45 AM
by MarioPierre

ouch. (8)
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Writing Implement
01/06/2013 08:37:45 AM
Writing Implement
by jaysonmc

Nice tones, well lit. nicely framed. A bit static for a type writer, perhaps if one of the armatures were in missing, or in motion then that might bring a nice but dead image to life. (8)
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01/06/2013 08:35:08 AM
by IAmEliKatz

Nice rhythm, very cool idea, don't think grey scale does it any favours though, a hint of colour could have gone a long way here. It's not exactly square, but its so close to square it looks like youve tried and come up short. I'd suggest in the least rotating so the most level line is the bottom of the image as it sits I feel the pencils want to roll off the left hand side of the frame. (8)
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Just The Tip
01/06/2013 08:31:55 AM
Just The Tip
by tpbremer

nicely captured, I would have prefered to see the part where it intersects with the unsharpened shaft though. The geometry as it is leads the viewer out the bottom of the page never to return.
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01/06/2013 08:29:52 AM
by mitalapo

The image has a nice basic geometry in the elements and I love the irony of the colour 'dissonance'. I feel this would have worked better as a full depth of field image. Also I no need to go green red and blue two colours would have done the job. +1 for the Humour. (8)
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Carpenter Pencils
01/06/2013 08:26:50 AM
Carpenter Pencils
by glad2badad

Nice picure, I could easily see this in a catalouge in the DIY section. Nice excecution of a well visualised image.
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Write me a rainbow
01/06/2013 08:25:34 AM
Write me a rainbow1st Place
by h2

best capture of a pencil, sharpest detail most interesting lighting, water drop adds no value here for me, I'd have given the image a 10 without the water. (9)
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small talk
01/06/2013 08:22:47 AM
small talk
by PennyStreet

A good picture captures the viewer. I foundmyself looking at this one for allot longer than any other in this challange. Iphone is of course a writing implement of the new age what got me stuck was the etch A Sketch, until it dawned on me its a cover :D message could have been a something a bit more emotive, the colour treatment doesn't enhance the image, the cropping inclused a few objects of unknown type. +2 for stopping me in my tracks while voting. (9)
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Sometimes the pen needs be backed by the sword
01/06/2013 08:19:36 AM
Sometimes the pen needs be backed by the sword
by mefnj

Nicely captured, interestingly lit, treatment is in keeping with the content and +1 for the great title. (9)
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Lost Art
01/06/2013 08:18:17 AM
Lost Art
by tvsometime

Nice detail of the nib, for me this would be a better image without the shadow. (9)
Photographer found comment helpful.
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Showing 151 - 160 of ~190

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