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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Tedious and lacking variety - Abandoned Buildings
Showing posts 51 - 75 of 75, (reverse)
04/13/2005 02:41:54 PM · #51
Originally posted by goodman:

i think this is the highest standard i;ve seen
in a long time!
awesome awesome shots, better than corbis
what you going on about?

I happen to agree. A lot of interesing subjects, and a lot of well taken shots. The day every shot at this site has to look like a centerfold or product shot, I'm outta here.
04/13/2005 02:48:13 PM · #52
I should have gotten a nude female model to stand in front of my abandonded building. Would be scoring higher that is for sure.
04/13/2005 03:16:57 PM · #53
If you've looked at it long enough to bookmark it, why not vote on it then? You can always go back if you have the time and desire to do so and view your votes and thumbnails as they are grouped for you by the vote you gave them.

Originally posted by Ivo:

GADZOOKS.....another thought that may or may not be mine but YES.......a thought nonetheless. On the first go around, we should be able to bookmark our top choices without having to grade them right away. Better use of time and voting ambition. This should be a very simple fix......or so I think. LETS PUT IT TO A VOTE!

Power to the Cyber Population!!

04/13/2005 03:41:57 PM · #54
Originally posted by mikasi:

... having dial-up I find it necessary to go to the local library with its high speed connection to speed things up...
ohmegod, i thought i was the only one who does that!
04/13/2005 03:48:37 PM · #55
I chuckle at idealists who state they can be as objective voting / commenting on the first 50 as they are the last 50 challenge after challenge after challenge. Gimme a break.

Originally posted by glad2badad:

If you've looked at it long enough to bookmark it, why not vote on it then? You can always go back if you have the time and desire to do so and view your votes and thumbnails as they are grouped for you by the vote you gave them.

Originally posted by Ivo:

GADZOOKS.....another thought that may or may not be mine but YES.......a thought nonetheless. On the first go around, we should be able to bookmark our top choices without having to grade them right away. Better use of time and voting ambition. This should be a very simple fix......or so I think. LETS PUT IT TO A VOTE!

Power to the Cyber Population!!
04/13/2005 04:06:23 PM · #56
Sorry, I'm not getting where you are headed with your commments. My point is if you've taken enough time to look at the photo to decide it's worthy of being included in your top choices list, then you should have looked hard enough to be able to vote on it. Come back around for comments if you're in a hurry.

Enjoy your chuckle. ;^)

edit: meant to emphasize, not SHOUT...

Originally posted by Ivo:

I chuckle at idealists who state they can be as objective voting / commenting on the first 50 as they are the last 50 challenge after challenge after challenge. Gimme a break.

Originally posted by glad2badad:

If you've looked at it long enough to bookmark it, why not vote on it then? You can always go back if you have the time and desire to do so and view your votes and thumbnails as they are grouped for you by the vote you gave them.

Originally posted by Ivo:

GADZOOKS.....another thought that may or may not be mine but YES.......a thought nonetheless. On the first go around, we should be able to bookmark our top choices without having to grade them right away. Better use of time and voting ambition. This should be a very simple fix......or so I think. LETS PUT IT TO A VOTE!

Power to the Cyber Population!!

Message edited by author 2005-04-13 16:22:30.
04/13/2005 04:10:44 PM · #57
Yeah.......hmmmm......riiiiiight..... =D

[quote=glad2badad] Sorry, I'm not getting where you are headed with your commments. My point is if you've taken enough time to LOOK at the photo to DECIDE it's worthy of being included in your TOP CHOICES list, then you should have looked hard enough to be able to vote on it. Come back around for comments if you're in a hurry.

Enjoy your chuckle. ;^)

[quote=Ivo] I chuckle at idealists who state they can be as objective voting / commenting on the first 50 as they are the last 50 challenge after challenge after challenge. Gimme a break.

04/13/2005 04:19:11 PM · #58
Originally posted by bear_music:

Try doing a 48-hour "screening" vote with levels 1-2-3-4-5, and the top 25% go on to a 5-day regular voting period? This, or some variation of it, might work...


