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DPChallenge Forums >> Web Site Suggestions >> Voting Breakdown by Demographics
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 27, (reverse)
01/24/2005 03:48:52 PM · #1
Hello everyone. I did a moderately thorough search and did not come across a prior thread covering this topic, and if it was already discussed, my apologies.

Have you ever been to the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) website? They have an interesting voting statistics scheme. Movies are rated on a 10 point system and the ratings are broken down in categories by demographics. I'd love to see something similar on this website. For example:

All votes (325 votes): 5.552 average
US votes (142 votes): 5.255 average
International votes (183 votes): 5.620 average
Site Council votes (8 votes): 5.500 average
Males (275 votes): 5.552 average
Males under 18 .......etc
Males 18-35
Males 35-65
Males 65+
Unspecified age
Females under 18
Females 18-35
Females 25-65
Females 65+
Unspecified age
Unspecified gender

This could be helpful, for example, if you wanted to attempt to broaden the appeal of your photography within certain demographics, you would be able to get feedback on your efforts.

How to implement this...
1) On the photo page, the "Statistics" section could be modified so that if the viewer clicks on the word "Statistics", a pop up window would open the voting demographics within a separate window.
2) In user preferences, an option for expanded voting statistics could be added so that whenever you view a photo page, the voting demographics is included as a subsection below the current Statistics and Voting Breakdown sections.

Any thoughts, comments, for or against the idea? Thanks.
01/24/2005 04:10:11 PM · #2

Interesting idea you have, could be usefull to those of us who would like to sell our work, as far as identifying to which demographics our work has the greatest appeal.


01/24/2005 04:36:41 PM · #3
point & shooters
Canon owners
Nikon owners
SD card users
Compact Flash card users
Ribbon winners

01/24/2005 04:37:05 PM · #4
01/24/2005 04:59:19 PM · #5
Originally posted by faidoi:

point & shooters
Canon owners
Compact Flash card users
Non Ribbon winners

Thats me sorted then :)
01/24/2005 05:03:06 PM · #6
Originally posted by Artan:

Originally posted by faidoi:

point & shooters
Canon owners
Compact Flash card users
Non Ribbon winners

Thats me sorted then :)

me too :)
01/24/2005 05:04:31 PM · #7
I'll drink to that....
01/24/2005 05:06:07 PM · #8
I'd just like a list of the bastards who vote my shots under 6.

:P kidding
01/24/2005 05:09:44 PM · #9
Originally posted by Jacko:

I'd just like a list of the bastards who vote my shots under 6.

:P kidding

would that be those people born out of wedlock
who vote on DPC Challenges
and single out Jacko for votes in the 5's

PS Can I have some of those......

Message edited by author 2005-01-24 17:11:44.
01/24/2005 05:11:09 PM · #10
Do many people tell the truth about their age and other statistics? I for one would be screwing up your statistics.
01/24/2005 05:11:51 PM · #11
the more stats available the better!
01/24/2005 05:19:47 PM · #12
Originally posted by TechnoShroom:

Do many people tell the truth about their age and other statistics? I for one would be screwing up your statistics.

Rackat takes awesome photos for a 5 year old.
01/24/2005 05:31:26 PM · #13
Statistics based on age, in an online forum, are bound to be skewed; LOTS of people lie about that, in my experience.

Relatively few lie about sex in a place like this, or national origin.

How do I know? We've looked into it very closely at //www.eliters.org, a site which I was one of the founders of, with more than 30,000 members now. We are a social game-playing site (cards, backgammon, dominoes, stuff liek that), and we have to deal with all sorts of manipulation of the system...

01/24/2005 05:33:25 PM · #14
Originally posted by bear_music:

Statistics based on age, in an online forum, are bound to be skewed

Even if they weren't, the value of such info would be dubious. I'm much younger than I really am. ;-)
01/24/2005 05:46:44 PM · #15
Originally posted by scalvert:

Originally posted by bear_music:

Statistics based on age, in an online forum, are bound to be skewed

Even if they weren't, the value of such info would be dubious. I'm much younger than I really am. ;-)

I'm the opposite.
I was actually four when I was born..
01/26/2005 07:15:20 PM · #16
Originally posted by bear_music:

Statistics based on age, in an online forum, are bound to be skewed; LOTS of people lie about that, in my experience.

Relatively few lie about sex in a place like this, or national origin.

How do I know? We've looked into it very closely at //www.eliters.org, a site which I was one of the founders of, with more than 30,000 members now. We are a social game-playing site (cards, backgammon, dominoes, stuff liek that), and we have to deal with all sorts of manipulation of the system...


Very true...and probably no less true for other websites, such as the IMDB, which keep statistics by demographics. Point is, it would be intriguing to find out more about those votes we get for our photographs. Even with the disclaimer of a certain amount of error.

Other suggestions, in seriousness or in jest, would make good categories too. Particularly about owners of DSLR/non-DSLR, Nikon vs Canon, ribbon winners, drunks, it's all good! :) I'd just like to see more statistics.

01/26/2005 10:38:01 PM · #17
Originally posted by faidoi:

point & shooters
Canon owners
Nikon owners
SD card users
Compact Flash card users
Ribbon winners

01/26/2005 10:58:01 PM · #18
Originally posted by scalvert:

I'm much younger than I really am. ;-)

Me, too! :) And that's now one of my favorite quotes. Right along with "bad spellers of the world untie!"
01/26/2005 11:14:13 PM · #19
In a way i dont necessarily think its fair to the minorities on the site. If you are from a smaller country with only a few (maybe no other) members and your votes show up as being below average, you would lose the anomity of your vote.
01/28/2005 10:02:26 AM · #20
I'm new to this site, so this may already be available...

But it would be interesting to see the average score cast in a challenge by everyone who gave you a given score. For example, you could see that the voters who gave you a "5" gave an average vote of "5.5" to everyone in the challenge.

If those people who gave you a "1" gave an average vote of, say, "2", you can think that they are just particularly harsh. On the other hand, if your "9's" came from people whose average vote was 9.5, then that is not saying too much...

Or the information could be summarized, giving you an "average deviation," where the difference between each voter's average vote in the challenge and the vote he/she gave you are summed up, then divided by the number of voters.

(Sorry if this makes no sense... :))
01/28/2005 10:04:22 AM · #21
Originally posted by faidoi:

point & shooters
Canon owners
Nikon owners
SD card users
Compact Flash card users
Ribbon winners

I take offence to that. I am not a drunk. I drink, I get drunk, I fall down. Whats the problem???
01/28/2005 10:05:03 AM · #22
Originally posted by Jacko:

I'd just like a list of the bastards who vote my shots under 6.

:P kidding

Yea that would be me. pass the beer nuts.
01/30/2005 09:34:42 PM · #23
Originally posted by loz1:

In a way i dont necessarily think its fair to the minorities on the site. If you are from a smaller country with only a few (maybe no other) members and your votes show up as being below average, you would lose the anomity of your vote.

Good point but a workaround could be to lump countries by region (continents?).
01/30/2005 09:42:04 PM · #24
The statistics should not be available until after voting is finished. The update button would make it too easy to single out a demographically unique voter.
02/02/2005 01:59:44 AM · #25
Originally posted by Gauti:

Originally posted by Artan:

Originally posted by faidoi:

point & shooters
Canon owners
Compact Flash card users
Non Ribbon winners

Thats me sorted then :)

me too :)

me three
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