h a t e - unchecked
SherwinJamesComment: I find the content to be a bit Inappropriate,and somewhat offensive..
BUT !This is in no way ANY kind of
personal criticism of or at the photographer Dr. Jeuss or his skill as a photographer technically. "I think he has shot some brilliant stuff".
I just feel you could have captured and represented the essence of HATE in SO many ways,(still using THIS CONTENT),but without stuffing it in peoples faces...as such.
Are you not just showing the RESULT of hate, or the consequences of it.?
Where is the Instigator/s of this action( Direct or Indirect)Who truly encapsulates the ugliness of HATE..should they not be part of the composition/content,and the "result" of hate maybe more of a background to it, if you are going to use such a Strong Image.
FOR EXAMPLE- (and a simplified one at that)
A young girl,at school,is the target of someone/s HATE and is constantly being teased,tormented,beaten up,religious persecution, whatever it may be.... and is at her whits end..
You could show;- (again,just a crude example of content etc,no more..)
1.- A young girl facing the camera(same distance from it),with very much the same expression on her face as "h a t e - unchecked", with her tormentors in the background and out of focus (so as not to busy the shot to much),part way through there session of HATE upon her. which could show the WHAT And the WHY of HATE, along with the results of it.
2.- OR an EVEN stronger image if you must ,having her out of focus somewhat,in the background,up on a chair with a rope/noose in her hand or already around her neck,trying to tie it to a spot up high that is JUST out of reach for her hight,with her tormentors still mocking her in the foreground etc.
OR "To stir some emotion or feeling in an audience" as you said.
3.- A young girl behind a school lunch shed or maybe under a school desk with a razor blade to her wrist,and the same look on her face as "h a t e - unchecked".
(Am i looking at the end of a story and not THE story.)
I just feel you MAY have gone for Number 3. and left out some VERY important content as a bit of a cheap way to..."To stir some emotion or feeling in an audience" ?.
I mean no offense by this post, but as my FIRST post EVER since I registered in 2004 !!!-(And no I have NEVER participated in a challenge yet Because I still don't think I'm technically "there" yet..Oh and no credit card to pay for a "full" membership LoL)I feel I needed to say the above and this includes having a brother do or have done to him what is depicted....BTW sorry for such a L o n g post everyone. :(