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Registered Userblackenedwhite

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Comments Made by blackenedwhite
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Showing 121 - 130 of ~133
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Crystan Pier
03/24/2006 05:50:23 AM
Crystan Pier
by JeffryZ

Going by my understanding of low-key, this photo's a little too bright.
But heck, it's a nice photo anyways.
03/24/2006 05:45:07 AM
by AlexSaberi

Killer photo.
I will even overlook the slight blur on the right arm.
You are fuxing eeeeevil.
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light work
03/24/2006 02:30:36 AM
light work
by chuster

bang-up shot, man (or whatever). the dynamic range is eeevil.;]

the compression artifacts [them annoying little blocky blocks of pixels] are bothering, though. could it be that your camera was set to shoot or is only capable of shooting low-res jpegs? or is it in the post-processing?

whatever the reason/s man, they fux up an otherwise good photo. what you could do, though, is to either set your camera to shoot hi-res jpegs OR get one of them nifty noise-reducing softwares i.e. neat image.

just my two (or ten) cents, man (or whatever).XP
Got my eye on you
03/24/2006 01:12:57 AM
Got my eye on you
by Patrol

nice photo. centering the subject and adding more contrast would've made it more powerful though, IMO.
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Midnight Zinnia
03/23/2006 12:47:25 AM
Midnight Zinnia
by Cam

very somber... for a flower shot. killer photo!;]
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City lights
03/23/2006 12:36:34 AM
City lights
by pikyto

i think there's more light than dark in here...
Light Dance
03/23/2006 12:30:35 AM
Light Dance
by angela_packard

aaagh, my eyes!
seriously though, nice photo.
although it does hurt to look at it, a bit.;p
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For Maw
03/23/2006 12:28:10 AM
For Maw
by nards656

isn't it a bit blurred?
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puppy dog slippers after bath time
03/22/2006 09:44:58 PM
puppy dog slippers after bath time
by blackenedwhite

thanks for the comments, guys.
i wasn't really expecting much as it was my first challenge. i'm glad it didn't suck as much for some people and actually enjoyed it.
Help me
03/22/2006 01:40:05 AM
Help me
by eschmutt

-_-" siiick, you are. hehe. darken the bg and focus the fg and you would've got a tenner from me.;]
Photographer found comment helpful.
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Showing 121 - 130 of ~133

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