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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> YELLOW how we all doing?
Showing posts 151 - 175 of 247, (reverse)
12/09/2004 09:40:43 AM · #151
First submission...so new to the ropes !!
Votes: 130
Views: 164
Avg Vote: 4.4154
Comments: 2
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 12/09/04 09:00 am
12/09/2004 10:28:43 AM · #152
otes: 130
Views: 152
Avg Vote: 4.4231

Comments seem to suggest the crowd is somewhat split into two groups, 1) "like the abstract qualities" and 2) "don't know what it is, so I'll vote it low".

How frustrating... Guess the old adage is true, you can't please everyone all the time.
12/09/2004 10:30:16 AM · #153
Originally posted by jmlelii:

I must have read the challenge wrong, or interperated it wrong... My photo has something yellow that leads to the impact of the photo, and someone said there wasnt enough yellow in it. Perhaps I should have just gone for all yellow something. Oh well.

Same problem here. a different color is clearly the focal point in mine, but it is surrounded by and led up to by yellow.
12/09/2004 10:33:15 AM · #154
Well I got up this morning only to find I dropped a tad bit more. I did get two additional comments. One told me that they gave me and 8 and thought the shot was nice. The other persons comment I felt was way off.
They said the focus was off and the shot wasn't interesting. Totally disagree with the comment. The focus is there and the shots composition is stunning. Apparently the person doesn't know to much about composition. I went and looked at their pictures and would say that most of thier shots are static and lack composition to them.
If I was to tell an student their picture lacked composition, I would tell the why I thought so. The shot I took has dynamic composition that even some masters would envy. It has all the right elemets too. Color range change, contrast, highlight, elements are pushed to the foreground without the subject matter or the background loosing the importance of their roles in the shot.
All I am saying is : Sure you are entitled to your opinion, but be ready to back it up when asked to do so. Sheesh! When I read a comment and decide whether I thought it was useful or not. I don't check the little box unless it actually is.

12/09/2004 10:34:02 AM · #155
5.39 so close to 5.4, six comments.
12/09/2004 11:04:16 AM · #156
Originally posted by uctopuk:

Originally posted by jmlelii:

I must have read the challenge wrong, or interperated it wrong... My photo has something yellow that leads to the impact of the photo, and someone said there wasnt enough yellow in it. Perhaps I should have just gone for all yellow something. Oh well.

Same problem here. a different color is clearly the focal point in mine, but it is surrounded by and led up to by yellow.

me too, got the same comment
12/09/2004 11:05:19 AM · #157
Originally posted by glass_slippers:

They said the focus was off and the shot wasn't interesting. Totally disagree with the comment.

Steven, I was afraid for a moment that I was your commenter that hacked you off! But then when you said you checked the profile, it couldn't have been me since I'm using the new "Hide My Name" option. Frankly, my friend, even if I do make a comment that's way off base, I would hope that the receiver wouldn't be (too) upset about it, and especially wouldn't bring it up in the forums. It's my feeling that we all have different skill levels, perceptions, likes and dislikes, but DPC is arranged so that all can participate. It all comes out in the wash. Granted, some (me, perhaps) aren't the most effective commenters, but my point when I leave a comment is to try to help the photographer to understand WHY I perceived it as I did, whether rightly or wrongly, not to diminish or ridicule the shot. When folks get ticked off at critical comments, it tends to make me only want to comment on the 8s, 9s and 10s (LOVED IT!). I really feel that it's more important, however, to offer feedback to photos I've scored at 5 or below. As one who scores in that range, I know it's appreciated when I get a comment that helps me view my submission through the eyes of another.
12/09/2004 11:09:26 AM · #158
I didn't enter the challenge, but since I have a little time on my hands, I'm voting on it (taking a short break now). I am amazed at the fantastic shots in this contest. I'm giving the photographer the benefit of the doubt when it comes to meeting the challenge (which I think is the right thing to do). I believe I'm scoring higher on this challenge than any other. Great shots in there!
12/09/2004 12:05:03 PM · #159
Originally posted by glass_slippers:

Well I got up this morning only to find I dropped a tad bit more. I did get two additional comments. One told me that they gave me and 8 and thought the shot was nice. The other persons comment I felt was way off.
They said the focus was off and the shot wasn't interesting. Totally disagree with the comment. The focus is there and the shots composition is stunning. Apparently the person doesn't know to much about composition. I went and looked at their pictures and would say that most of thier shots are static and lack composition to them.
If I was to tell an student their picture lacked composition, I would tell the why I thought so. The shot I took has dynamic composition that even some masters would envy. It has all the right elemets too. Color range change, contrast, highlight, elements are pushed to the foreground without the subject matter or the background loosing the importance of their roles in the shot.
All I am saying is : Sure you are entitled to your opinion, but be ready to back it up when asked to do so. Sheesh! When I read a comment and decide whether I thought it was useful or not. I don't check the little box unless it actually is.

