Author | Thread |
04/13/2005 03:50:31 PM · #1 |
I've been contributing to Istock and Shutterstock on and off for the better part of a year. I've also been doing wedding and portrait photography and I feel like being the DPC guinea pig. So here's what is going to happen:
I am going to sign up for Alamy and give it my best shot to be a regular contributor and see what happens. I will try to remember to report in this thread as often as something newsworthy happens. Most DPC'ers who are on SS and Istock (like me) feel like we a) can't get into Alamy or b) won't sell pictures anyways. I am setting out to prove this claim for myself one way or other.
I'll be using my 300D until I get a 20D and I will be primarily sticking with the same type of stock ideas that I have used for SS and Istock.
I've finished the sign up process and will create my disk of images now. I will put them in the mail tomorrow. Don't forget to mark thread watched if you want to see how this goes.
04/13/2005 04:21:22 PM · #2 |
Originally posted by mavrik: I feel like being the DPC guinea pig. So here's what is going to happen:
I am going to sign up for Alamy and give it my best shot to be a regular contributor and see what happens. |
you go, you wild man! good luck!
(just remember, the key to this is shooting what will sell, not submitting what you like...) |
04/13/2005 08:09:51 PM · #3 |
Originally posted by skiprow:
(just remember, the key to this is shooting what will sell, not submitting what you like...) |
Shoot what you like. Shooting for stock should be a side to what you are really in photography for. If you do well with what you like it will probably sell.
Oh, and patience is a virtue. If you don't see your work online in 3 days time don't get all upset.
04/13/2005 08:37:08 PM · #4 |
I'll definitely be patient and stick with it. :) I just want to see where it goes - better or worse. Of course I want it to work - $$$.
04/13/2005 08:41:14 PM · #5 |
Originally posted by mavrik:
....I am going to sign up for Alamy and give it my best shot to be a regular contributor and see what happens. I will try to remember to report in this thread as often as something newsworthy happens. Most DPC'ers who are on SS and Istock (like me) feel like we a) can't get into Alamy or b) won't sell pictures anyways. I am setting out to prove this claim for myself one way or other......
M |
Pretty sure if I had a higher pixeled camera I could get in there. Most of my shots are stock like and one day get a dSLR and submit to a higher profit stock site.
Good luck on your new endeavor. Are you considered pro now that you have so many photo related jobs making money? |
04/13/2005 09:00:41 PM · #6 |
Hey. You lost your color!
Are you sending 16 pictures as your initial group? I'd like to know how many you get up in a month. I, for one, will be watching this thread. It will be interesting to see what happens and how long it takes to get your first sale. Are you planning on offering them all as rm(or L as it's stated on Alamy)? Will you include any of the ones that you have on the other sites?
Good luck. |
04/13/2005 09:14:18 PM · #7 |
I am going to send them my CD of 20 tomorrow. I may get in - but I want to see how sales go as well. I'll also link my portfolio as soon as I have it up and going.
I did lose my color, unfortunately. :( It means I can't even watch my own thread. lol
I'll probably aim to get 50-100 up in a month or two and then I'll add as I can after that - wedding season is coming up soon and I'll be majorly busy but also producing thousands of images. And yes, I think I'm a "pro" as I own my own studio and do business taxes, collect sales tax and make more than half my income from photography. lol
I dont know which images I'll put up - but surely some of my IStock and SS - which I will deactivate from those sites during this test.
04/13/2005 09:36:06 PM · #8 |
Alamy? Now, come on: getting in here is the real challenge.
E |
04/13/2005 09:56:19 PM · #9 |
Well good luck with it. How on Earth are you ever going to find the time to do this? And why are you making your shutter and Istock in active for it? Do they want exclusivity? Just make sure you dont lose money at those places, unless you can make more for this one.
What is the requirement size wise for alamy? Is that the 6mp one? |
04/13/2005 10:04:02 PM · #10 |
Originally posted by e301: Alamy? Now, come on: getting in here is the real challenge.
E |
I opened that page, saw the pictures, and closed it right away, lol, too intimidating. How good are they for prices? Comparable to Alamy?
Im also going to submit to Alamy, but Id like to build up 10-15 images that I feel are pro-ish before I go out sending them crap that they will throw back into my face.
04/13/2005 10:27:44 PM · #11 |
Originally posted by e301: Alamy? Now, come on: getting in here is the real challenge.
E |
It sure would be. Magnum is a different type of agency. It is much more specialized in the editorial areas of stock photography.
