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Comments Made by samafas
Showing 1 - 5 of ~5
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Chinese drop  (1/16000)
11/06/2005 11:58:35 PM
Chinese drop (1/16000)
by pepitoid

Getting those drops in such clear focus is great, but my attention is continually drawn to the Chinese man and they become a supporting theme. It is a very interesting photo though.
Photographer found comment helpful.
under the rain
11/06/2005 11:52:12 PM
under the rain
by imagesloyola

Interesting photo. I like it for the colours and shapes, but there is not really a main focus for me... more just a main colour. It has a feeling like the paintings by Monet (or Manet, I can never get those two right).
Three Old(?)  Coots Make a Splash
11/06/2005 11:49:54 PM
Three Old(?) Coots Make a Splash
by jorr

The photo has a great impact on me. I like how the birds are heading in all directions. There appears to be something with the focus that makes it look like a photo that has been cropped or zoomed in with digital zoom - just not fully crisp. But I really like it.
Photographer found comment helpful.
conversation after work
11/06/2005 11:45:55 PM
conversation after work
by nemesise1977

Great photo of the hallway, and the characters help add something to it, but I find it a little disturbing that I cannot see their shape a little more defined. My thoughts only.
11/06/2005 11:33:35 PM
by dragonlady

I like the calming effect of this photo, but my eye keeps wanting to climb just a little higher to see a little more of the top of the falls. The appearance of the water is almost like milk. A great shot.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 5 of ~5

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