Author | Thread |
01/19/2005 06:40:52 PM · #51 |
Originally posted by Tressider: Academic Superstore here in the U.S sells Photoshop CS for $278 and the complete suite for $378.00 so think the Canadian price is right in line with this. All students and teachers are eligible to buy with proof to verify this. |
At that price getting the complete suite is worth it just for Acrobat. You are basically getting the same price as a current owner upgrading.
Adobe has "traditionally" treated these as "full" versions of the programs -- eligible for the normal upgrade path -- but with "academic pricing." They want you to learn on their tools, and then continue to use them when you get a job. |
01/19/2005 06:45:19 PM · #52 |
Originally posted by thatcloudthere: Hmm...I'm already using the free channel mixer found on the website for this book and I enjoy it. |
How well does it work? Would you say it is as good as it was claimed to be?
Originally posted by thatcloudthere:
I'd love to hear more about this from regular Photoshop users... |
"regular Photoshop users" would be people, for the most part, that have already shelled out the big bucks. Don't expect many of them to say "I made a mistake, save your money".
Message edited by author 2005-01-19 18:48:04.
01/19/2005 06:50:48 PM · #53 |
Actually, the channel mixer is actually the exact same as Photoshop...the problem is that you can't edit/adjust it after you've created it. A message comes up saying "This layer was created in Photoshop". I'm assuming the other 'tools' would have the same restrictions.
01/19/2005 06:53:50 PM · #54 |
Originally posted by coolhar: Originally posted by thatcloudthere: Hmm...I'm already using the free channel mixer found on the website for this book and I enjoy it.
I'd love to hear more about this from regular Photoshop users... |
"regular Photoshop users" would be people, for the most part, that have already shelled out the big bucks. Don't expect many of them to say "I made a mistake, save your money". |
I might ... if you can get PS Elements (3.0 has the new resampling algorithms) and the extra plug-ins to give you Curves and CMYK for $140, then there's little reason why anyone just doing ordinary photography would need the full version of Photoshop. However, if you do anything more, like print cards or newsletters or make web pages or anything then the whole suite for about 2-3 tiems that might still make sense.
I'm no big fan of always having the latest and greatest version of everything -- I find it often only adds "features" I don't need, while changing the interface and introducing additional instabilities (in both the computer's brain and mine). I usually use PS 5.0 unless I am making enlargements, when the new algorithms (PS CS/8.0 or PSE 3.0) are an important improvement.
Note that those plug-ins may not yet be available for PSE 3.0; the book/disc mentioned are for version 2. |
01/19/2005 07:32:03 PM · #55 |
Originally posted by GeneralE: I might ... if you can get PS Elements (3.0 has the new resampling algorithms) and the extra plug-ins to give you Curves and CMYK for $140, then there's little reason why anyone just doing ordinary photography would need the full version of Photoshop. However, if you do anything more, like print cards or newsletters or make web pages or anything then the whole suite for about 2-3 tiems that might still make sense.
I'm no big fan of always having the latest and greatest version of everything -- I find it often only adds "features" I don't need, while changing the interface and introducing additional instabilities (in both the computer's brain and mine). I usually use PS 5.0 unless I am making enlargements, when the new algorithms (PS CS/8.0 or PSE 3.0) are an important improvement.
Note that those plug-ins may not yet be available for PSE 3.0; the book/disc mentioned are for version 2. |
What I fear is that the disabling of the "Hidden Power Tools" may be the biggest feature of PE 3.0 over PE 2.0. The ability to convert RAW files is added but that is also available elsewhere, usually free with a camera. The new algorithms for resampling/enlargement make it much more convienent to do something that was already there but akward, which is important if it's something you do often. We'll have to wait and see if there is an upated edition for 3.0.
01/20/2005 07:59:05 AM · #56 |
For information: It's been a week, and Adobe has not returned my email as to .
I have to accept that EddyG is correct, and that I'm out the money I spent. I received the software, but won't use it.
01/20/2005 08:04:17 AM · #57 |
Swagman, I would keep bugging Adobe. I would go so far as to tell them you've bought the software and that you'd like to know whether you're permitted to use it. It's a long shot but you might as well keep trying.
By the way, I admire the integrity of someone who not only avoids pirated software but actually refuses to use it after paying for it and finding out after the fact. It's nice to know that you're integrity is worth more than 50 bucks!
