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11/24/2004 08:26:55 AM · #26 |
Votes: 55
Views: 69
Avg Vote: 3.9455
Comments: 2
It's hurting because people don't seem to be noticing an important detail. I thought that people would looka at the photo long enough to see it, but I think that people are just glancing at it and moving on.
11/24/2004 08:42:18 AM · #27 |
Personally, last night after an hour I had to get off the computer... 1 being my first vote... ouch and after seen a two average (that's another ouch), I had to turn it off. Well its morning and I can actually look at my score now, floating past a 4.5 and moving slowly up. This was a hard challenge and I guess the votes seem to be a little lower then expected.
I've gotten 4 great comments (I mean they were helpful and I can exactly see my improvements areas and what I should have done to improve it).
Thanks guys. I guess it's easier to make comments on 158 entries then 600+.
11/24/2004 09:02:33 AM · #28 |
I am with Quickshutter. I have one comment, and it totally misses the point. Not much of an artistic eye when evaluating the photos. I think a lot of just punching a number without evaluation message or theme. I am disappointed at that way more than my score. Are there any other sites like this one out there. Perhaps one that addresses that. Technical stuff is awesome, but meaningless without artistic finesse.
I intentionally shot the image and changed the contrast and the curves to blow out the whites a bit on one part of my image to make a specific statement. I spend a long time evaluating an image and its message when I shoot a picture and when I vote.That is what makes a photo transcend beyond the simple technical image.
Technical merit is great, but certainly, not all we are looking at here. Please... I hope that is not the case. This is only my second challenge. If technical merit is all we are evaluating, then why even bother with categories...
Message edited by author 2004-11-24 09:03:38. |
11/24/2004 10:00:48 AM · #29 |
Originally posted by kdolso: I am with Quickshutter. I have one comment, and it totally misses the point. Not much of an artistic eye when evaluating the photos. [snipped] If technical merit is all we are evaluating, then why even bother with categories... |
i am probably in the minority, but i don't mind pms about my comments, before or after the challenges. i usually only make comments when i have the time to actually look at an image. sure, i might miss something, or fail to connect with your image, but, all the same, it is a two way street: if you want me to spend time viewing your image, not only have you have got to engage me and give me something to look at, you have got to keep my attention.
to me the biggest challenge here is not knowing how to score or how to figure out how to score, but in how to execute. if you want to score well, BradP really summed it up in this thread: Confessions of a Ribbon Hog |
11/24/2004 10:04:40 AM · #30 |
Votes: 66
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Avg Vote: 5.1970
Comments: 5
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Updated: 11/24/04 10:02 am
though i am not very happy with the submission, have a better shot i should have used. |
11/24/2004 10:58:38 AM · #31 |
Originally posted by kdolso: I am with Quickshutter. I have one comment, and it totally misses the point.. |
I will add to this and say that for me ... whenever I start voting I always re-read the Challenge Description to make sure I understand what I'm looking at and I have a frame of mind set not only on the technical details but also on the challenge details and fit into the challenge. Does it fit the challenge and if not, is it a really bad picture. Honestly I don't think people are taking time to view and understand the photo but it takes a lot of time to go through 600+ entries like in the B&W. I think things will improve with smaller number of entries.
I can tell you that I've seen some wild votes in the last few weeks and it floors me when I get a 1 and no comment. I can't understand a 1, especially when you get 4-5-6 as an average; I guess that's the troll voters that I've been reading about? 1, in my opinion should not be given if the photo is in focus, crisp, clean and on top of that conveys the challenge entry?!? SDW65 has a great rating system if you need help RATING CHART
I have faith, and can get disappointing but I look on the bright side of things. If I get a couple of constructive comment, and learn something new from them, it makes my day.
I for one have learned quite a bit from DPC and am a proud member! |
11/24/2004 11:26:15 AM · #32 |
Moose, thank you for pointing out SDW65's chart. I think it is terrific and I'll use it next time.
Thanks for sharing. |
11/24/2004 11:53:51 AM · #33 |
Well, with those of you that have shown your stats, here are mine, I thought this was low, but it appears that many are low...Should be an interesting outcome, perhaps the lowest ranked winner in weeks if not ever....
Avg Vote:5.1212
11/24/2004 12:08:58 PM · #34 |
Votes: 0
Views: 0
Avg Vote: N/A
Comments: 0
nevermind. didn't enter. ;) |
11/24/2004 12:17:33 PM · #35 |
Votes: 72
Views: 96
Avg Vote: 5.4028
Comments: 6
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Updated: 11/24/04 11:00 am
Authority was a more difficult subject. During the challenge I was initially dismayed like so many others but was spurred on by the low number of submissions. There's a better chance of winning with less submissions. So I renewed my effort and submitted.
Here's my 2 cents on scoring (which converted from CDN is already worth less). Human scoring and judging will always be controversial, in competition not just DPC. There are too many different points of views to be able to make sense of any single score. Some people, including myself, have wondered (even aloud perhaps) "How could I possibly get a 1 on my picture!" Logically that would mean that it's the worst possible photo. Which is most likely, unlikely. The crux is everyone has a different point of view and evaluative system (quite literally on a site such as this). Some folks may not use the full 10 point scale to vote. To speed up their decision making they may employ a binary evaluative system. Like/No Like. Good/Bad. Bad/Worse. 1pt/10pts. Who knows? Hopefully the aggregate evens itself out.
