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Comments Made by prefishing
Showing 1 - 4 of ~4
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Kalalua Lookout - Kauai
06/12/2008 05:07:26 PM
Kalalua Lookout - Kauai
by prefishing

First time in four trips to the top that it was sunny. Too bad it will be the last time for a while. I've finally convinced my wife that we need to explore more of the world than Hawaii.
North Dakota Badlands
08/22/2005 10:32:23 PM
North Dakota Badlands
by prefishing

I used to live 30 minutes away from Medora, and you're right, nothing but sweeping vistas to shoot. It's very difficult to get a foreground object without screwing up the shot, especially at high noon, when this one was taken.

Thanks for the comment!
05/08/2005 07:54:32 PM
by prefishing

I have been trying to find out what flower this is since I took the photo. I took it a couple of weeks ago on our trip to Kauai. It was taken in the National Tropical Botanical Garden. If I figure out what kind it is, I will post it again.

I appreciate the kind words on the photo. I hope to post more from my trip shortly, but I have been busy catching up on work.
04/11/2005 08:47:41 AM
by prefishing

Thanks for all the comments! To answer some of them...

He's a 9 year old mix breed; half cocker and half black lab.

As far as the snapshot feel, I would have to agree. It was taken as I was viewing some other pictures I had taken earlier in the day. He was cocking his head like that when I talked to him, and he has his signature Alfalfa hair going. So, I guess it was a snapshot. But, I had to post it anyways.

Keep shooting, right?
Showing 1 - 4 of ~4

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