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Registered UserKerbocat

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Comments Made by Kerbocat
Showing 1 - 10 of ~20
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Western Gray Squirrel
07/27/2005 09:50:21 AM
Western Gray Squirrel3rd Place
by brianlh

Congrats on the ribbon! I'm a squirrel nut (no pun intended - well, maybe a little). (o: I'd added this to my favorites the second I saw it - terrific shot!
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07/26/2005 11:18:15 AM
by docruss

Great exposure and sharpness - I love the the owl's expression. Very cool image.
Summer Song
07/25/2005 01:37:22 PM
Summer Song3rd Place
by charmayne

Truly amazing shot - congrats on the ribbon! The detail is awesome - perfect title too.
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07/22/2005 11:39:35 PM
by CLarson557

You can really add some depth to this shot if you wait til late in the day (or early morning) and shoot at about a 45 degree angle to the ground.
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Lily Pads
07/22/2005 11:36:24 PM
Lily Pads
by sartobr

Awesome shot. I love the composition and beautiful natural light . This is one of the few where "smooth" still meets the texture challenge (IMO) - I think the sharp focus really adds dimension.
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07/22/2005 10:32:15 AM
by fifield

An assortment of textures! it would be interesting to see more of the top with the side lighting - although I do like the angel used. What in the world is it? Is it really a cliff? It almost looks like a macro - or microscopic - shot. Cardboard..something spongy?
Nature's Texture
07/21/2005 05:35:54 PM
Nature's Texture
by Hrutsen

These are some pretty crazy rocks - are they fuzzy or is that moss on them? I think if you'd had some natural lighting on them - especially side lighting - the texture would be amazing.
Prarie Fire
07/21/2005 05:33:02 PM
Prarie Fire
by jasonarm

The color is awesome. What is that behind the plant - is that hair? There are a few miscellaneous strands behind the "fire" that are distracting, but otherwise an interesting texture combo.
07/21/2005 05:25:00 PM
by sfarrell23

Wow - beautiful shot! Nice lighting, focus, and compostion. The one little green stem on the right takes away from it I think - arrange a petal so it covers it up. Otherwise - excellent!
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Water off A Swan's Back
07/21/2005 05:06:44 PM
Water off A Swan's Back
by Boff

Very interesting texture. I really love the upper left area - the sharpness and the light on that section is beautiful, but the lower right darkness and fuzziness is a little bothersome. I think cropping and coming in closer could really make a difference.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~20

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