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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Tsunami
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01/03/2005 10:38:30 PM · #1
Its starting to really get to me. Its just so bad and so many people are dead. It doesn't make sense at all.
01/03/2005 10:42:19 PM · #2
... and many, many times more are still alive. Don't dwell on the negative aspects of anything; doing so will only cause that negativity to fester and grow in you. Dwell only on the positive.

01/03/2005 10:42:44 PM · #3
I know what you mean loz, I feel completely helpless just sitting here. I have donated money but I guess there isnt much else to do as yet. It is so unbelieveably hard to comprehend. I live coastal as do alot of people and it has really shaken me.
My thoughts are constantly with them, their families and all the volunteers.
01/03/2005 10:45:11 PM · #4
I KNOW i'm gonna get roasted for this, but that's nature. As much as we'd like to deny it, nature has her own way if dealing with overpopulation and other problems. Natural disasters have been the cause of changes in the animal and plant population for millions of year. I'm not saying that I don't lament what happened but unfortunaly it's not the first time and it is not gonna be the last. Some things we can do nothing about whether we like it or not. Mother Nature is a biatch!

01/03/2005 10:45:39 PM · #5
I think in these times you can only look at negatives. I mean 150000 are dead and so many more will die. SOme of these people that survived have lost everything, and being thirdworld contries, they will most likely never recover.

This thing happened in my backyard and thats scary. The earthquake that caused it was caused by an 8.0 earthquake south of australia, so this could have easily happened here too. We are dead center of teh two quakes and thats scary.

Plus being in Australia, our whole population lives on the cost, and we are very much beach people. It just makes you really stop and think.
01/03/2005 10:47:40 PM · #6
Originally posted by chiqui74:

I KNOW i'm gonna get roasted for this, but that's nature. As much as we'd like to deny it, nature has her own way if dealing with overpopulation and other problems. Natural disasters have been the cause of changes in the animal and plant population for millions of year. I'm not saying that I don't lament what happened but unfortunaly it's not the first time and it is not gonna be the last. Some things we can do nothing about whether we like it or not. Mother Nature is a biatch!


That doesnt mean we can just sit back and ignore it though. We are human, and we naturally do react to these kind of things. I wouldnt be who I am if I just said its nature and let it go. This thing happened so close to my country so it feels a lot more real from here.
01/03/2005 10:50:30 PM · #7
I think it has frightened me because it is so close to home. My kids have asked what if it happened here, I have had to be honest with them and hope that it doesnt scare them too much.
There is just so many stories and footage on the tv that i have decided to turn it off for a while. My kids are on school holidays and they dont need to see it all the time, they understand how sad it is. I just dont want them to feel uneccessarily scared.
01/03/2005 10:51:00 PM · #8
Donate to Doctors Without Borders to help them help the survivours...
01/03/2005 11:00:57 PM · #9
Originally posted by doctornick:

Donate to Doctors Without Borders to help them help the survivours...


They don't want the money, they have too much. Other agencies like red cross is probably the best for now.

I dont know why they would turn the money down though, because so much is needed.
01/03/2005 11:15:11 PM · #10
LOL, it's just the Aussie chapter of the organization, the canadian chapter has a disclaimer on it's site saying they will use the money on other projects once the target has been reached for SE Asia.
01/03/2005 11:20:56 PM · #11
Originally posted by loz1:

I think in these times you can only look at negatives. I mean 150000 are dead and so many more will die. SOme of these people that survived have lost everything, and being thirdworld contries, they will most likely never recover.

This thing happened in my backyard and thats scary. The earthquake that caused it was caused by an 8.0 earthquake south of australia, so this could have easily happened here too. We are dead center of teh two quakes and thats scary.

Plus being in Australia, our whole population lives on the cost, and we are very much beach people. It just makes you really stop and think.

There is good and bad to be found in everything ... the good just doesn't get press coverage, so all anyone ever hears of is the bad. Life has its good and bad points, and when something bad affect you on a personal level it is hard to not let it be reflected in every corner of your life. But the bad thing is in the past -- it is not currently going on -- regardless of what the media has to say about it.

Remember this, the media does not report news -- it sells 'bad' news because bad news sells. The event happened, sure there are still effects to be dealt with, but they are being dealt with and they will be handled. And during the entire time, the media will report of the efforts to deal with the Bad Event® by reporting all of the ways the efforts are not likely to work and all the problems they might have along the way.

