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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Tedious and lacking variety - Abandoned Buildings
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 75, (reverse)
04/13/2005 12:31:37 AM · #1
Not to be a dick and denigrate the people who made the effort and submitted to this challenge, but I think this is one of the worst challenges in quite a while...but that's mostly the result of a pretty mundane challenge topic.

There are **500** submissions...of what? bland, old, colorless, withering buildings. There is little room for creative variation, I feel. Browsing through the images only a few of the 500 have stood out.

I didn't submit to this challenge because I figured there are only so many ways you can take a picture of something old and crappy, and someone else would probably have already done it. The sheer number of submissions confirms this.

I dunno, I'm a bit disappointed...someone please tell me I'm not the only one that feels this way...
04/13/2005 12:36:12 AM · #2
Originally posted by crank2o:

Not to be a dick and denigrate the people who made the effort and submitted to this challenge, but I think this is one of the worst challenges in quite a while...but that's mostly the result of a pretty mundane challenge topic.

There are **500** submissions...of what? bland, old, colorless, withering buildings. There is little room for creative variation, I feel. Browsing through the images only a few of the 500 have stood out.

I didn't submit to this challenge because I figured there are only so many ways you can take a picture of something old and crappy, and someone else would probably have already done it. The sheer number of submissions confirms this.

I dunno, I'm a bit disappointed...someone please tell me I'm not the only one that feels this way...

If you don't like them, you don't have to look. Sorry if my entry doesn't hold up to your standards, but that's why you have a vote...so go vote and try saying something to improve someone's technique instead of degrading them in public.

Personally, and not to be rude, I strongly dislike just about every photograph you've entered into any challenge, but does that give me the right to say that infront of everyone? If you don't like something, offer words that can help...or shutup.

Message edited by author 2005-04-13 00:36:31.
04/13/2005 12:40:58 AM · #3
I think we need to get back to basics... maybe a thread about "How to Compose or crop a shot" as there seems to be a lot of un-needed elements in a lot of the shots that I have viewed.

You are not alone...but I have only breezed through about a third of em so far.

ED: Grammar as usual

Message edited by author 2005-04-13 00:42:11.
04/13/2005 12:46:18 AM · #4
Gosh, crank20. Can you tell us how you really feel? ;)
I'd say you're feeling brave tonight. Picking a fight with 500!
Sounds to me like it's a personal preference thing and maybe you shouldn't vote this challenge.

adding: I'm not one of the 500...just jumpin' in where I don't belong. :D

Message edited by author 2005-04-13 00:56:56.
04/13/2005 12:50:21 AM · #5
Being that it is a basic challenge, there is only so much that can be done . Also, being a basic challenge, there will be many entries. As a rule for myself, I don't vote anymore in challenges I don't enter. I don't feel I can judge fairly not knowing what it took to compose a similar shot.

Most old buildings are not colorful. No one paints or cares for an abandoned building. Otherwise, it is called a building and is no longer abandoned.

Message edited by author 2005-04-13 00:52:39.
04/13/2005 12:52:03 AM · #6
Without referencing the "qaulity" of the images (I've only looked at the thumbnail page thus far) I'd have to agree that this is the most homogenous looking page of thumbs I've ever seen in a challenge. Even "pink" and "white on white" looked more varied in thumbnail view. So I can see where crank's coming from, though I'm perfectly prepared to find that many of these similarly-thumbed images are in fact very nice when I blow 'em up to vote.

Still, this is the first time I've EVER looked at an entire page of thumbs and not ONE of them stood up and shouted at me "Open me first!"

04/13/2005 12:52:33 AM · #7
Well....he may have a bit of a point though it likely emphasized by the sheer number of entries. This is where it would be VERY hard to judge objectively. Damn hard to get WOWed by a bunch of old and bland buildings when you would really have to look at details to judge fairly. 500 details to be exact.

Other than that.....lotsa cool shots and oh yeah....play nice.

04/13/2005 12:53:48 AM · #8
Originally posted by bear_music:

Without referencing the "qaulity" of the images (I've only looked at the thumbnail page thus far) I'd have to agree that this is the most homogenous looking page of thumbs I've ever seen in a challenge. Even "pink" and "white on white" looked more varied in thumbnail view. So I can see where crank's coming from, though I'm perfectly prepared to find that many of these similarly-thumbed images are in fact very nice when I blow 'em up to vote.

