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Registered Userflipcitykingz

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Comments Made by flipcitykingz
Showing 1 - 6 of ~6
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Zen Photography
08/01/2006 07:15:09 PM
Zen Photography
by MayaM

peaceful. great balanced exposure.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Roses Are Red
02/23/2006 02:42:39 PM
Roses Are Red
by ginjer

good lighting.
same image could be used as entry for abstract challenge.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Fish Fall
02/23/2006 02:37:50 PM
Fish Fall
by RyShu

no doubt this image will earn heaps of praise.
amazing capture.
the school of fish in the top frame seem to be in a bombing dive towards the school of fishes below.
the stripes on their skin are hypnotic.
Photographer found comment helpful.
First Dance
02/23/2006 02:27:02 PM
First Dance
by eostyles

how exactly did you create the effect for this photo?
and what lighting did you use?
wonderful capture.
the expression on their faces leaves the viewer with a ssense of warmth.
Photographer found comment helpful.
07/23/2005 02:44:04 AM
by AnnaP

IMHO, a bit more DOF so more details from the background could've come in would be nicer. Also, a background that also lends itself to texture but does not distract. You got the texture theme from the rope, but what makes this a 9 for me is that the knots imply strength in bonds/ ties. Also the frayed character of the rope conveys the strain caused by the tension/ tautness of these connections.
Or am I projecting my subconscious/ problems like a Rorschach Test?
LOL. It's easy to critique, harder to submit.
Good work. Hope you place high.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Golden eagle feathers
07/23/2005 02:28:12 AM
Golden eagle feathers
by blanceric

At first glance, the implied texture is sharp and prickly, but then you realize they're actually soft light feathers. That's a nice irony. I wonder if a B/W treatment would be better... (voted 9)
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 6 of ~6

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