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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> Show your colour version of your Ansel Adams
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 43, (reverse)
03/14/2005 10:54:13 AM · #1

Message edited by author 2005-03-15 14:19:35.
03/14/2005 11:01:47 AM · #2
Not my exact shot, but close to it.
03/14/2005 11:20:51 AM · #3
These are mine ...

03/14/2005 11:26:19 AM · #4

03/14/2005 11:29:21 AM · #5

03/14/2005 11:35:32 AM · #6

Message edited by author 2005-03-14 11:38:00.
03/14/2005 11:47:24 AM · #7
Don't have one, mine was shot in B&W mode.

03/14/2005 12:19:23 PM · #8
Here's my original, in colour. And this was the BEST light we had the entire week, I was lucky. The much wider angle of view was so I could photograph the church without converging verticals, the crop of foreground and right side was always intended. Note the elimination of the electrical wires :-)

03/14/2005 12:30:36 PM · #9

just as boring as the black/white
as i was saying we have cane fields here, no mountains.. :(
03/14/2005 02:23:02 PM · #10
03/14/2005 02:25:25 PM · #11
03/14/2005 02:40:06 PM · #12
03/14/2005 02:47:29 PM · #13
Originally posted by vtruan:


03/14/2005 03:26:28 PM · #14

Message edited by author 2005-03-14 15:26:52.
03/14/2005 03:51:46 PM · #15
Here is mine from the challenge.

And the colour version.

And an outtake, I actually prefered it but was to close to my wifes entry.

And another, I really like the sky in this one.

And its colour version

03/14/2005 04:13:43 PM · #16

The colour one is significantly lacking in editing, as is obvious.
03/14/2005 04:22:27 PM · #17
While I like the Black and whites I much prefer everyones color shots. I particulary like the Blues in the skies.
03/14/2005 04:26:01 PM · #18
Originally posted by Warlock:

While I like the Black and whites I much prefer everyones color shots. I particulary like the Blues in the skies.

Even on MY shot? I'd be stunned if anyone thought the color was better than the B/W on this shot. In general, I agree; most of these images look better in color... It's often a matter of separation, green objects standing out from similarly-toned backgrounds by virtue of their colors. Ansel used green filters a LOT to lighten the tonalities of his trees and leaves.

03/14/2005 04:32:17 PM · #19
Original submission.

A colour version, but not off the original edit.

03/14/2005 04:52:03 PM · #20
To be honest Robt, I missed yours on the first go round.
I do like what you did with the Black and white and it has a definite Ansel feel to it. I'd have to say the B&W is better on that one.... But the Color one ain't to shabby either, and would probably rate them pretty close if the same editing was done on both.
03/14/2005 05:18:09 PM · #21
03/14/2005 05:21:22 PM · #22
Originally posted by stdavidson:


I love the color version as well :-)

Congrats on the blue ribbon.
03/14/2005 06:02:43 PM · #23
Originally posted by Warlock:

To be honest Robt, I missed yours on the first go round.
I do like what you did with the Black and white and it has a definite Ansel feel to it. I'd have to say the B&W is better on that one.... But the Color one ain't to shabby either, and would probably rate them pretty close if the same editing was done on both.

For what it's worth, my shot was visualized from the get-go as a B/W image, and as a colour image it has no interest to me whatsoever. But then I'm a zone system boy from way back, so I was "trained" to see this way...

03/14/2005 06:11:52 PM · #24
Originally posted by Gurilla:

And an outtake, I actually prefered it but was to close to my wifes entry.

Here's an absolutely straight conversion from Gurilla's colour original on this shot, using a "green filter" as Ansel would have. Note especially that I have done NO burning of the sky. Without nay further adjustments whatsoever, see the better separation of the tree from the sky, and the somewhat greater luminosity overall?


Message edited by author 2005-03-14 18:12:21.
03/14/2005 06:23:39 PM · #25
Originally posted by stdavidson:


Likewise (and I hope Davidson will forgive me for this) here's his saguaro blue ribbon winner in an absolutely straight conversion from the color original he posted, using a "green filter"... When I compare his color to his ribbon-winning image, I am immediately struck by the muddiness in the middle- and back-ground to the left of the large saguaro, and by a somewhat more realistic gradation of sky/clouds in the original. Note that the "green filter" version eliminates this problem, givinf a better-gradated sky and good separation of hills from sky in the BG left, plus gives a little more pop and contrast to the foreground and middleground details.

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