Still, this is the first time I've EVER looked at an entire page of thumbs and not ONE of them stood up and shouted at me "Open me first!"


You must not have seen mine yet! :) Hit refresh.
04/13/2005 12:56:41 AM · #9
Originally posted by deapee:

Originally posted by crank2o:

Not to be a dick and denigrate the people who made the effort and submitted to this challenge, but I think this is one of the worst challenges in quite a while...but that's mostly the result of a pretty mundane challenge topic.

There are **500** submissions...of what? bland, old, colorless, withering buildings. There is little room for creative variation, I feel. Browsing through the images only a few of the 500 have stood out.

I didn't submit to this challenge because I figured there are only so many ways you can take a picture of something old and crappy, and someone else would probably have already done it. The sheer number of submissions confirms this.

I dunno, I'm a bit disappointed...someone please tell me I'm not the only one that feels this way...

If you don't like them, you don't have to look. Sorry if my entry doesn't hold up to your standards, but that's why you have a vote...so go vote and try saying something to improve someone's technique instead of degrading them in public.

Personally, and not to be rude, I strongly dislike just about every photograph you've entered into any challenge, but does that give me the right to say that infront of everyone? If you don't like something, offer words that can help...or shutup.

I am sorry if I offended you, but my comment was not a personal criticism -- and one for which a scathing personal attack was not necessary.

Looking at your pictures, I think a lot of them are really great shots. In a topic like "lines", you had a nice interpretation of lines, in the topic "best friends", you captured a pleasant candid moment, and in "b&w 2* you took a great shot of a bridge.

What marks all those challenges as different from this one, is that you had A LOT of room for creative interpretation via the topic.

All I meant with this thread is that there are a limited number of ways of taking a picture of virtually the same thing...a thing which is also difficult to make aesthetically pleasing, at that.
04/13/2005 12:58:05 AM · #10
Originally posted by bbower1956:

... As a rule for myself, I don't vote anymore in challenges I don't enter. I don't feel I can judge fairly not knowing what it took to compose a similar shot....

Actually I find the opposite to be true for me...there is no little voice in the back of my head saying "Darn this is so much better than what I entered" when voting on challenges that I have entered. As much as I'd like to try to avoid that, it is still there. So I vote I challenges that I don't enter and don't vote on challenges I do.
04/13/2005 12:59:38 AM · #11
I agree that the photos aren't jumping out at me for this challenge. A lot of the buildings look empty rather than abandoned. Some of them look perfectly usable just no people or obvious recent use.

Can anyone give insight on how to vote on this challenge? Does the building need to be uninhabitable to count as abandoned?
04/13/2005 01:01:44 AM · #12
Originally posted by CBalck:

Can anyone give insight on how to vote on this challenge? Does the building need to be uninhabitable to count as abandoned?

Just vote on the overall quality of the submission and assume it to be abandoned. Who's to say it isn't?
04/13/2005 01:13:47 AM · #13
I have to say I disagree with Crank20. I think there are many outstanding images in this challenge. But then again maybe I am just sleep deprived.

04/13/2005 01:25:39 AM · #14
Originally posted by BradP:

Originally posted by CBalck:

Can anyone give insight on how to vote on this challenge? Does the building need to be uninhabitable to count as abandoned?

Just vote on the overall quality of the submission and assume it to be abandoned. Who's to say it isn't?

There's one shot of a building that I can't imagine would be abandoned. I still scored it as though it were abandoned, though.
04/13/2005 01:27:36 AM · #15
Thanks for the advice Brad and Bryan
04/13/2005 01:33:25 AM · #16
With 500 submissions this can only end up with many duplicated plain looking shots. I know some of them stand out, which will be the winners. However, going through 500 images is a little outrageous.

I think there should be a cap on these challenges. I mean, I know a limit may stifle the reason for the time limit, but the user-base of dpc is getting quite large.

I know this may cause some problems:

say a limit on a week challenge is 300people, I can imagine a lot of people will submit a not worthy photo just as a place holder. So getting around that barrier...I don't know?
04/13/2005 01:43:38 AM · #17
Originally posted by totaldis:

With 500 submissions this can only end up with many duplicated plain looking shots. I know some of them stand out, which will be the winners. However, going through 500 images is a little outrageous.

I think there should be a cap on these challenges. I mean, I know a limit may stifle the reason for the time limit, but the user-base of dpc is getting quite large.