The point is I am trying to say is that turning off the news and not reading the paper is likely to be the best thing that can be done to keep from being pulled under by the tsunami of ill will pouring out of them.

Sure a lot of people died and a lot of damage was done; and it will certainly take a while to put it all right. But it will not be put right by those drowning in bad news. The numbers of people dead are high, but they are only high because of the dense population levels -- the living still outnumber them greatly, and will continue to do so as this event is handled.

On the subject of living in fear of it happening in your area -- just remember the chances of it happening where you live are the same today as they were a month ago -- possible, but exceedingly rare. And, on a positive note, with the handling the current event is getting there will be much more knowledge available to deal with a similar event in your area should it ever occur. Those who deal with events on this scale are more aware of what it takes to deal with it now than they were before it happened; if it happens again they will be even more prepared. The world becomes that much less dangerous with each event that is dealt with -- not more dangerous.

Handle the bad and move on -- it is not happening in the here and now, it happened last week -- you don't have to carry it forward with you and allow it to rot you own life in order to care about what happened to those more closely affected. The only ones profiting by dwelling on the negative are those who leech an existance off of the negative events of the world.

01/03/2005 11:23:39 PM · #12
Originally posted by doctornick:

LOL, it's just the Aussie chapter of the organization, the canadian chapter has a disclaimer on it's site saying they will use the money on other projects once the target has been reached for SE Asia.


I tired to reply but pressed teh report post instead and wrote the reply there lol The buttons are too close, and I wasn't paying enough attention lol

Well I think thats ok then, and I am glad tehy are still taking money. I do hope that they do not gistribute the money elsewhere though, untill all that is needed goes to where the money was intended to go.

In 2002 people in Australia were very upset because the Australia Red Cross took donations for the victims of the Bali, Indonesia terrorst attacked that killed over 200 tourists.

The Red Cross then decied to give that money to people suffering from things like Aids and other diseases in Indonesia, before actually giving money to the victims that needed it. I saw a person on the news that had lost their legs and still hadn't received a cent of the donations that was obviously ment for them.

I thnk its fair that if you want to donate to a specific cause, then your money should go to it, till its no longer needed.

Does that make sense? Not telling people to not donate or anything, I just hope the charities look after the right places first, because they really do need it :)
01/03/2005 11:26:27 PM · #13
Originally posted by chiqui74:

I KNOW i'm gonna get roasted for this, but that's nature. As much as we'd like to deny it, nature has her own way if dealing with overpopulation and other problems. Natural disasters have been the cause of changes in the animal and plant population for millions of year. I'm not saying that I don't lament what happened but unfortunaly it's not the first time and it is not gonna be the last. Some things we can do nothing about whether we like it or not. Mother Nature is a biatch!


I think this is probably the most heartless thing I have seen posted on this site. I probably have done a diservice by bumping it up but I feel it needed to be rebuked.
01/03/2005 11:29:58 PM · #14
Daid I do understand what you are saying.

11 years ago I was in Lose Angeles during a huge (6.7) quake that killed about 70 people (same size in a third worl would kill perhaps 15,000 but LA is very prepared for it).

On the news I saw so much heartbreak and because I was in the middle of it, I totally understood it. But I also learnt a lot about natural disasters from it. People did die, and people did lose their homes, but so many didn't.

We survived it and we didn't have any injuries. I was sleeping between two glass windows and if they had shattered could have easily killed me. But they didn't.

I did learn so much from that experience.

I live in a country that almost never has any disasters. I guess we have bushfires and the northern areas do have tropical storms, but in realisty we are probably the luckest country to live in. No snow storms, no earthquakes (well there was one in the 80s), no hurricans, had a mudslide ten years ago that killed a few people, but generally we have it so good. We have a lot to be thankful for :)
01/03/2005 11:47:00 PM · #15
Originally posted by keegbow:

Originally posted by chiqui74:

I KNOW i'm gonna get roasted for this, but that's nature. As much as we'd like to deny it, nature has her own way if dealing with overpopulation and other problems. Natural disasters have been the cause of changes in the animal and plant population for millions of year. I'm not saying that I don't lament what happened but unfortunaly it's not the first time and it is not gonna be the last. Some things we can do nothing about whether we like it or not. Mother Nature is a biatch!


I think this is probably the most heartless thing I have seen posted on this site. I probably have done a diservice by bumping it up but I feel it needed to be rebuked.

