Author | Thread |
01/04/2005 06:06:56 PM · #1 |
Hey everybody, i've been building a professional headshot website. Will any of you test it out to see if all the functions work for you on your computer. It's entirely in flash...
In other words, it it user friendly, does it load quickly? Are the images appealing?
Here's the link: //
Message edited by author 2005-01-04 18:08:31.
01/04/2005 06:10:41 PM · #2 |
All links seem A-Ok to me. I like the layout as well as the easy photo viewing. Like how you kept it simple.... good job.
Lee |
01/04/2005 06:12:12 PM · #3 |
didn't work for me but im at work... just get a black page with an outline around it and the classic red box with an X in the upper left. Where is that image hosted? |
01/04/2005 06:13:06 PM · #4 |
Same as Lee.
Everything worked fine.
01/04/2005 06:14:00 PM · #5 |
hum... it's all flash content. Do you have the flash plugin loaded on your computer?
Everyone else:
Thanks for the input.
Message edited by author 2005-01-04 18:15:27.
01/04/2005 06:15:50 PM · #6 |
All works fine
I would like to add that model #1 (and #9) is one of the most photogenic people i have ever seen. Well done i love those 2 shots.
edit: on returning to the site on the rates page/more options, some of the text is hidden behind some other text
Good site though
Message edited by author 2005-01-04 18:18:18. |
01/04/2005 06:19:29 PM · #7 |
I think the site is nice, and simple. Nice images. I have dial up, so it loaded quite slow. But all around, its a very professional site!
01/04/2005 06:21:08 PM · #8 |
Well...i'm not a big fan of Flash sites but i like flash sites that look good and work fine. Your site is both working fine and good :) Simple look and good pictures.
good job done ;)
Mine is still in the making. I'm working as a freelance web-designer and have litle time to get started :S:S
01/04/2005 06:23:39 PM · #9 |
I like it. Couple of comments though:
On the second page of the 'Rates' 'Misc. Services' is printed over the bottom of the first paragraph.
When loading the 'Portfolio' just have the percent complete. I don't think there's any need to show the number of KB that have downloaded too.
01/04/2005 06:26:59 PM · #10 |
Hehe, thanks wobbie, i was messing with the page when you saw that... it should be fixed now.
Thanks on the comments everyone!
Originally posted by Wobble: I like it. Couple of comments though:
On the second page of the 'Rates' 'Misc. Services' is printed over the bottom of the first paragraph.
When loading the 'Portfolio' just have the percent complete. I don't think there's any need to show the number of KB that have downloaded too. |
01/04/2005 06:30:15 PM · #11 |
Originally posted by drengskratti:
Mine is still in the making. I'm working as a freelance web-designer and have litle time to get started :S:S |
I swear, i think i have pulled out 75% of my hair getting flash to behave! The work usually pays off though.
01/04/2005 06:31:34 PM · #12 |
Strictly in terms of easy of use, I wouldn't have the arrows next to "portfolio" and "contact". I strongly connect those to "back" and "forward", which isn't right at all for portfolio and contact. But, if you're going to leave the arrows, make the words link as well. It's annoying not to have them link. Also, you might want to make the text in the rates section selectable. |
01/04/2005 06:35:25 PM · #13 |
wow -- Your website really has the professional look. It doesn't have too much or too little, it's just right. Very professional looking and loads just fine on my cable connection.
01/04/2005 06:43:03 PM · #14 |
i like the frontpage. the portfolio part seems a little spartan though imho. I think it needs a little graphic punching up. Maybe try to thematically/graphically link it to your frontpage. What I think really looks nice are the self-scrolling portfolios that are navigated by mouseovers. Those look really slick. Nice photos. |
01/04/2005 06:43:21 PM · #15 |
A decent search engine might find some key words embedded deep down in your Flash .swf file, but I doubt it. Search for "flash, useability, broken" in Google to see what I'm getting at. Otherwise, folks might have a hard time ever locating your web presence (unless they are given the URL directly).
Message edited by author 2005-01-04 18:43:40. |
01/04/2005 06:54:45 PM · #16 |
I wouldn't rely on a search engine to find ANY keywords in your embedded FLASH .swf files. You would have to embed those keywords into your META tags, or mask keywords into your actual HTML page.
Your site looks good. Its simple and to the point. But maybe adding a little more content in the portfolio wouldn't hurt either.
01/04/2005 06:57:21 PM · #17 |
Need to regroup the home contact portfolio on the home.. too distraction right left...
image wayyyyyyyyy tooooooooooo long (on the Y ...) have to scrool to get to the arrows... bad bad bad..
amazing picture
fast enought ( but i dont like flash site)
overall good site.. tastefull.... make you look a thousound dollard photographer.... your rate are really good and i am impress by what i have seen....
01/04/2005 06:59:06 PM · #18 |
I would prefer clicking on some thumbnails rather than 1 2 3 4 ... on your portfolio page. also I think having thumnails instead of numbers ( 1 2 3...) would make it look better.
01/04/2005 07:01:06 PM · #19 |
Well... let's say I don't like flash welcome screens much, furthermore when it takes long enough to load I can see the percent status running... and I did on this one. The pics are really awesome, but to me it doesn't worth the time waiting.
I have a 1024x768 screen, I'm running FF 1.0 on Fedora Core 2, and I just can see up to the tips of the portfolio and contact arrows. BTW, the portfolio one is sligthly higher up than contact. I have to scroll down to find the "home . portfolio . contact . rates" links. And what I really hate is scrolling down to find the links after waiting for a couple pics to load, if you know what I mean.
Maybe having the flash size slightly smaller could help on both concerns?
I find too few, well, I cannot find any clickable areas on the main page itself actually. Maybe having the whole flash linked to the portfolio page or anywhere else you fancy could help. I find myself "lost" in the big black screen having to scrutinize where the h*ck is the f*... link... which happens to be below the lower border!! Not even the fancy "portfolio" or "contact" words are clickable, you have to click E-X-A-C-T-L-Y on the arrows.
You could also make "ajc@filmexposure" link to "contact" "Photography" to portfolio, have the words close to the arrows clickable... ie, make the visitor life a little easier ;)
PS: Don't get me wrong, I like the site overall, I'm just trying to point out some improvements, IMHO. Take this comment as constructive, I'm not intending to be rude but helpful
Message edited by author 2005-01-04 19:04:46. |
01/04/2005 07:17:37 PM · #20 |
You guys are the best beta testers ever...
I've resized the main page: hopefully that will be a easy fix for the scrolling issue.
I'm looking into the thumbnails on the gallery page (great idea).
I'm thinking of taking off the arrows on the main page and have the navigation be the stuff on the bottom of the page. hum...
Great idea with making the main page clickable. Will do that.
Thanks a million folks!
01/04/2005 07:27:11 PM · #21 |
I only noticed a small bug. In the portfolio page, if you click on two photos in quick sucession (the second before the first is fully up) then you get an odd blending effect for the rest of the time untill you re-load the page. I think the bug could be fixed pretty easily by making sure that the viewer can't click the buttons as the photos fade in and out.
just being really nit picky,
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