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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Current score on BF entry...
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 27, (reverse)
03/16/2005 09:41:52 PM · #1
So how's everyone doing score-wise on Best Friends? I guess I'm overall pleased with my score. I think this is the most comments I've had so far, and they're all positive.

This one for me was a "pressed-for-time" last minute shoot. There was a somewhat distracting shadow that I think if it weren't there, my score would have rated slightly higher. Ah well.

Votes: 135
Views: 173
Avg Vote: 5.4388
Comments: 7
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0

Message edited by author 2005-03-16 22:03:52.
03/16/2005 09:46:25 PM · #2
I'm at 6.4 with my BF entry and a bit higher with my lines entry! I'm absolutely stoked and have recieved a ton of great comments!!! Keep them coming!!!
03/16/2005 09:48:37 PM · #3
Avg Vote: 5.4370
Comments: 6
Favorites: 1
Wish Lists: 0

My first challenge, I'm pleased so far as everytime I hit the site my score has gone up :)
03/16/2005 10:03:05 PM · #4
Nice score Depea! WTG! =)
03/16/2005 10:12:30 PM · #5
Damn. My photo must suck compared to all yours. I'm only at a 4.67. I thought it was a good image and it wasn't the ordinary candid. That could have been what got me though. Oh well. Good luck everyone...
03/16/2005 10:14:36 PM · #6
Originally posted by eostyles:

Damn. My photo must suck compared to all yours. I'm only at a 4.67. I thought it was a good image and it wasn't the ordinary candid. That could have been what got me though. Oh well. Good luck everyone...

I doubt it. Mine wasn't an ordinary candid.
03/16/2005 10:39:22 PM · #7
Votes: 150
Views: 183
Avg Vote: 4.9867
Comments: 7
Favorites: 1
Wish Lists: 0

=( - i guess i must've stretched the challenge topic a bit too far on this one.
03/16/2005 11:02:17 PM · #8
Votes: 148
Views: 193
Avg Vote: 5.1959
Comments: 7

I'm actually quite happy with the voting, but quite disappointed with the photo I chose to upload. I hurried myself with 10 minutes left last night, and now regret it. Oh well, thats how the cookie crumbles!

Comments really helpful as well.
03/17/2005 12:12:25 AM · #9
Votes: 154
Views: 204
Avg Vote: 6.8636
Comments: 14

Whooo Hoo!
03/17/2005 12:17:59 AM · #10
Originally posted by dartompkins:

Votes: 154
Views: 204
Avg Vote: 6.8636
Comments: 14

Whooo Hoo!

Way to go Darlene!!!
03/17/2005 04:05:28 AM · #11
Avg Vote: 5.2143

I entered this challenge after editing the image, thinking that it was Advanced editing - I would have worked on the image nevertheless though. I think it would've scored high that way, but the current version is a little more distrurbing and I'm not entirely happy with it.

Ah well, my first dpchallenge entry anyhow, there'll be more (and better) to follow :)
03/17/2005 04:47:46 AM · #12
Avg Vote: 4.5704

Not too good. But as usual this was a rush job to get something posted and I discovered later it was not the shot I intended to post - Doh! Oh well.

On the other hand, it seems there were a lot of really bad photos in the lineup - at least I thought so. I couldn't find any 10's until I went back through and forced myself to bump up 2 of the entries.

So I am counting on all the scores being fairly low.
03/17/2005 08:22:40 AM · #13
Originally posted by dartompkins:

Votes: 154
Views: 204
Avg Vote: 6.8636
Comments: 14

Whooo Hoo!

Wow! Verah nice!! :D

Update on my score:

Votes: 154
Views: 201
Avg Vote: 5.4512
Comments: 9
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0

Message edited by author 2005-03-17 13:22:43.
03/17/2005 08:24:58 AM · #14
Votes: 160
Views: 207
Avg Vote: 4.1875
Comments: 2
Favorites: 0

not so great...but then again, its a fun, interesting, not-so-great picture! hehehe
03/17/2005 08:35:48 AM · #15
Votes: 161
Views: 228
Avg Vote: 5.4348
Comments: 9
Favorites: 2
03/17/2005 10:44:45 AM · #16
Holding up.