I know this may cause some problems:

say a limit on a week challenge is 300people, I can imagine a lot of people will submit a not worthy photo just as a place holder. So getting around that barrier...I don't know?

yeh, I agree, it's pretty unfortunate when the popularity of a site and people's devotion to it becomes it's own worst enemy.

As for your idea with a weekly limit, while it sounds good in practice, it seems like it would be unfair in principle - even if there was some "you can't change your first submission" rule to deter people from using place holders.

The only other thing I can think of is if the site gets to where you have 800+ photos in a week, do a batch-vote process that lasts 2 weeks. First 400 pics in one week, second 400 in the next week.
That would probably also get more people to sign up as members so they could be in challenges more often ... jeez, but there are still flaws, this is definitely a problem.
04/13/2005 01:48:51 AM · #18
Try doing a 48-hour "screening" vote with levels 1-2-3-4-5, and the top 25% go on to a 5-day regular voting period? This, or some variation of it, might work...

04/13/2005 02:45:33 AM · #19
Originally posted by bryanbrazil:

There's one shot of a building that I can't imagine would be abandoned. I still scored it as though it were abandoned, though.

Just food for thought here.

It was NOT abandoned as I thought.
Guess there would be no telling if any are or not, so all are as far as I'm concerned.
04/13/2005 04:42:43 AM · #20
Originally posted by bear_music:

Try doing a 48-hour "screening" vote with levels 1-2-3-4-5, and the top 25% go on to a 5-day regular voting period? This, or some variation of it, might work...


I have allways marked all entry's, but the length of time needed for 500+ is too demanding, There is a need for weeding out the obvious pics which dont meet the challenge exactly.
Otherwise I feel that thumnails will be used to view and judge only the minimum 20%, to the detriment of us all.
Anyone seen a barn today.?
04/13/2005 04:58:49 AM · #21
Originally posted by totaldis:

With 500 submissions this can only end up with many duplicated plain looking shots. I know some of them stand out, which will be the winners. However, going through 500 images is a little outrageous.

Personally, I find think it is wonderful to have so many great shots to look at. Yeah, there are a lot of dups in there, and not all the images are of the greatest quality, but there are a lot of very fine images, with great color and texture, and interesting lines. There are one or two that are not repeated, and were very original ideas, and it was nice to see them represented in this challenge. I will be enjoying my trip through the abandoned buildings, grading more on overall quality of the photo this time since there are so many that are the same, and those that stand out as being different, will probalby get a few extra points. For now, it's back to the Challenge. And remember, part of the challenge is to view and vote. Don't fall short.
04/13/2005 04:59:20 AM · #22
i think this is the highest standard i;ve seen
in a long time!
awesome awesome shots, better than corbis
what you going on about?
04/13/2005 05:14:10 AM · #23
hope its ok to park them here

for those who missed the barns in the challenge..he

and this one is framed at my wall..i like it
but i could not get it right for sending..too much loss of detail and such
went for something completely different and its doing okay

500..pew.. thats a long run (is this a breaking record?)
04/13/2005 05:37:20 AM · #24
Originally posted by crank2o:

Not to be a dick and denigrate the people who made the effort and submitted to this challenge, but I think this is one of the worst challenges in quite a while...but that's mostly the result of a pretty mundane challenge topic.

There are **500** submissions...of what? bland, old, colorless, withering buildings. There is little room for creative variation, I feel. Browsing through the images only a few of the 500 have stood out.

I didn't submit to this challenge because I figured there are only so many ways you can take a picture of something old and crappy, and someone else would probably have already done it. The sheer number of submissions confirms this.

I dunno, I'm a bit disappointed...someone please tell me I'm not the only one that feels this way...

I'm an amature. I posted a photo in hopes that I will get one or two comments that will help my skills. I'm not even worried about scores yet. Matter of fact, I like to try and guess what my score will be before the voting starts. If my guess is close that means I'm starting to be able to see my own flaws.

So go out there and vote. There's a lot of us who need this information.
04/13/2005 06:00:54 AM · #25
I'm leaving far more comments on this challenge than ever before. Maybe it's just because the challenge appeals to me, but I also think that there are very few exceptionally bad or good photos in this challenge. Most of them are pretty good but could be better, and of course I know exactly how to make them better. I may even tell you.
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