From your eloquent glowing description of your entry, you are getting a ribbon this time? I am reading a book on composition and it is opening my eyes - my entry this time is a composition 'test' and the comments are exactly what i was hoping for, except one...made by a newbie here (seems to be his first try at voting and commenting). The comment is very similar to yours - soft focus and hates my border - the latter is an opinion, the former just plain wrong.

My score is actually rising now...4.67!
12/09/2004 12:13:58 PM · #160
Pretty bad...I knew I was taking a chance, and should have entered a safer image. Disappointing, but one of these days I'll get a good one.

12/09/2004 12:31:31 PM · #161
I'm getting the same deal - but don't forget group 3 - It's not my taste in photos, so no matter how good it is - lets mark it down.;-)

Originally posted by uctopuk:

otes: 130
Views: 152
Avg Vote: 4.4231

Comments seem to suggest the crowd is somewhat split into two groups, 1) "like the abstract qualities" and 2) "don't know what it is, so I'll vote it low".

How frustrating... Guess the old adage is true, you can't please everyone all the time.
12/09/2004 12:40:04 PM · #162
Originally posted by lyta:

I'm getting the same deal - but don't forget group 3 - It's not my taste in photos, so no matter how good it is - lets mark it down.;-)

Originally posted by uctopuk:

otes: 130
Views: 152
Avg Vote: 4.4231

Comments seem to suggest the crowd is somewhat split into two groups, 1) "like the abstract qualities" and 2) "don't know what it is, so I'll vote it low".

How frustrating... Guess the old adage is true, you can't please everyone all the time.

Or "it's another one of those, 2". No consideration for composition, lighting, great colour, ect. But then again if you don't like it, you don't like it.
12/09/2004 12:44:45 PM · #163
Yep, receiving my worst score since joining. Figured there would be a lot of lemons, flowers and school buses so I opted to try for "my interpretation of the colour yellow" as the challenge reads, knowing full well my school bus and flower photos (yawnnnn) would score so much better. It took more time and care for my entered shot, and though I'm scoring low I'm still glad I entered it. I am receiving some positive comments.

Ironically I scored more shots between 8-10 than any other challenge so far. I knew photos would mostly be yellow objects,rather than interpretations, but there were so many good ones.

Originally posted by jemison:

Pretty bad...I knew I was taking a chance, and should have entered a safer image. Disappointing, but one of these days I'll get a good one.

12/09/2004 01:01:01 PM · #164
I think i'm colorblind....half the pics look orange to me
12/09/2004 01:08:36 PM · #165
I should have used the shot of the beer with the guy in the background taking a leak into the toilet....Yellow Revisited..Bet I would have gotten LOTS~O~Commetns on that one!

12/09/2004 01:11:42 PM · #166
Maybe you did something fuzzy for the sake of yellow ;-)

Originally posted by rkligman:

Votes: 61
Views: 70
Avg Vote: 4.2295
Comments: 2
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 12/08/04 11:51 am

I am utterly disgusted! This was one of my best shots and after my wife and I browsed the 399 photos, we agreed, certainly had a good chance for a Top 50. Instead I'm getting buried AND nobody is telling me anything as to why. Every update it's going down. It means I'm getting 4 after 4 after 4 after 3 with no comment.

This just totally sucks. I signed up a month ago and have eagerly aniticipated each challenge and done the best I could. On the photos that I really cared about though, read spent time to actually make a good effort rather than just throw in an entry, I'm getting hammered and with no comments!

I'm just about done out here. It seems like such a waste. My ego is getting hurt and I don't mind that IF I knew why. The most commented pictures I have are the ones that I just threw into the contest just to have entry. They were not good pics and people told me why. The good pics though go uncommented and scored low.

