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Registered Usertshanhon

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Comments Made by tshanhon
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Image Comment
02/15/2006 03:52:36 AM
by tshanhon

actually before i join in, i knew theres going to be a hooha..

i went ahead in spirit of wanting to share what i thought is not a common sight/practice in the western world..a shot thats in fact not much seen ard hereabouts. something interesting deviating from the usual 'photographic get-up', mountains, seas, streets, models.. etc etc

just glad some viewers found it interesting, in spite all the 'gold coins and the trinklets' flurry all ard it haha

Message edited by author 2006-02-15 03:53:37.
The Darth Invasion
01/04/2006 02:19:46 AM
The Darth Invasion
by tshanhon

in case anyone is wondering, this shot can ONLY be taken in my hometown...


it has a very peculiar root that is like overlying scales that's geometrically placed such as to deflect direct glaring sunbeams AWAY from the interior of the glass dome structure while keeping the air draft (and the outlook) COOL..it is a feat of architectural wonder that cost more than half a billion to construct and finish over 4 year think

fyi, this shot is taken at a low angle to capture the more 'flare out' scales towards the lower steepes of the roof. my first impression is it look just like a whole lot of Sith Lords with their streaks painted faces looking up out of their hoods straight at the viewer, overwhelming!..hence the title.

feel free to see for yourself when you drop by!!

thanks all

Message edited by author 2006-01-04 02:24:15.
Showing 1 - 2 of ~2

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