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Comments Made by giampo
Showing 1 - 7 of ~7
Image Comment
ETACS... GSM.... SMS....... GPRS......... MMS.......... UMTS.......... and what is the next trend?
07/23/2003 06:50:50 AM
ETACS... GSM.... SMS....... GPRS......... MMS.......... UMTS.......... and what is the next trend?
by zirkovic

ti metto il voto politico e il commento stavolta voglio propio vedere.....
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The sun in a room
07/18/2003 04:03:53 AM
The sun in a room
by zirkovic

un bel 10 politico per lo zio piero....
Photographer found comment helpful.
Time speed
07/02/2003 04:00:10 AM
Time speed
by zirkovic

Complimenti allo Zio ....Ottima luminosità e contrasto.....Per questa volta un bel 10 ma stai attento che al prossimo contest rientra in gara il Campione....preparati bene e stai attento...
Photographer found comment helpful.
Behind the camera ... Always
06/19/2003 04:47:28 PM
Behind the camera ... Always
by CreativeFlyPhoto

wow!!! 10 for your beautiful eyes...
Photographer found comment helpful.
Domestic Silver Surfer
06/18/2003 03:35:36 AM
Domestic Silver Surfer
by deadbrain

Sei un grande !!!!! un bel 10 per te....anche l'altra non era male.....
Photographer found comment helpful.
Birds of a feather
06/06/2003 07:26:39 AM
Birds of a feather1st Place
by Jean

Great shot!!!
Photographer found comment helpful.
In a previous existence
06/03/2003 10:55:07 AM
In a previous existence
by e301

Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 7 of ~7

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