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Comment |
| 11/25/2006 02:53:47 AM | JimmieComment: Originally posted by likwidoxigen: I'm sure that you added the "Reflections" to the top of the pad to prevent the stream of "Doesn't fit the challenge" comments you'd get. Hoever I don't think you need it, maybe just have it on journal paper or something like that. But regardless this is an amazing and unique way to fit the challenge. Fantastic job. |
I penned in "Reflections" at the end... for the very reason you said. I am still a bit unsure of the mental agility of the folks on this site. Do I spoonfeed? or defend? There has to be some neutral ground where pun/humor/truth is seen wiff-out the never-needed over explanation.
Thanks for the comment. |
| 11/25/2006 02:50:50 AM | JimmieComment: Originally posted by posthumous: Ha! You are a man of few words. You get my "LOL 7" |
;) |
| 11/25/2006 02:50:22 AM | JimmieComment: Originally posted by candlerain: hahaha! Very daring attempt at "reflections"... I have to give you a nice 8 for creativity. |
I'll take it.... |
| 11/25/2006 02:43:58 AM |
Late Illinoisby JimmieComment: Originally posted by pineapple: I still like this one. Very Andrew Wyeth (as in the painter who used a dry brush technique to great effect). |
Thank you. I shoot with an eye to retaining the natural quality. Thank you for more than one comment. |
| 11/25/2006 02:42:25 AM |
Late Illinoisby JimmieComment: Originally posted by routerguy666: I was going to say how pathetically boring this photo is, then I see it's of Illinois so what else could it be really. I empathize with your situation. |
Main Entry: pre·ten·tious
Pronunciation: pri-'ten(t)-sh&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: French prétentieux, from prétention pretension, from Medieval Latin pretention-, pretentio, from Latin praetendere
1 : characterized by pretension : as a : making usually unjustified or excessive claims (as of value or standing) b : expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature
Since your comment/attitude was pretentious... I owe you no response. |
| 11/13/2006 02:55:18 AM |
The Swirling Leaves by jtlee321Comment: Um..... never mind... I was mistaken. I thought I had clicked on the "Wind" challenge... (I prolly should not drink before commenting) I apologize for any comment that was inapropriate (and in retrospect... it seems all of them were) as a long exposure it was just fine for the challenge... as wind it was not. But it was not entered in wind....
move along... nowt more to read here
Photographer found comment helpful. |
| 11/13/2006 02:28:25 AM |
The Swirling Leaves by jtlee321Comment: As nicely done as this is... it is not wind... it is water. Who the heck votes on these things? Are they friends and such? Are they voting on a purely, "Purdy things" scale?????? It is a whirlpool... W-A-T-E-R...
Sorry if I took a bit of shine off your ribbon... but are the voters actually thinking? The challenge was wind. You submitted a water shot... Maybe I just don't get it.
And yes, wirlpool does have an "h" in it...
I just don't get it....
Wind... water..... maybe ya could have won first place with a fire pic...
I just don't get it... |
| 09/11/2006 04:52:06 AM |
Calmby JimmieComment: Originally posted by hotpasta: ??? what is this? |
a sign... sorry you missed it. |
| 09/11/2006 04:50:55 AM |
Calmby JimmieComment: Originally posted by SandyP: This will probably be a fairly controversial photo as far as the voting goes. People will either love it or hate it. I personally like it alot! I wish there were a few more stars in the sky, but I think it really is a beautiful depiction of silence. . .peace. . .harmony. Good luck. |
wow.... a fan...... I took this with the hope others would see the same simple/complex idea...
As for more stars... they would distract from the subject. This works just fine... deep darknes with a touch/hope of light.
thank you! |
| 09/11/2006 04:48:59 AM |
Calmby JimmieComment: Originally posted by msgoodygal: Wow, this is definately minimal. And serene. Just a tad bit too small to keep my interest. A busy photo makes my eyes work too hard, disrupting the overall attempt at serenity. Yours, although the opposite, seems to do the same thing, it forces my eye to look for what I'm missing. Great job from the 'Great Job Baggie'! |
look for what you are missing = makes you think. Thinking makes the brain wrinkle. The more wrinkles on yer brain the more info. you are storing. Liking my pic = a very wrinkly brain. I like you. |
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