VERY DISCOURAGING. I just don't understand what is going through peoples minds out here.
12/09/2004 02:51:26 PM · #167
Originally posted by rkligman:

Votes: 61
Views: 70
Avg Vote: 4.2295
Comments: 2
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 12/08/04 11:51 am

I am utterly disgusted! This was one of my best shots and after my wife and I browsed the 399 photos, we agreed, certainly had a good chance for a Top 50. Instead I'm getting buried AND nobody is telling me anything as to why. Every update it's going down. It means I'm getting 4 after 4 after 4 after 3 with no comment.

This just totally sucks. I signed up a month ago and have eagerly aniticipated each challenge and done the best I could. On the photos that I really cared about though, read spent time to actually make a good effort rather than just throw in an entry, I'm getting hammered and with no comments!

I'm just about done out here. It seems like such a waste. My ego is getting hurt and I don't mind that IF I knew why. The most commented pictures I have are the ones that I just threw into the contest just to have entry. They were not good pics and people told me why. The good pics though go uncommented and scored low.

VERY DISCOURAGING. I just don't understand what is going through peoples minds out here.

DONT get discouraged, this is stiff competition, there are many good
photos.... which one is yours, i'll give you a 10 :}
12/09/2004 03:56:59 PM · #168
I voted on part of the photos, they made me realize that I'm thirsty :-)
12/09/2004 04:17:26 PM · #169
Don't be so down on ourselves. I felt from the first this would be a tough contest to judge since the topic was "...your interpretation...". If I take a picture of a yellow car, is that interpretation or just a good shot of a car that happens to be yellow? However, if a yellow car has some special meaning to me, how can I express that meaning so that others will grasp "my interpretation?"

My original idea was melted yellow crayons in the back window of a car. That would have meaning to some of us. No way I could get enough sun in winter to make a shot that looked like it had been taken in hot sun.

I'm having fun taking pictures that I think other photographers will like, that is the challenge we're in. I do learn a lot from most comments, when they come, and truly appreciate people taking the time.
12/09/2004 04:24:03 PM · #170
Yellow? Don't even talk to me about yellow! :P LOL

I really messed this one up bad. My outtakes are all way better (can't give it away yet though.) I look at the entry now and wonder "What on earth was I thinking?!"

How does that happen? Something looks good one day and next day horrid, like it is. I wasn't even wearing rose tinted glasses.
12/09/2004 04:31:27 PM · #171
I'm really enjoying the challenges - giving me a motivation to pick up the camera and use it. I'm learning lots of stuff about composition, DOF, Photoshop skills and more besides. I get an enormous amount of pleasure seeing other's intepretations and delight in those that 'connect' in some way with me. I say this sincerely.

I'm also developing a 'love affair' with the number 4 and 5!! (I say this with "tongue in cheek" and a grin)
12/09/2004 04:32:22 PM · #172
I got a nice compliment on my composition, and then another one about indoor lighting throwing off the color....

I really don't know anything about photography, I just take shots that I think might seem interesting...I think I have a natural feel for composition, I just wish I knew a little more about technique so I wouldn't get bad lighting or focus problems.

Votes: 150
Avg Vote: 3.7200

I wish more people would comment, though, 'cause I'm a newb about photography and I'd like to hear what people think about my shots >_<
12/09/2004 04:36:47 PM · #173
We have a lot of positive people out in force today, even if our scores aren't doing as well as we like. I feel better about mine already!
12/09/2004 04:53:41 PM · #174
Originally posted by Kylie:

We have a lot of positive people out in force today, even if our scores aren't doing as well as we like. I feel better about mine already!

yes ive noticed that voters during the day are nicer, my score goes up. at night it slowly but surely falls. got a couple of not so great comments, but my score is up again and got some nicer comments

Votes: 166
Views: 212
Avg Vote: 5.3494
Comments: 8
12/09/2004 04:59:40 PM · #175
Originally posted by riotspyne:

Originally posted by Kylie:

We have a lot of positive people out in force today, even if our scores aren't doing as well as we like. I feel better about mine already!

yes ive noticed that voters during the day are nicer, my score goes up. at night it slowly but surely falls. got a couple of not so great comments, but my score is up again and got some nicer comments

Votes: 166
Views: 212
Avg Vote: 5.3494
Comments: 8

You're doing a lot better than me! Thank goodness for you! What I really like about today, though, is that this thread has a lot of people not doing all that well, but instead of whining or attacking, they are still positive about the whole experience.
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