Sorry you feel that way but unfortunatly nature doesnt have a heart or conscience. I reiterate, natural disasters have always been part of evolution, natural selection, and nature's way of controlling the population of all living species. It may sound heartless but that's the way it is. I don't wanna turn this into an "i have the truth and you're wrong" thread so I'll just leave it at that. We are all entitled to our opinions and that's simply mine.

01/03/2005 11:54:34 PM · #16
I actually think along the same lines Chiqui! I really do feel for all the lost...and I watch, and mourn for them every day! Honestly! But Natural disaters will continue, and hopefully we are blessed enough!
01/04/2005 12:25:02 AM · #17
My opinion is that you can decide to focus on it, but it probably won't do you any good to focus on all that negativity. Dwelling on all that negativity will not help those who are actually going through this and it will only get you a scrip for prozac. Not exactly productive. The lives are already lost and there is no going back. While you can be aware and be sorry that it happened, no amount of worry and or dragging your self down will help the victims. But moving on, (just like they are trying to do) going to your job, earning money so that maybe if you feel the need to, donate to the red cross to help them will be the most helpful.

Message edited by author 2005-01-04 00:25:34.
01/04/2005 12:43:57 AM · #18
Originally posted by chiqui74:

I KNOW i'm gonna get roasted for this, but that's nature. As much as we'd like to deny it, nature has her own way if dealing with overpopulation and other problems. Natural disasters have been the cause of changes in the animal and plant population for millions of year. I'm not saying that I don't lament what happened but unfortunaly it's not the first time and it is not gonna be the last. Some things we can do nothing about whether we like it or not. Mother Nature is a biatch!


nature has it's ways that is for sure. but population control...come on. Why does everyone think this world is in such danger of over population, it is just not the case. It is all about how efficient we can be. The current population of the world can live off food from a land the size of texas. If we could have been more efficient, this disaster may have been averted to a degree. This is a horrible disaster and hopefully everyone tries to take a positive from it like most people here seem to be doing, I think that is the best thing you can do if there is no way you can directly help.
01/04/2005 12:53:52 AM · #19
I know most have already given to the tsunami relief effort. But I was wondering if we [DPC Users] might be willing to give a little as a community to show our support. I noticed today that Paypal has a donation link on their main page and I know that DPChallenge has a Paypal Account. Is there anyway DPC could put up a donation button for the users and visitors that would like to give some to the relief fund as a community. Then DPC can take that money and donate through their DPChallenge account [On the behalf of all users] and we will have given as a community. I don̢۪t care if it̢۪s a $1.00 or $10.00 or more, every little bit helps. This may have been discussed because I have not read the complete forum. What do you think?
01/04/2005 01:39:51 AM · #20
I wouldn't have a problem donating a reasonable sum of money, as long as I am sure of where it's going. I have had much the same experience with giving that Loz has talked about above. After 9/11, not just the Red Cross but a number of relief agencies, while soliciting donations for relief to New York survivors and families were disbursing the funds recieved as they saw fit. I have a real problem with that, as there are certain relief causes to which I am not willing to donate, and don't want my money going there. The other drawback with many relief agencies is the overhead costs. There are a few organisations whose overhead is equal or more than the amount disbursed to the needy.

We discussed mounting a relief effort here in Malta, and my suggestion here was to donate actual stuff. Blankets, clothes, food and such. The logistics from here make this difficult, but there are ships leaving the US, and Australia daily bound for that region. I would rather be involved (long distance) in an effort to supply the people over there with actual useable items.

Sorry this is so long, just my .02, more or less, worth

Originally posted by SDW65:

I know most have already given to the tsunami relief effort. But I was wondering if we [DPC Users] might be willing to give a little as a community to show our support. I noticed today that Paypal has a donation link on their main page and I know that DPChallenge has a Paypal Account. Is there anyway DPC could put up a donation button for the users and visitors that would like to give some to the relief fund as a community. Then DPC can take that money and donate through their DPChallenge account [On the behalf of all users] and we will have given as a community. I don̢۪t care if it̢۪s a $1.00 or $10.00 or more, every little bit helps. This may have been discussed because I have not read the complete forum. What do you think?

