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Registered Userbloox333

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Comments Made by bloox333
Showing 1 - 10 of ~19
Image Comment
09/10/2007 05:00:57 PM
by maxlevay

this shot is a momennt stopped in time. it brings back so many memories and just the detail of the hands, and the yarn is captured very well. the background also compliments with the composition
Delicate Blush of springtime
09/10/2007 04:58:08 PM
Delicate Blush of springtime
by train

i think this photo is the least bit delicate. the brances, the stiffness of the flower really is empowering.
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Stary night shadows
09/10/2007 04:57:39 PM
Stary night shadows
by unknowndeath

this photo almost looks like a painting...maybe too much like a painting. perhaps it would've been more clear if something wasn't blurry.
09/10/2007 04:54:22 PM
by HighNooner

this flower is certainly very vivid even though it's color exterior is primarily white. the bubbles in the back can be disturbing however.
Photographer found comment helpful.
09/10/2007 04:53:34 PM
by KrisCarpenter

the blurry outter core of the object versus the sharpness of the inner core of the object really contrast each other in a good way. the green in the middle also emphasizes the dull monotoned color of the rust and the rust adds texture. although, this photo i think is almost dream like and the title "rust" is not very fitting to such a creative image.
Photographer found comment helpful.
The Pen
09/10/2007 04:50:35 PM
The Pen
by P_Nut

the macro is exquisite here. the detail of the metal on the pen is phenomenon. the writing tha tis blurred in the background really adds a touch.
Photographer found comment helpful.
a colorful death.
09/10/2007 04:48:51 PM
a colorful death.
by nostalgic

this photo is exquisite; however, the title of your photo doesn't really capture the essence of the photo.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Rainbow Lorikeet
09/10/2007 04:48:00 PM
Rainbow Lorikeet
by sfmorris

maybe it was the lighting? but this bird has spectacular colors and perhaps there is a better way to emphasize the colors.
09/10/2007 04:47:05 PM
by phoenix46

this photo really captures the emptiness, the lonliness of the composition. the meaning of this photo could stir many meanings as well.
Piano Abstract
09/10/2007 04:44:42 PM
Piano Abstract
by Mrvile

the title is intriguing, for some reason your photo really captures the essence of the title. although the photo shows nothing but natural objects, the composition gives off the feel of an actual piano.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~19

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