Looks like your auto white balance isn't doing it for you, so to speak...
What sort of lights are in the areas you're taking photos in?
If they're normal incandescents (Tungsten) you should be able to pick that setting on the camera, or if they're flouros, pick that setting... If it's a combination of the two, or modern high efficiency lighting, you may have to use a manual white balance setting. Take a white balance reading off a bit of white paper, or splash out and get an 'gray card' from a photo shop. ($8 for an A4 one here in NZ).
And of course, before you play with any of the above, check that the white balance is set to auto. If it's taking OK photos outside it may be set to 'daylight' or 'flash' and give good results. (You'll have to read the manual, I don't know how to drive your camera.)
Cheers, Chris H.