We're also inherently defensive of our own work. Which means nobody complains when they get a 10 (and I've read quite a few threads on this subject). But when we get a one we're like "How's is THIS possible?!" I'm the same way.
I prefer a two-tier judging system. One by the populous and another by an expert panel. That way a score is skewed towards the most qualified analysis and everyone still has a say. We have plenty of members perhaps we could flag some as judges and simply make their vote count more.
11/24/2004 12:41:05 PM · #36 |
Votes: 80
Views: 109
Avg Vote: 4.3500
Comments: 3
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It's strange, I think the shot is fine as it is, but very rushed. I've had comments ranging from totally toodark/out of focus etc to saying it could win first place heh.
Personally, mine comes down to opinions on what levels of light a photo should have, I went for a darker look as I tend to do but hey, it wasn't a long thought out thing. The next two challenges I am VERY excited about though, especially humour. |
11/24/2004 12:48:10 PM · #37 |
I ran out of time may still shoot it, I need good light and work over the night I needed to shoot, go figure my luck. Maybe do it anyway. |
11/24/2004 05:03:49 PM · #38 |
Votes: 113
Views: 149
Avg Vote: 4.1504
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Updated: 11/24/04 05:00 pm
I be happy as long as I stay above 4
11/24/2004 05:46:58 PM · #39 |
Votes: 124
Views: 178
Avg Vote: 4.8548
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Updated: 11/24/04 05:41 pm
About .4 points higher than the first time I posted last night, and it did break 5 for about 2 seconds, but I'm still disappointed. The 5 people who commented seem to like it though, that's good.
11/24/2004 05:49:09 PM · #40 |
reposting to see if the bad link in signature is fixed
11/24/2004 07:30:16 PM · #41 |
It looks like everyone is getting a bit best up.
Votes: 125
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Avg Vote: 4.4400
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Updated: 11/24/04 07:00 pm
I don't have a great photo but I thought it should have been more in the 5.5 range.
11/24/2004 08:04:23 PM · #42 |
As a follow up to my previous post in which i was wondering if the trend is for the ratings to get higher as the contest goes on.
I have:
Votes: 131
Views: 168
Avg Vote: 5.3817
Comments: 7
It did go up... a full point almost from 4.4. weird eh? |
11/24/2004 08:20:05 PM · #43 |
Bloody awful this time, it doesnt pay to be subtle on this site.
Message edited by author 2004-11-24 21:14:05. |
11/24/2004 08:39:38 PM · #44 |
it was at 6.0, but was dq'd, and rightly so. |
11/24/2004 08:46:12 PM · #45 |
Votes: 119
Views: 157
Avg Vote: 4.5042
Comments: 2
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
oh well couple of comments saying I didn't meet the challenge. I'm not going to argue -- personally I don't care one way or the next -- it looked authoratative when I saw what I shot, that's all that matters -- and I had a really fun time there too.
Authority has a lot of meanings -- too many to say something doesn't meet the challenge unless it's a picture of a butterfly or something (but I suppose even that could have a sort of authority). Personally, I'm voting on them all as if they are authoratative even if it doesn't jump out and hit me as directly fitting the mainstream definition.
au·thor·i·ty ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-thôr-t, -thr-, ô-thôr-, ô-thr-)
n. pl. au·thor·i·ties
The power to enforce laws, exact obedience, command, determine, or judge.
One that is invested with this power, especially a government or body of government officials: land titles issued by the civil authority.
Power assigned to another; authorization: Deputies were given authority to make arrests.
A public agency or corporation with administrative powers in a specified field: a city transit authority.
An accepted source of expert information or advice: a noted authority on birds; a reference book often cited as an authority.
A quotation or citation from such a source: biblical authorities for a moral argument.
Justification; grounds: On what authority do you make such a claim?
A conclusive statement or decision that may be taken as a guide or precedent.
Power to influence or persuade resulting from knowledge or experience: political observers who acquire authority with age.
Confidence derived from experience or practice; firm self-assurance: played the sonata with authority. |
11/24/2004 11:44:10 PM · #46 |
I agree. Certainly attention to artistic detail and subtlties are overlooked as, apparently, people pound out votes in a mad rush to 20%. I have had one comment so far. EDIT: removed details of entry
Message edited by Manic - Removed details of entry still being voted upon. |
11/25/2004 02:35:49 AM · #47 |
I wonder what score will win blue...will it be a high 5 or low 6. The way everyones scores looks now makes it out to just be a low scoring challenge. What is the lowest scored challenge so far...meaning what was the lowest blue winning score out there and for what challenge was it?
11/25/2004 02:47:04 AM · #48 |
The winner
11/25/2004 02:56:27 AM · #49 |
Originally posted by saintnicholas_25: 6.660
The winner |
This is indeed the lowest blue, but the top 16 are all 6+ whereas in the recent 'Indecision' challenge only the top 8 are 6+ |
11/25/2004 03:02:04 AM · #50 |
You think we might beat that?? Make an all time low for the blue??
Message edited by author 2004-11-25 03:02:47.
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