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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> Hidden during voting
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04/07/2005 03:10:56 PM · #1
Just curious if anyone can explain to me who this "Hidden During Voting" person is??? Is it someone who is scared of retribution? Are they some sort of "professional" critic? I only say this because their comments seem to serve no purpose other than to create problems.
I was looking at comments made about one of my recent submissions. Everyone who commented had valuable, or helpful insight except for the "Hidden During Voting" person. They liked my image but thought that is wasn't much of a portrait.
Well let’s talk about portraits for a second. Webster’s defines a portrait as:

n 1: a painting of a person's face 2: a word picture of a person's appearance and character [syn: portrayal, portraiture] 3: any likeness of a person; "the photographer made excellent portraits" [syn: portrayal]

Now I don't think anyone painted his or her picture. I'm pretty sure that no one wrote an essay. But we did take pictures that represented the likeness of person (or animal in our case.)
So now lets talk about environmental portrait... Or any of the other versions of a portrait. They are created to give a sense of the person. If it's a silhouette, a detail, or even shot through the trees it's still a portrait.
So who ever this "Hidden During Voting" person is please be careful what you say. Think about your comments before making them. Some of us actually want good advice, not a snick trying to jack up their post count...
A thanks to everyone else who has had good advice or comments.
04/07/2005 03:27:35 PM · #2
The "hidden during voting" option is for anyone who doesn't want their identity revealed during voting. This was implemented because many voters were receiving PMs about their comments during the challenge which ruined the anonymity of the photographer - something that some voters don't appreciate. Their identity will be revealed after the challenge ends.
04/07/2005 03:45:10 PM · #3

04/07/2005 04:11:41 PM · #4
I had a similar experience on the first voting day of my very first challenge. A “Hidden During Voting” comment showed up with a very direct comment. I took it to heart and stormed around for a few hours before re-reading the comment. Then it started to make sense what they was saying, I could see it in the picture where I didn’t see it before. I am not trying to say the comment you received was justified but don’t beat yourself up over them. Take out of each comment what you can and move to the next one, they are just another persons opinion. And I find them to be a little more honest than the ones my wife gives me on my photographs.

Good Luck in the challenge!
04/07/2005 04:36:43 PM · #5
Originally posted by mk:

The "hidden during voting" option is for anyone who doesn't want their identity revealed during voting. This was implemented because many voters were receiving PMs about their comments during the challenge which ruined the anonymity of the photographer - something that some voters don't appreciate. Their identity will be revealed after the challenge ends.

This is exactly why I choose to hide myself during voting. I am sure it is not me you are referring too because I haven't commented on any of the current challenges yet. But what mk has stated happened to me too many times so I selected this option.
04/07/2005 05:58:08 PM · #6
Dear thefotog,
I have never used "THE BAG" before, but now that I have received your nasty pm because (I think this is the reason) we disagree on the exact definition of the word "portrait", I am thinking of becoming a bag-convert, too.

You refuse to tell me which photo is yours, so I can't even check the critique that I left, but I know it couldn't have been anything bad enough to deserve your attack.

If you find it THIS difficult to deal with criticism, perhaps you would sleep better at night if you didn't enter challenges that are meant to judge your work. Try to remember that even a negative comment can be "good advice".

Most of us leave comments - good AND bad - in an effort to help out, there is NO need to "jack up" post count.

At times, the critical comments can be hard to swallow, but very often they are worth it in the end.
04/07/2005 06:07:08 PM · #7
Originally posted by Beetle:

At times, the critical comments can be hard to swallow, but very often they are worth it in the end.

This is so true. Become a bag it is wonderful not to get replies while voting is still going. IMO

04/07/2005 06:09:08 PM · #8
Heres the guy:

Now wheres my reward?
04/09/2005 12:46:18 AM · #9
I know my stuff dosen't copmpare to many of yours and that's way cool. How ever I've seen many newbies become discuraged because of snide coments. That just ain't cool!!! We are here to encourage one another not bad mouth every one.
If you are afraid of a response don't make the coment to begin with. Just keep your snide coment to yourself or the other pekerwoods out there.
This is an awesome site, with a great thing going for it. How ever if people keep making lame, useless coments, or trying to make others feel bad I don't think it will last very long. That would suck for all of us...

tyt2000 that pick is the vashivits!!! ;)~

Message edited by author 2005-04-09 00:48:53.
04/09/2005 01:46:29 AM · #10

I find it somewhat disheartening to see that you seek input from members of the community then attack the very people who try to help you. Calling people "pekerwoods" does not seem to be a term of endearment and will do little to garner support from the masses.

Not all comments on your submissions will be positive, but that does not mean they are not "constructive"

You may wish to give these factors some thought in future.


Message edited by author 2005-04-09 09:40:50.
04/09/2005 01:52:28 AM · #11
Dont't bother, Ray. He just lost me, at least, with the "peckerwoods" comment. Hell with it.

04/10/2005 01:16:40 AM · #12
People all take things in differen't ways. It's what makes us all unique.
As with the coment issue here. This isn't about coments about my work, or someones thoughts about it. It's about "definitions." I was bummed because someone who prefers to remain nameless thought they knew more than everyone else, but didn't know what they were talking about. I just wanted to bring that to their attention. They were mistaken. If they would have just comented and left it at that none of this would have ever hapened.

Ideas breed conception, coception leads to inovation, witout inovation we stagnate and die. So embrace your conception or, well...?