Votes: 162
Views: 238
Avg Vote: 6.1173
Comments: 9
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0

Mostly favorable comments. Definitely useful comments. Some have pointed out mistakes that I won't make again. Thanks.
03/18/2005 01:31:16 AM · #17
This was my very first challange and so far i have a 5.1 I don't think thats so bad for a first timer. I'll be the firt to admit that I have a lot to learn, plus I don't have a very ggod camera, plan on getting a new one soon.
03/19/2005 04:34:49 AM · #18
I'll wait until the challenge closes. I went to "My Home" and to "My Preferences" and turned off "My Scores". What a sweet relief :)
03/19/2005 04:51:19 AM · #19
Not as good as I thought. votes230
average 5.8304
03/19/2005 07:55:59 AM · #20
Originally posted by charliebaker:

I'll wait until the challenge closes. I went to "My Home" and to "My Preferences" and turned off "My Scores". What a sweet relief :)

LOL I just can't bring myself to do it O.o

My score allllmost gets to a 5.5, then it drops back down to 5.4009. AH!!! xD
03/19/2005 10:45:30 AM · #21
This is also my first challenge. I actually found and became a member to this website the day the submission was due. I worked the rest of the day on this photo and managed to get it in just in time.

Avg vote. 5.84
votes: 252

My avg score keeps going from 5.7 - 5.9, I'm trying to stay away from the "refresh" button =) I'm just glad that my score seems to be around what most of you have... I really worked hard on this image. I just finished my submission for the Bored challenge, I am really excited to see what I get for that too!

This is a great website! Thanks everyone!
03/19/2005 11:08:50 AM · #22
Originally posted by charliebaker:
I'll wait until the challenge closes. I went to "My Home" and to "My Preferences" and turned off "My Scores". What a sweet relief :)

I'm going to do that right now. I'm very disappointed in my scores. Hard to understand how 1 vote can give me a 9 and the very next vote is a 3!! I don't need to watch this :) It's as bad as watchng sasuage being made.

Message edited by author 2005-03-19 11:10:04.
03/19/2005 11:34:22 AM · #23
Originally posted by RolandB:

Originally posted by charliebaker:
I'll wait until the challenge closes. I went to "My Home" and to "My Preferences" and turned off "My Scores". What a sweet relief :)

I'm going to do that right now. I'm very disappointed in my scores. Hard to understand how 1 vote can give me a 9 and the very next vote is a 3!! I don't need to watch this :) It's as bad as watchng sasuage being made.

I suppose we should just accept that subjectivity plays an important role in how people evaluate anything, including a photograph. I'm also presuming that people who submit "snapshot" pictures in the bf challenge would vote down photos that are not snapshots, and those who try to do something else might not value most of the submitted snapshots as interesting enough.

I went for an interpretation that I think would be less commonplace. This was the first challenge I entered on this site. My score right at the beginning of the vote was about 4.6, and it has gone to just over 5 by today.

Of course I want the pic to do well, but I'm trying to hold on to the idea that at least some folks thought enough of my submission to spend a few seconds on commenting, and of the 15 I have received, 13 have backed up the idea that I'd come up at least with an "interesting concept."

That's going to have to be good enough for me, and the way I look at it, my personal challenge in the future is to keep on trying what I think is a different interpretation, at the same time as trying to improve the quality of the shot so that it might appeal to a wider audience.

It's tempting to declare that those who vote 1, 2, 3, 4 or whatever are phillistines who don't "get" it. But I'm not sure what point that would serve. I'll keep my scores on, try to not constantly hit refresh on the hour, and yes, take the good news with the bad.
03/19/2005 01:20:02 PM · #24
Originally posted by robgo:

Of course I want the pic to do well, but I'm trying to hold on to the idea that at least some folks thought enough of my submission to spend a few seconds on commenting, and of the 15 I have received, 13 have backed up the idea that I'd come up at least with an "interesting concept."

That's going to have to be good enough for me, and the way I look at it, my personal challenge in the future is to keep on trying what I think is a different interpretation, at the same time as trying to improve the quality of the shot so that it might appeal to a wider audience.

It's tempting to declare that those who vote 1, 2, 3, 4 or whatever are phillistines who don't "get" it. But I'm not sure what point that would serve. I'll keep my scores on, try to not constantly hit refresh on the hour, and yes, take the good news with the bad.

Thank you, Rob. That is a wonderful perspective, and one that I hope to strive for. I guess I was just feeling sorry for myself. You've helped me put it into the right frame of reference.

And good luck to us both!

Message edited by author 2005-03-19 13:21:48.
03/19/2005 03:11:26 PM · #25
This is also my first challenge. I actually found and became a member to this website the day the submission was due. I worked the rest of the day on this photo and managed to get it in just in time.

Welcome clarmore to DPC. I've only just entered a few months ago and find the wacky, creative, thoughtful DPC community a joy. Hope your first photo does well.
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