Let me explain what I meant; let the CHALLENGE ITSELF be divided into two phases of voting; in the first phase, we all use a limited 1-5 scale and vote on as many as we can. After 48 hours, the results are calculated and the top 25% of the images "pass" the screening and are reposted for the full vote. Those that did not make the cut, double their scores and this becomes the result for the challenge. Those that make the cut get voted on a second time and this becomes their result,

Somethign like this was what I was thinking, but of course it has flaws. I was just trying to figure a way that would allow the dialup and time-limited peopel to participate more completely in the voting on the images that end up as the top 25%

Regarding my own method of "slotting", I've revised it again; I slot into 5 and 6, "bottom half" and "top half". Was able to do this in about an hour, a little more, in this challenge. Then I go back and re-examine every one of the 6's, moving them to where I want them to be and commenting as I'm moved to do so. When that is accomplished, I've voted seriously on what I consider the "best" of the images. With whatever time I have left, I go back and reconsider the lower group, using the tumbnails and my meory to assign the lowest scores first and working back up to those that will remain 5's or perhaps get bumped to 6. This way any of that group I do not get back to voting on will have a 5, and nobody get's "cheated".

04/13/2005 04:23:50 PM · #59
I agree I was expecting more from this challenge, but I have yet to finish voting so my outlook may change. I went the B&W, dismal route as that what my subject called for but am kicking myself now for not going with this one. I think it would've stood out more than my entry is.

I'm currently at 4.9XX. I was really looking forward to this challenge but it came up while I was on vacation in CA. and struggled to find a suitable candidate. Here in Georgia, abandoned buildings are a dime a dozen. :-)
04/13/2005 04:26:02 PM · #60

i think this is the highest standard i;ve seen
in a long time!
awesome awesome shots, better than corbis
what you going on about?

i've given more 10's than any other challenge.
not everyones cup of tea i s'pose
04/13/2005 04:29:33 PM · #61
Originally posted by Ivo:

I chuckle at idealists who state they can be as objective voting / commenting on the first 50 as they are the last 50 challenge after challenge after challenge. Gimme a break.

I have now voted on 56%. I know that my moods change momentarily which is why I go over all the entries at least twice. I have an advantage in working from home on a computer. I had 4 hours of monotonous conference calls today. As long as I say UmHmmm every once in a while, they are happy. Yes, I can be objective after viewing images 2 or 3 times. Over 7 days with different moods and different lighting, a lot can change but I feel my voting is as fair as everyone elses.
Unlike other people I feel obliged to vote and comment for the privelege of all the information I gain from this site. Considering I've commented on 233 images and only received 76, I think I'm doing my part.
Yes, I'm an idealist. And your realism isn't going to stop me! ;)

04/13/2005 04:30:44 PM · #62
Okay Robert....look at this......why do we have to vote on every photo and get mentally exhausted by the end of it when greater sincerity can be directed to those quality images deserving the attenion? A "bookmark button" would mask those undesired photos and leave you to concentrate soley on the images you want to spend the most time critiquing in the first place. It really is a matter of choice as it would be if you started reading a book and did not want to finish it. Is that wrong? The tedium I see with your method is that you go through all of them repeatedly requiring more time and effort than many want/can give. Just as we have the anonymity button, we can have a simple bookmark button.

Message edited by author 2005-04-13 16:32:25.
04/13/2005 04:31:30 PM · #63
I've said this in many other forums (basically every time the whole too-many-entries-to-get-through debate pops up) - why don't we increase the voting time to two weeks for all challenges? It would require some getting used to, for example, we would always have two challenges to vote on for members and two for users, one of each would be in the first week of voting and one of each would be in the second week of voting. There would be growing pains, as the week that the change is implemented, you'd have no challenge results, but that would only happen the very first week.

I think this system is better than a submission limit since everyone gets to participate, and better than a prescribed vote/comment requirement for participation which seems to encourage sloppy voting/commenting since a longer voting period lets people have the time to vote and comment as they see fit.
04/13/2005 04:43:21 PM · #64
Originally posted by orussell:

This is something I shot the day after I had already entered. I was torn between the two.

Nice photo, but compostionally too tight
04/13/2005 04:49:24 PM · #65
I just went through a bunch of entries and am far from shocked that it's just a bunch of old buildings. There were only a few shots with even a somewhat interesting subject. For once it would be refreshing if someone threw in a cat :-)
04/13/2005 04:49:40 PM · #66
In theory that sounds good, but I don't think it's realistic. Do you have entries in both challenges currently under active voting right now? If so, have you seen many votes come in for the Extreme Action challenge since Abandoned Buildings went online? If there were 3 other active challenges to vote on the oldest one is really going to get stale. Besides, who wants to wait two weeks for results to come in? :P

Originally posted by w24x192:

I've said this in many other forums (basically every time the whole too-many-entries-to-get-through debate pops up) - why don't we increase the voting time to two weeks for all challenges? It would require some getting used to, for example, we would always have two challenges to vote on for members and two for users, one of each would be in the first week of voting and one of each would be in the second week of voting. There would be growing pains, as the week that the change is implemented, you'd have no challenge results, but that would only happen the very first week.