P.S. if you took the Pekerwood coment to heart then maybe you should stay out of the rant area. After all it is here for people to voice a difference of opinion or greivence right?

04/10/2005 01:30:02 AM · #13
Originally posted by thefotog:

P.S. if you took the Pekerwood coment to heart then maybe you should stay out of the rant area. After all it is here for people to voice a difference of opinion or greivence right?

The Site TOS still apply to the Rant area -- expressing your opinion is fine, but calling people/groups insulting or disparaging names is not allowed.
04/10/2005 02:49:22 AM · #14
thefotog - You started this thread asking about why people hide their identity during voting. I have this option selected because when I left comments, people kept PM'ing me trying to explain that I misunderstood something or just commenting back. None were really negative in any way, it just bugged and distracted me unnecessarily and also ruined the anonymity of some of the entries I was voting on. All the reasons others cited to get that feature implemented in the first place. I like it.

You will get to see the identity of the person who made the comment after the voting.

I received comments on both current entries about the "portrait" definition issue and it doesn't bother me - I also got a comment on the letter challenge saying they thought it was our "duty" to find letters in nature - I kinda laughed at that one - technically he accused me of dereliction of duty! >:| He didn't hide his identity, but I won't PM him - I did post a rules reminder / clarification in the forum and apparently some voters read it and some entries' scores went up as a result, but not mine. :( Oh well, I'll live.

Anyway - your comment about newbies being discouraged because of snide comments - 99.9% of the comments I see are extremely tame and sometimes way too over-apologetic. Snide comments occur much less than hyper-sensitivity. Imagine if that Simon guy from American Idol was on here critiquing these photos... "It looks like bloody crap!" - "If that image was printed on paper, I wouldn't even wipe my arse with it." - it would go something like that. ;-)

Relax & have fun. Cheers.
04/10/2005 12:17:46 PM · #15
Originally posted by thefotog:

People all take things in differen't ways. It's what makes us all unique.
As with the coment issue here. This isn't about coments about my work, or someones thoughts about it. It's about "definitions." I was bummed because someone who prefers to remain nameless thought they knew more than everyone else, but didn't know what they were talking about. I just wanted to bring that to their attention. They were mistaken. If they would have just comented and left it at that none of this would have ever hapened.

Ideas breed conception, coception leads to inovation, witout inovation we stagnate and die. So embrace your conception or, well...?

P.S. if you took the Pekerwood coment to heart then maybe you should stay out of the rant area. After all it is here for people to voice a difference of opinion or greivence right?

People all take things in differen't ways. It's what makes us all unique.... Please do enlighten us as to the myriad of ways one could interpret to the term pekerwood. I did peruse the contents of the dictionaries I have on hand and have yet to find it.
04/10/2005 12:47:49 PM · #16
The word could be turned around "woodpecker" maybe ;)
04/10/2005 01:46:08 PM · #17
Peckerwood  (U.S.) a white person, especially Southern whites

From the Wikipedia List of Ethnic Slurs
04/10/2005 01:49:44 PM · #18
Originally posted by GeneralE:

Peckerwood (U.S.) a white person, especially Southern whites

From the Wikipedia List of Ethnic Slurs

Loosely translated into its most common equivalent, "peckerwood" = "redneck", or "white trash"...

04/10/2005 01:53:04 PM · #19
"trailer-trash"? ;)

No offense to anyone living in a mobile home.

Message edited by author 2005-04-10 13:53:15.
04/10/2005 11:49:50 PM · #20
We can sit here and play the semantics game but I'm not down with that. So I'll just sit here and twiddle my thumbs and sport a snicker.

kpriest, I took your words to heart and agree with your philosophy. It's not worth the blood pressure spikes getting into a tizzy about someone else’s misunderstanding.

As far a the peckerwood thing, my Pop used it in a great manor. Basically it's someone who gets under your skin.

Lastly I've got a question. I'd like to do a poll on this but I'll just ask. How many people here are professional shooters, or at least have a formal education in photography?
04/11/2005 12:01:37 AM · #21
Originally posted by GeneralE:

Peckerwood  (U.S.) a white person, especially Southern whites

From the Wikipedia List of Ethnic Slurs

I prefer "cracker" myself.
04/11/2005 11:26:20 AM · #22
Originally posted by mk:

Originally posted by GeneralE:

Peckerwood (U.S.) a white person, especially Southern whites

From the Wikipedia List of Ethnic Slurs

I prefer "cracker" myself.

Cracker are good aren't they? The cheesey ones are my favorite.
04/12/2005 12:51:09 PM · #23
not trying to hijack this thread but i have to take exception with Wikipedia's definition of the word Peckerwood.

having lived in the South all my life, i have heard this word more times than i can count and i've never heard it used as a racial slur. Southern vernacular is sometimes hard to "get" by someone that doesn't live here. while i don't agree that anyone here was being annoying, except maybe the thread originator, i feel sure that there wasn't any racial connotation in his use of the word.

that's all...just felt i needed to defend my love for the South and try to fight the prevailing stereotype that we're all racists and bigots.

back to your regularly scheduled program. :)
04/12/2005 01:09:30 PM · #24
this coming from www.urbandictionary.com

1. Pecker-Wood
peckerwood or peckah wood is an afro american derogatory term for a poor white.Or redneck,honkie or cracker.

just thought I'd throw that one in there. and PLEASE do not get into a race discussion
04/12/2005 02:27:22 PM · #25
I always thought a peckerwood was a "dick". So what ever. :)
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