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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> Best Camera in the under $500 range?
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02/18/2005 11:39:31 PM · #1
I have approx $500 to upgrade, whats everyones opinion on best camera for under 500?

While saving my target was the fuji finepix s7000, but now i have the cash in my hot little hands i am getting cold feet because of noise and image sharpness concerns.

Edit: i mean 500 new in the manufactiures box btw.

Please Note: 550 is the absolute limit, please dont suggest i save a bit longer and get a digital rebel etc: it is not finiancially viable for me and therefore such comment would be completely a waste of your own time ;)

Message edited by author 2005-02-18 23:48:00.
02/18/2005 11:41:26 PM · #2
What kind of pictures do you take? Need telephoto, want to upgrade with wide/teles, flash in the future, particular memory card selection? More info needed to make a recommendation.
02/18/2005 11:42:09 PM · #3
yah, being an owner of one.. I'd stay away from the s7000 if I had to do it over again.

Look into the Kodak DX7590 or the 6490, it's earlier brother. Both are fine, fine cams, and can be had for under $500 (or just over).

Also see if you can find a Panasonic FZ-20 (or even an FZ-10) for that price.

Some people might also mention the Canon S1 IS.. but I don't know a lot about that camera.
02/18/2005 11:43:40 PM · #4
Originally posted by Artyste:

yah, being an owner of one.. I'd stay away from the s7000 if I had to do it over again.

Look into the Kodak DX7590 or the 6490, it's earlier brother. Both are fine, fine cams, and can be had for under $500 (or just over).

Also see if you can find a Panasonic FZ-20 (or even an FZ-10) for that price.

Some people might also mention the Canon S1 IS.. but I don't know a lot about that camera.

I saw the 6490 instore for only $249 a couple days ago at Fry's Electronics.
02/18/2005 11:43:47 PM · #5
I've been very impressed with what I've seen from the Panasonic FZ20.
02/18/2005 11:44:24 PM · #6
Originally posted by faidoi:

Originally posted by Artyste:

yah, being an owner of one.. I'd stay away from the s7000 if I had to do it over again.

Look into the Kodak DX7590 or the 6490, it's earlier brother. Both are fine, fine cams, and can be had for under $500 (or just over).

Also see if you can find a Panasonic FZ-20 (or even an FZ-10) for that price.

Some people might also mention the Canon S1 IS.. but I don't know a lot about that camera.

I saw the 6490 instore for only $249 a couple days ago at Fry's Electronics.

Yah, the (or just over) part was for the 7590.
02/18/2005 11:48:17 PM · #7
my friend just got the s7000 and he loves it.....

i'm not sure there is another camera that will give u a better image than the fuji s7000 (in your price range)

use the extra cash for a good carring tripod or something that u would want to go with your cam. u will be happy with the 7000 its the best "prosumer" camera out there right now (again in your $rang).

i would say go with it remember its not the camera that makes the photograph its the mind of the 1 behind the camera.
(ie.-the shutter doesn't push itself)

have a good 1 and what ever u do buy from Broadway Photo my friend got his camera there and they messed up his orders shipping, he wound up getting it in the origional time frame anyway and got over $100 in free stuff. (if u don't believe me ask him by way of PM he's "Bigfish")

_brando_ u will be more than happy with the s7000
02/18/2005 11:48:46 PM · #8
Originally posted by mesmeraj:

I have approx $500 to upgrade, whats everyones opinion on best camera for under 500?

While saving my target was the fuji finepix s7000, but now i have the cash in my hot little hands i am getting cold feet because of noise and image sharpness concerns.

Please Note: 550 is the absolute limit, please dont suggest i save a bit longer and get a digital rebel etc: it is not finiancially viable for me and therefore such comment would be completely a waste of your own time ;)

A couple questions:

What types of shooting do you like to do most?

How long do you plan to keep this camera before upgrading again?

Photographically speaking, what are your goals? What types of things do you anticipate wanting to try in the forseeable future?

02/18/2005 11:49:21 PM · #9
Assuming typical camera needs, the very highly-regarded Canon Powershot G6 and Sony Cybershot V3 are both around $500 shipped at ibuydigital.com. The Panasonic DMC-FZ15K would also be a very strong choice at $384 shipped. I don't know enough about the Fuji to make a fair comparison, but reviews are plentiful on each (I recommend Digital Camera Resource), and you can directly compare image quality here. Happy shopping!
02/18/2005 11:50:18 PM · #10
Originally posted by faidoi:

What kind of pictures do you take? Need telephoto, want to upgrade with wide/teles, flash in the future, particular memory card selection? More info needed to make a recommendation.

im mostly a self portrait photo. Art nudes, and some portrait work. Not too much into scenery, strong preferance for macro.
02/18/2005 11:52:17 PM · #11
In that case, I'd suggest the Powershot G6- fast lens, low noise and exernal flash support.
02/18/2005 11:53:34 PM · #12
Originally posted by fotodude:

my friend just got the s7000 and he loves it.....

i'm not sure there is another camera that will give u a better image than the fuji s7000 (in your price range)

use the extra cash for a good carring tripod or something that u would want to go with your cam. u will be happy with the 7000 its the best "prosumer" camera out there right now (again in your $rang).

i would say go with it remember its not the camera that makes the photograph its the mind of the 1 behind the camera.
(ie.-the shutter doesn't push itself)

have a good 1 and what ever u do buy from Broadway Photo my friend got his camera there and they messed up his orders shipping, he wound up getting it in the origional time frame anyway and got over $100 in free stuff. (if u don't believe me ask him by way of PM he's "Bigfish")

_brando_ u will be more than happy with the s7000

I beg to differ. The s7000 has *enormous* in-camera jpeg compression that you can do nothing about. It's got 6mp crammed onto a tiny little sensor (and interpolation is really.. not so good). Color is very bland and almost hopeless.. especially for landscapes. ISO settings are iffy at best. (200 is the only useable one, IMO).
While the s7000 does it's job, and I've gotten some pretty nice images out of it.. it's not the best prosumer on the market by *far*. My initial warning stands.. don't buy this camera.