01/20/2005 09:42:41 AM · #58 |
Next time I'll know to read an entire thread, instead of immediately clicking a link and 'impulse buying' a product.
$50 is a cheap lesson, I guess. |
01/20/2005 10:14:32 AM · #59 |
ever think about paint shop pro 9? //
01/20/2005 10:26:28 AM · #60 |
Originally posted by totaldis: ever think about paint shop pro 9? // |
Good advice. I have PS CS and also Paint Shop. Paint Shop Pro 9 has all many would care for and only $49 on eBay for a ligit, new, un-registered, version. |
01/20/2005 11:39:27 AM · #61 |
Originally posted by coolhar: Originally posted by thatcloudthere: I have been using Elements 2.0 for the last few months and was recently pointed to a "Channel Mixer" plugin which has been great.
I'm still missing out on curves, quadtones and other great processing tools that Photoshop has. Does anybody know what Elements 3.0 actually has over and above what 2.0 has? Is it just RAW conversion? |
Anyone using Photoshop Elements 2.0 should get the book The Hidden Powers of Photoshop Elements 2 by Richard Lynch. It lists for $40 but you can probably find it for less. The book comes with a cd-rom. From the back cover "The enclosed CD contains an extraordinary collection of tools that expand what you can do with Photoshop Elements by unveiling powerful features hidden under the hood, in cluding: Calculations, Clipping paths, Curves, Color Separations (RGB, CMYK and Lab), Channels, Color Balance, Masking, Customs vectors, Snapshots, Enhanced sharpening. This CD also contains more than 70 images and project files to use while working along with the book's exercises."
$27.20 at Amazon
From Amazon's Product Description: "The book and and tools (included on the CD) help turn Elements into a far more powerful image editor using many tools that are commonly thought not to be included with the program and many techniques thought to be impossible using Elements." (emphasis mine)
There are a lot of voices on the internet, and elsewhere, that are saying that most of the people who buy the full version of Photoshop don't need it and will never realize the value of what they pay for it. |
Got it for six bucks in Amazons used section, advertises as never been used... we'll see, but for six bucks hard to lose... |
01/20/2005 01:44:51 PM · #62 |
Thanks for the links, but I have Photoshop 5.5. I just figured $50 was worth the upgrade. There's probably nothing in version 7 I need, at least until I get a camera that handles RAW output. |
01/20/2005 01:48:24 PM · #63 |
Also, as of December 2004 you can buy "Hidden Power of Photoshop Elements X" by the same author...I'm assuming this is in response to PSE 3.0.
01/20/2005 02:11:55 PM · #64 |
Originally posted by thatcloudthere: Also, as of December 2004 you can buy "Hidden Power of Photoshop Elements X" by the same author...I'm assuming this is in response to PSE 3.0. |
That's good news. Thanks.
01/20/2005 02:39:23 PM · #65 |
Originally posted by thatcloudthere: Good news for me!
My wife started another semester of classes yesterday so I asked her to look for Photoshop CS at the college bookstore/software store and to get a price...they have it priced at $365 (Canadian) for students.
..... |
Got some info for you Mike,
1. Check Qualify Canada to see if your wife qualifies
2. Check out this site that your wife will qualify for it's $7.99 to get the SPC Card for Students This gives students a lot of discounts and one of them happens to be on Adobe PhotoShop CS (well a lot of other software also) but this card gives you software product for 20% off and free shipping
3. Use that card to get Academic Adobe Photoshop CS which is currently at CDN$ 419.98 - 20% and free shipping it's about $335 CND, that's just a link about but you have to follow it from SPC to get a Priority Code.
Check it out, your wife will probably qualify. That's just if you want to bother this way, but like I said she'll be able to purcahse other software this way at the discount.
Just a FYI |
01/20/2005 03:13:13 PM · #66 |
Adobe educational version are available from numerous sources. I can't recall the one we use offhand, but there should be no charge to 'join'. My wife purchased $1600 worth of Adobe software for $600 - fully functional, with manuals and registerable with Adobe. (no tech support). Completely legit.
Do a search of the net for 'adobe educational version'. The prices, I believe, are set by Adobe. You do have to prove you qualify.
01/20/2005 03:20:43 PM · #67 |
The SPC card that moose is referring to is a Student Price Card available for students in Canada...the 20% discounts go over and above any academic discounts.
The total would be $335 CAD (-7.99 for the SPC card) with free shipping which is the cheapest I've found yet...fully legit and fully functional.