04/13/2005 10:41:17 PM · #12 |
Originally posted by loz1: Well good luck with it. How on Earth are you ever going to find the time to do this? And why are you making your shutter and Istock in active for it? Do they want exclusivity? Just make sure you dont lose money at those places, unless you can make more for this one.
Finding time for this is no problem for me at least. It only takes me a few seconds per image longer to save for Alamy. When I download an image from my camera I edit, file and save it to the proper folder on my computer if it is worth saving. When I do this I automatically re-save it as an IBM file and place the image in a folder titled Alamy#. When I get 85 images in the file I burn a DVD and mail it to jolly old England.
As for the question of exclusivity, Alamy does not ask for that, but as a general rule if you are selling rights managed images the agency you choose to do this for you must be aware of any and all sales of a particlular image to stay legal. You cannot legally sell someone one time exclusive North American publishing rights to an image for $700 when you just sold it to five other people in North America for 23 cents each. You can sell the same images RF through Alamy, but why would anyone go there to buy your RF image for $200 when they can get the same exact image from SS for 23 cents?
04/14/2005 07:40:37 AM · #13 |
Originally posted by nsbca7: Finding time for this is no problem for me at least. It only takes me a few seconds per image longer to save for Alamy. |
Generally, it won't be too much of a problem for me. Loz knows me and knows I work two jobs and pretty much work every waking hour already! lol I'll squeeze it in because as you say - it's barely a half step extra to my workflow.
04/14/2005 10:37:48 AM · #14 |
Originally posted by mavrik: Originally posted by nsbca7: Finding time for this is no problem for me at least. It only takes me a few seconds per image longer to save for Alamy. |
Generally, it won't be too much of a problem for me. Loz knows me and knows I work two jobs and pretty much work every waking hour already! lol I'll squeeze it in because as you say - it's barely a half step extra to my workflow.
M |
If you all are working on a PC it should be even easier because the file is already a PC format TIFF. All you need do is re-size and burn the images to the CD or DVD straight from the file. I make it all part one one proccess.
04/14/2005 11:04:39 AM · #15 |
04/14/2005 01:13:13 PM · #16 |
Originally posted by mavrik: Don't forget to mark thread watched if you want to see how this goes.
M |
I'm trying to figure out how to mark this thread "watched" so I can keep up with your adventure. I'm not having luck finding out how though. Can someone direct me how to do that?
Thanks for the help.
Message edited by author 2005-04-14 13:13:45. |
04/14/2005 01:26:20 PM · #17 |
Originally posted by Damian: I opened that page, saw the pictures, and closed it right away, lol, too intimidating. |
I know the feeling, LOL! Most of you guy intimidate me though, but I'm working on that.
Mike |
04/14/2005 01:27:44 PM · #18 |
Originally posted by AllgoodPics:
I'm trying to figure out how to mark this thread "watched" so I can keep up with your adventure. I'm not having luck finding out how though. Can someone direct me how to do that?
Thanks for the help.
Mike |
I'm not positive, but I believe you have to be a member to "watch" threads.
04/14/2005 01:33:19 PM · #19 |
Originally posted by dogz: I'm not positive, but I believe you have to be a member to "watch" threads. |
Thanks dogz, I wonderd if that may be it. I may have to go ahead and bit the bullet and send in my money!
Mike |
04/14/2005 01:36:53 PM · #20 |
I'm a member, and I can't figure it out!
04/14/2005 01:55:01 PM · #21 |
At the top of each thread, there is a little drop down box of options for that thread - one of them is to watch it. Then, on the bottom of the front page of the site or at the top of the forums page, there is a button with googly eyes that says "watched threads" where you can find all the threads you've chosen.
But yes, this is a paid members only function, I believe. |
04/14/2005 01:56:28 PM · #22 |
04/14/2005 02:12:57 PM · #23 |
Originally posted by thatcloudthere: I um dum |
That's okay. It makes me feel S-M-R-T. |
04/14/2005 09:31:03 PM · #24 |
Originally posted by mk:
That's okay. It makes me feel S-M-R-T. |
S-M-R-T |
04/15/2005 09:15:32 PM · #25 |
Originally posted by mavrik: Generally, it won't be too much of a problem for me. Loz knows me and knows I work two jobs and pretty much work every waking hour already! lol I'll squeeze it in because as you say - it's barely a half step extra to my workflow.
M |
That I guess is true lol I know you are majorly busy so It seems impossible to fit more in, but somehow you seem to always manage lol I guess stock doesnt take that long to do lol Plus why do you waste 6 hours a night sleeping when you can be working? lol Actually you probably brainstorm even in your dreams haha
Well good lock :)
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