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Comments Made by iatomsi
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The Ring!
03/31/2010 07:34:23 PM
The Ring!1st Place
by Judi

I like the humor, it really makes you wonder what is really above/under the orange? The lady on the right seems a lot "thicker" than the rest and maybe she isn't a lady at all; the third orange lady from the right holds that leg in the awkward position just to to keep the visual rhythm with the other legs, and why is the second orange taking the ring from the bride's finger? Or maybe she does not...this is not clear

The thing I don't like that much is the framing: maybe more lateral space especially on the left side would have made the picture more interesting by giving a sense of the (probably) empty location and thus augmenting the ironic vibe.
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wOrKinG CLaSS hErO . . . . . . please tell me where to start
01/13/2007 11:12:37 AM
wOrKinG CLaSS hErO . . . . . . please tell me where to start

The word "abstract" popped in my mind when I first saw the image, but then I observed the beer so it's a metaphor of the world: a chaotic place where fortunetly exists beer.

Besides beer, I much appreciate the light - colour - contrast balance.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 2 of ~2

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