I think this system is better than a submission limit since everyone gets to participate, and better than a prescribed vote/comment requirement for participation which seems to encourage sloppy voting/commenting since a longer voting period lets people have the time to vote and comment as they see fit.

04/13/2005 04:53:08 PM · #67
Originally posted by GoldBerry:

I just went through a bunch of entries and am far from shocked that it's just a bunch of old buildings. There were only a few shots with even a somewhat interesting subject. For once it would be refreshing if someone threw in a cat :-)

But if a cat was in the shot, the building wouldn't be abandoned would it? 8-\
04/13/2005 05:55:42 PM · #68
Hello everyone. I just signed on as a member and I'm not sure what everyone thinks the standard should be on the submissions. I've seen a lot of amateur photo's on this web site. Some who didn't understand what the challenge was and some really nice looking, semi professional pictures. I think some of the comments are a little harsh. I tried to look at each photo as far as lighting, contrast, color, perspective, etc. They all have something to judge. Something to rate them by, whether it be a 10 or a one in the end. Hopefully we all learn something in the process. Maybe I see it different being new. I'm looking forward to my first submission. Good or bad, I want to start challenging myself to be more observant of the things around me and see the art in everything. I think this site is great.
04/13/2005 05:58:47 PM · #69
Don't bother... I did that with the pet portrait. It got me a lot of views but very little in the way of good votage.

Originally posted by rex:

I should have gotten a nude female model to stand in front of my abandonded building. Would be scoring higher that is for sure.

04/13/2005 06:02:00 PM · #70
Naw, if it didn't work for me with a nekkid woman it won't work for anyone with a cat.

Originally posted by GoldBerry:

I just went through a bunch of entries and am far from shocked that it's just a bunch of old buildings. There were only a few shots with even a somewhat interesting subject. For once it would be refreshing if someone threw in a cat :-)

04/13/2005 06:18:27 PM · #71
To me it seems to me to be a matter of personal choice. I think their are some very good photos in here but they just get drowned in the 500 pictures. Abandoned buildings is an aquired taste, (half the fun is shooting the photos) and I don't like every style out there. I personally dont like the puppies and ice cream photos we see in here so much, but thats me. I don't go around complaining about it.

As for the comment that you can only shoot an abandoned structure so many ways, take a look at some of these sites I posted on a previous thread. You dont see this everyday, even though we couldn't do this for this challenge because of the long exposures, but still a good example of out-ot-the-box thinking that we need to see more on this site.


you can find all sorts of cool night photographers at:
04/13/2005 06:23:32 PM · #72
Also basic rules are ther for a reason... It forces you to use the camera to make the photo, not photoshop which we are all so accustomed to. We as photographers are forgeting the technique because we know that we can just fix it in photoshop. I do however think they should create another challenge bracket that allows free rein of photoshop. Anything Goes!!!!
04/13/2005 07:08:28 PM · #73
Originally posted by mrmojo:

Also basic rules are ther for a reason... It forces you to use the camera to make the photo, not photoshop which we are all so accustomed to. We as photographers are forgeting the technique because we know that we can just fix it in photoshop. I do however think they should create another challenge bracket that allows free rein of photoshop. Anything Goes!!!!

Oh this is so not true - and so many of the shots I've seen in this challenge testify to that. Things that spring to mind that you can't fix in PS:

1. Composition.

2. Light. I'm talking about the angle and quality of light as it strikes your subject, and as you decide to capture it, the way in which it communicates depth, texture, a sense of three-dimensionality.

3. Tonality. If it ain't there in your subject, you ain't gonna put it there with processing. At least not without it seeming daft.

4. A sense of communication; what's important about your building? What is it that appealed to you about it? Very few are enticing visually as an entire thing - it's the details, or the location, the context. If you haven't photographed those, you've missed the point already.

5. Is that enough to be going on with?

04/13/2005 08:18:41 PM · #74
Oh boy, I woke up this morning (Sydney time - studying here for a semester), and took a look at the shit-storm that I caused.

I appreciate the openness of this site and tam grateful for the tolerence of the majority of people here; people who understood that my comment was NOT a personal criticism.

Honestly though, maybe I was a bit naive while starting this thread, but I really didn't think it would be as upsetting or controversial to people as it was. Oh well, you live and you learn.

04/15/2005 11:10:57 AM · #75
hmmm... maybe it's a "southern hemisphere" feeling... i share your feelings... well, ehm.. some of them anyways... I got so bored with all the wooden barns... but... I'm just over halfway in the voting process!
and if its of any help... I also entered and am not in the least offended by your comments!
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