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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> my daughters apple score
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05/25/2005 07:08:07 AM · #1
my 9yo daughter,Jessica, has completed her first challenge i keep telling her that a 4.82 is not a bad finish for a first entry and for a 9yo. she recently decided to pick up the camera and we entered together. what great fun we had. I let her use my dimage Z1 ( which i will continue to let her use until i can get her a good camera of her own). i was hopeing u wonderful DPC'ers could offer her some hints on her photo with some words of encouragement. thanks
:o) cher
05/25/2005 07:10:08 AM · #2
i'm suprised this was below a five, but Good Job for her!!
05/25/2005 07:12:19 AM · #3
Well done Jessica this is a very good picture. I hope you do some more challenges. It doesn't matter how old you are because we are all learning (I'm VERY old and my picture isn't as good as yours)

Keep shooting!
05/25/2005 07:25:14 AM · #4
Way to go Jessica! This is a very good shot - I like it alot. I hope to see more of your work in future challenges. Keep shooting!! :)

By the way, Riponlady, 23 is not VERY old! :)
05/25/2005 07:27:03 AM · #5
wtg jess you kicked my butt!!!
05/25/2005 07:27:41 AM · #6
Awesome first entry Jess!!
05/25/2005 07:28:58 AM · #7
Way to go, girlfriend! :) I'm going to get my daughter into this too. She loves taking pics ... I've got about a million of me and the cat. I'll see what she can do with the Decisions entry!
05/25/2005 07:57:13 AM · #8
I agree with all of the above, my first entry was a 4.3 and I was 42 at the time (and they havn't improved a great deal since!!!). It's a great photo and she should be very proud.

Message edited by author 2005-05-25 08:10:29.
05/25/2005 09:26:38 AM · #9
That's a great first entry, Jessica, no matter if you are 9 or 39! My first entry scored WAY lower, down near 4.2! You did a very good job.

Everybody on DPC, even those people who always win ribbons, are trying to improve. Maybe your goal could be to score above 5.0 within your next several entries. Don't be too discouraged if it doesn't happen right away, but keep trying, and I'm sure you will make it.

Great, great job, Jessica. Everybody here is cheering for you, so keep trying!
05/25/2005 03:21:12 PM · #10
thank you for all the nice things you all said. i will try my hardest to learn because i really like taking pictures with my mom.i looked at everyones pictures and i think they are all better than mine.thak you~ jessi
05/25/2005 03:49:35 PM · #11
Originally posted by jessiroo:

... i looked at everyones pictures and i think they are all better than mine. ...

That's a nice thing for you to say but the voters thought your shot was better than about a hundred other entries. That's significant.
05/25/2005 03:53:22 PM · #12
Congrats Jess,,way to go and keep shooting,,you have some talent there.
05/25/2005 03:57:45 PM · #13
That is awesome Jessi!!
You keep shooting, and entering!
05/25/2005 08:59:50 PM · #14
as i head off to bed early tonight( thinking of my decision entry has fried my brain for the day and i have become dangerous to myself~lol) i wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who took the time to send words of encouragement to my daughter. It warms my heart to know that there is such kind people left out there in the real world and i believe that most of them are right here at DPC.

thanks to all of u,jessi is now ready to take on another challenge. I'm sure most of u know how kids are...no matter what mom says it never counts until someone else mirrors moms words. hopefully she will continue her persuit of photograpy with me for many years to come. i like that we are both learning something new together. i also hope that she ends up with some great stories to tell her children about our adventures together. ok enough from the mom(aka: the peanut gallery)
have a great night all!!!
textThanks again~~~Cher~~~
05/26/2005 12:14:40 AM · #15
Almost forgot to say "congrats" to you cher, for your personal best in the APPLE challenge. Way to go!

05/26/2005 03:53:13 AM · #16

It's a better score than a lot of mine have been, and definitely an encouraging start. If I were going to change one thing about this picture

What I'd do is work on the lighting. The light is coming from directly overhead, and as a result everything is "flat", there's no modulation of surface and texture to intrigue the eye. This is particularly a problem on the green leaves, which are way over-dominating the picture.

Another thing I'd work on is the way the two flowers, there for decoration, seem to be forming a limp "bow tie" sort of shape. I'd like to see more vibrancy and life in the flowers.

Best of luck to you in future challenges!


Message edited by author 2005-05-26 03:54:22.
05/26/2005 04:09:09 AM · #17
The photo is beauitful and shows promise. My suggestion would be to have the leaves covering the entire background, and play with lighting as Robert said. But agian, it's a wonderful photo. I can't wait to see more of your work!
05/26/2005 07:39:22 AM · #18
Originally posted by nova:

Almost forgot to say "congrats" to you cher, for your personal best in the APPLE challenge. Way to go!

thank you so much nova for noticing...for me it is a huge accomplishment and it took me forever to get that shot( I learned that my eye/hand cordination needs alot of pratice) I am quite happy with my photo and that i beat my avg.vote of 5.055,finished in the top 100 and got 2 favorites! :o)the only thing i dhould have done was crop it more from the top as it would not have hurt my photo any to crop out top rim of the bowl. I have to learn not to be so scared of the cropping as in most cases it really helps but i didnt want to lose any of my water splash. my entry for the granular challenge is a once in a life time shot and it happens to be my personal favorite so i really dont care if it gets a brown or blue ribbon. it's also a one of a kind image and no one else has one like it so that makes me happy to...i got to be myself(orginal)

Message edited by author 2005-05-26 07:40:01.
05/26/2005 08:01:01 AM · #19
Congrats to you and your daughter. I just checked out her profile. Talk about a spitting image. There is no denying her. Look just alike. Good luck to both of you and get the old man to pay for that membership.
05/26/2005 08:04:27 AM · #20
Originally posted by rex:

Congrats to you and your daughter. I just checked out her profile. Talk about a spitting image. There is no denying her. Look just alike. Good luck to both of you and get the old man to pay for that membership.

thank you for the compliment. I am trying to get him to pay for it. i remind him daily about my need to become a member. i am hopeing this friday i will get to mail out the payment for membership. Im so excited i can barely sit still!
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