(EDIT: Although, were you to purchase a good external flash (careful though, many flashes simply won't work properly with this camera), and the adaptor tube and filters.. then macro and portrait work *can* be nicely achieved with the s7000.. but then, you'll be going a bit over that $500 budget for sure. (you'll definitely need a tripod).

Only saving grace with the s7000 is the movie mode. LOL

Message edited by author 2005-02-18 23:56:12.
02/18/2005 11:55:56 PM · #13
Originally posted by ClubJuggle:

A couple questions:

What types of shooting do you like to do most?

How long do you plan to keep this camera before upgrading again?

Photographically speaking, what are your goals? What types of things do you anticipate wanting to try in the forseeable future?


Art, nudes, macros

Depends where my work takes me 1-3 years maybe more maybe less

I`m working on a photographic book, and i do a lot of work with translating the imagery so they can be printed with alternative proicesses (cyanotypes, platinum etc)
02/19/2005 12:04:23 AM · #14
Selling my f717 with extras for 540.

Message edited by author 2005-02-19 00:04:55.
02/19/2005 12:05:13 AM · #15
i definately already own a tripod (its essential for a self port. kid)
and i intend to get an external flash (thus the hotshoe is important to me)
Also i would like as many maunal settings as possible - i learnt photography on film - digital is just cheaper & more convient for me atm.
02/19/2005 12:06:26 AM · #16
Originally posted by Artyste:

yah, being an owner of one.. I'd stay away from the s7000 if I had to do it over again.

Pray tell, the reason for the disdain... your dislike might concern something that i would not even use...
02/19/2005 12:07:02 AM · #17
Originally posted by hsteg:

Selling my f717 with extras for 540.

Almost forgot about the f717. Highly rated. Seems like half the people here had them before going to the next step and getting a dSLR.

Message edited by author 2005-02-19 00:08:10.
02/19/2005 12:07:11 AM · #18
Originally posted by mesmeraj:

i definately already own a tripod (its essential for a self port. kid)
and i intend to get an external flash (thus the hotshoe is important to me)
Also i would like as many maunal settings as possible - i learnt photography on film - digital is just cheaper & more convient for me atm.

As I said, if you do eventually go with the s7000.. external flashes are limited because the hotshoe on the s7000 is a one center-pin generic. I find that Pentax mount flashes work the best.. but there are other choices.
02/19/2005 12:08:07 AM · #19
Have you looked at the Sony DSC-V3? It's on sale at Circuit City right now for $539.99 with a 10% gift card. Shutter speed is supposed to be akin to DSLR, with many features found on higher end cameras... 7.1mp with ability to add lenses (admittedly few) and other accessories...

Check out the review here at DPC. I ordered mine from Dell for $454 but I think that coupon has expired. Don't actually have it yet, so can't comment from experience...
02/19/2005 12:08:33 AM · #20
Originally posted by hsteg:

Selling my f717 with extras for 540.

not interested in a used camera, cheers though.
02/19/2005 12:09:16 AM · #21
Originally posted by A1275:

Have you looked at the Sony DSC-V3? It's on sale at Circuit City right now for $539.99 with a 10% gift card. Shutter speed is supposed to be akin to DSLR, with many features found on higher end cameras... 7.1mp with ability to add lenses (admittedly few) and other accessories...

Check out the review here at DPC. I ordered mine from Dell for $454 but I think that coupon has expired. Don't actually have it yet, so can't comment from experience...

I think Compact Flash and Memory Stick media too.
02/19/2005 12:10:21 AM · #22
Originally posted by mesmeraj:

Originally posted by Artyste:

yah, being an owner of one.. I'd stay away from the s7000 if I had to do it over again.

Pray tell, the reason for the disdain... your dislike might concern something that i would not even use...

over-compression in-camera, resulting in pretty noisy pictures most of the time, very poor color (dynamic range).. most pictures, unless you've made an effort to really sell the color in them, are very washed out. This could just be me.. but take a look at the s7000's page here on DPC.. you might see what I mean (with a couple of exceptions), and very very bad low-light tolerance.

Those are my main issues. I guess I'm probably just a little jaded. lol. I *have* turned out some very nice shots with it though.. but more often than not, I'm just not happy with what comes out of it.
02/19/2005 12:10:59 AM · #23
Oh yes - I forgot that. I stayed away from Sony for the longest time because of the memory stick thing. If you shoot in the highest quality movie feature you have to have one, but compact flash cards are cheap and you can shoot the lower res movies with it plus all your pics.
02/19/2005 12:19:50 AM · #24
the panasonic fz20 was peaked my interest - had not looked into panasonic... anyone have anything to say on this gal?
02/19/2005 12:20:59 AM · #25
Originally posted by mesmeraj:

the panasonic fz20 was peaked my interest - had not looked into panasonic... anyone have anything to say on this gal?

My Panasonic is not as good as my Sony on macro shots.
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