01/04/2005 02:57:58 AM · #21
Originally posted by chiqui74:

Originally posted by keegbow:

Originally posted by chiqui74:

I KNOW i'm gonna get roasted for this, but that's nature. As much as we'd like to deny it, nature has her own way if dealing with overpopulation and other problems. Natural disasters have been the cause of changes in the animal and plant population for millions of year. I'm not saying that I don't lament what happened but unfortunaly it's not the first time and it is not gonna be the last. Some things we can do nothing about whether we like it or not. Mother Nature is a biatch!


I think this is probably the most heartless thing I have seen posted on this site. I probably have done a diservice by bumping it up but I feel it needed to be rebuked.

Sorry you feel that way but unfortunatly nature doesnt have a heart or conscience. I reiterate, natural disasters have always been part of evolution, natural selection, and nature's way of controlling the population of all living species. It may sound heartless but that's the way it is. I don't wanna turn this into an "i have the truth and you're wrong" thread so I'll just leave it at that. We are all entitled to our opinions and that's simply mine.


Your philosophy on natural disasters is not what Iam disputing. It is your cold flippant comments made in a forum that was expressing sorrow that is misplaced.
Please remember that many in the world are mourning and there is no need for comments like yours to be made at this stage.
If you can̢۪t contribute to the sorrow other posters are feeling best not to comment at all.
We are all entitled to our opinions and that's simply mine.
01/04/2005 03:02:51 AM · #22
should I plat the Devils advocate, and ask if god is still alive, My beliefs have taken a battering
01/04/2005 03:08:46 AM · #23
Originally posted by kiwinick:

should I plat the Devils advocate, and ask if god is still alive, My beliefs have taken a battering

I don̢۪t know if this is the forum to question things like that or wanting to be the devils advocate on this subject. I mean no disrespect in any way towards your comment but no matter what ones belief may be this has been a disaster that took well over 140,000 people [humans] lives. To answer your question, in my belief [as a Christian] he is and always will be.
01/04/2005 03:10:13 AM · #24
Originally posted by kiwinick:

should I plat the Devils advocate, and ask if god is still alive, My beliefs have taken a battering

I think mine did when people crashed planes into WTC. Not that I beleiev in God really. We have all seen too m uch bad things in the world to believe that 'its gods will'. No good god would allow things like this.
01/04/2005 04:11:21 AM · #25
This has been a great thread. It has the basic earmarks of why, I’m scarred, and if there is a God why, or the one that gets my attention and makes me gasp is, natural selection. I still believe in God. In church several months past I heard the pastor say, comparing how the world began by the big bang theory or created by God. Thatit would be like throwing a can of alphabet soup onto the ground smashing open and having all the letters come out abcâ€Â¦. I read a best seller on the big bang theory and this scientist and (his constituents) would go on and on with great scientific research and facts and take these facts arrange them impressively, and then throw this in the middle of a sentence --we believe-, meaning we believe, no facts but ---we think -- When you get down to the nitty gritty in the Bible it is clear. God has a plan and we wont know it till we meet him. Here is my entry to my memoirs the other night.
â€Â¦When I awoke the following day I learned of that massive tsunami that obliterated 3,000 miles of African and Asian coastline, when I believe the death toll that morning was around 8 thousand. As of this writing it has skyrocketed to an awe inspiring 150 thousand. When I read it I thought about this plumber who likes to go there and have sex with girls who have just barely reached womanhood, for pennies on the dollar as opposed to here in the states. He tried to persuade me to give it a go. And don’t get me wrong, I’m no saint, screwing hard tight bodies sounds like fun. It is however wrong and you gotta know that these young prostitutes are forced into having sex with disgusting men for minimum wage due to there economy and government, who allow this slimy thing to go on. I believe in God as you know by now and wondered how his hand played in this. Wondered if he could have stopped it, started it, what was it for, or a fluke. I have a hard time with this kinda evaluation. So I just wonder. The good part is all those young woman who drowned or were slammed against something so hard it knocked the life out of them wont have to screw scumbags to eat. I talked with a customer yesterday and he said, after my wondering of God and prostitution wonderment He said population control. Ouch I thought, I was so stunned I couldn’t react. He said it like he meant it. I wondered today, when I get to heaven wouldn’t that be something if it was just for population control. I wondered about their religious beliefsâ€Â¦..
We can only wonder and assume why it really happened. To talk about it, like we know, i.e., that̢۪s mother nature, is a misuse of ones own creative control of their faculties.
We are all entitled to our opinions and that's simply mine.
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