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Registered UserCaeclyd

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Comments Made by Caeclyd
Showing 1 - 10 of ~15
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pushing daisys
05/25/2008 06:22:29 AM
pushing daisys
by kmtregoe

Lighting looks a bit flat. Artificial turf should heve been used instead of the hardwood floor.
on the staircase
05/25/2008 06:20:02 AM
on the staircase
by nabusl

The shot looks a bit fuzzy to be. Camera shake?
04/03/2008 03:20:28 PM
by sabphoto


A little motion blur in photoshop and you couldn't tell the difference!.....and add some contrails :-)
Photographer found comment helpful.
Hawk trainer
02/20/2008 12:58:10 AM
Hawk trainer
by Caeclyd

Thanks for some of the comments. I had taken some F15's that day but they did not convey a sense of speed. For those who may be interested here is the original shot //www.pbase.com/caeclyd/image/92639391

Message edited by author 2008-02-20 00:58:49.
02/08/2008 06:16:04 PM
by Caeclyd

Originally posted by talj:

Excellent shot, love how you have caught the light on the jet which really makes it stand out. You're pretty damn good at these!

Thanks. The F15 was flying through a dark valley. There is a gap between the hills where the sun shines through and for a couple of seconds the aircraft is lit up as in this case. I normally take an exposure reading off the side of the hill that is in the sun and leave the camera settings on manual. The trouble is if there are any clouds I have to keep checking the meter.
12/23/2007 01:14:29 AM
by Caeclyd

Originally posted by macrothing:

Nice capture. Shame the background couldn't be straightened.

You have got to be kidding me :-0 LOL
This is a side of a mountain. The aircraft is making it's approach through a valley.
12/22/2007 03:21:48 PM
by scooter88

What a fantastic shot. I like the pose and the lighting.
Photographer found comment helpful.
12/22/2007 11:54:54 AM
by hanneke

Originally posted by Mr_Pants:

I love the lighting and the composition here, but I feel that the lighting on the right forearm spoils the effect, as it brings out too much texture and makes the forearm and hand look a lot less feminine.

Strange. That's what I saw in this otherwise well taken shot
Photographer found comment helpful.
Doomsday Power Conspiracy
05/15/2006 05:05:38 AM
Doomsday Power Conspiracy3rd Place
by Tallbloke

What a great photo. I have been trying to get lightening for years. We never seem to get any decent storms where I live. Just a few rumbles of thunder in the next valley !

Photographer found comment helpful.
Things Weren't So Rosy in the 30's
02/16/2005 03:10:13 PM
Things Weren't So Rosy in the 30's2nd Place
by Kylie

" cloned out some background clutter on the left"

Um I thought cloning was a No No ?
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~15

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