I was looking at and they had some 'used' Photoshops there...multiple ones from the same seller with no box and includes an extra cd with a few hundred plugins, apparently 'purchased at school'...selling for $169 Canadian.
Does this sound legit? I don't think it does...
Either way, I will download GIMP 2.2 (at and try it for a while. If I'm happy with it I'll just keep my eye open for a legitimate, used copy of Photoshop to buy for cheap. If I'm not happy with it, I'll spring the $335 to get Photoshop.
They also had the full Creative Suite for $559 - 20% (ca. $449 CAD)...what would I use the rest of the Creative Suite for?
01/20/2005 03:51:37 PM · #68 |
Originally posted by thatcloudthere: They also had the full Creative Suite for $559 - 20% (ca. $449 CAD)...what would I use the rest of the Creative Suite for? |
Originally posted by GeneralE: Find out if they have a student price for the entire set of CS (Creative Suite) applications. Usually for about twice the price of any one of the programs, you also get InDesign (page layout), Illustrator (vector graphics), GoLive (web authoring, in some packages) and maybe most importantly, the complete version Acrobat (PDF creation/editing). |
01/21/2005 10:16:33 AM · #69 |
One other thing about this...I didn't realize that you can download a trial of Photoshop CS at and use it for 30 days for free.
I haven't tried this yet (just found out about it) but it will certainly help me make my decision...
01/21/2005 08:48:19 PM · #70 |
$279 for PS 8.0 Educational version.
Here's the site we purchase from. The software is registerable and upgradeable.
$379 for the Premium Suite! Have to see if I can sweet talk my wife into it!
Message edited by author 2005-01-21 20:50:24.
01/21/2005 09:59:41 PM · #71 |
Originally posted by thatcloudthere: One other thing about this...I didn't realize that you can download a trial of Photoshop CS at and use it for 30 days for free.
I haven't tried this yet (just found out about it) but it will certainly help me make my decision... |
Yep, I'm on the 30 day trial, and thankfully, as I think I reported elsewhere, the interface is not saddled with all the nonstandard windowing features Elements 3 has!
On the negative side, it seems to crash a fair amount. It's crashed maybe 5 times in the week I've had it. I don't have any other software that's as unreliable as that.
Do others (on Windows, we know Macs never crash, right?) find this to be the case? |
01/21/2005 10:10:05 PM · #72 |
Originally posted by nshapiro: It's crashed maybe 5 times in the week I've had it. I don't have any other software that's as unreliable as that.
Do others (on Windows, we know Macs never crash, right?) find this to be the case? |
not me. i'm using it on a crap machine with only 256mb ram, usually with 2-3 ei windows open and 2-3 explorer windows. this might be one of the few places i'm lucky... ;-) |
01/25/2005 11:30:59 AM · #73 |
Please help!
I am able to buy Photoshop 5.0 for $50 Canadian (if I hurry) from somebody who received it OEM with a camera a while ago, but already has Photoshop. It's unregistered, complete and legit. Here are my questions:
1) Can I upgrade this to Photoshop CS and how much is it?
2) Does 5.0 support RAW?
3) What's missing from 5.0 that's in later versions? Can I live without it?
Message edited by author 2005-01-25 11:31:24.
01/25/2005 11:42:52 AM · #74 |
Originally posted by thatcloudthere: Please help!
I am able to buy Photoshop 5.0 for $50 Canadian (if I hurry) from somebody who received it OEM with a camera a while ago, but already has Photoshop. It's unregistered, complete and legit. Here are my questions:
1) Can I upgrade this to Photoshop CS and how much is it?
2) Does 5.0 support RAW?
3) What's missing from 5.0 that's in later versions? Can I live without it?
Thanks! |
1) Check Adobe's Photoshop CS Upgrade page for upgrade compatibility. I don't know the answer myself. If it a supported upgrade path, take it and get yourself a copy of PS CS Upgrade, when you can afford it.
2) It's possible, but likely not any modern vendor specific implementations. Even then, it might only be available as a Pay-For Plugin from a 3rd party vendor. PS 5.0 was out back in... 98? 99? (I am only guessing here.)
3) Don't know. I don't even want to guess. |
01/25/2005 11:54:03 AM · #75 |
I have PS 7.0 and Photo Impact Pro 8.0 and I actually prefer the Photo Impact. I think it has more options and is alot easier to use. And you can get it at Best Buy for like $100. I think they even have a newer version out by now. :)
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