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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Any Guild Wars players?
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06/07/2005 12:14:49 AM · #1
Anyone else playes Guild Wars? I was thinking it would be nice to player with a few fellow photographers.
06/07/2005 12:49:59 AM · #2
How good is it>?>?
Gimme a mini review..
06/07/2005 01:55:02 AM · #3
Hell yeah I play it! My Character's name is Nevaria Leafsworn. I'm a ranger/necromancer level 16 at present. I got to that level in, like, 1.5 weeks after finals at college when I had DSL. Now, though, while I wait for my family to switch into the fast lane (any day now, I hope) I can't play. Lemme know about your character?

Originally posted by buzzrock:

How good is it>?>?
Gimme a mini review..

Ever heard of Runescape? Lemme tell you this: the graphics suck and as with most MMORPG's there's a monthly fee.

This is not Guild Wars. Guild Wars has...er...well, WOW quality graphics? I haven't played it myself (WOW, that is) but I've seen it played. From what I hear, the WOW servers are frequently down and, what, 15 bucks a month to play?

Guess how many servers Guild Wars has? One. Guess how many times it's gone down? They could probably be counted on one hand. Guess how much it costs to play a month? Nada. You buy the original game (coming to a warez site near you soon, I'm sure) and then every couple of months they will release a new expansion that you can choose to buy or not. Pretty cool so far?

Unlike most (all?) MMORPG's to date, the focus is not on questing (to be sure: one can do this and should, at first, so as to get to a high level faster and with more fun) but on PVP. As the name suggests, the focus is to join a guild of other players and then, as a part of that guild go out and kill, maim, disembowel, etc. another guild in an arena combat setting. I think the maximum number of people allowed to fight on a team at once is somewhere around 6--not including pets and the like. Guilds can get their own, personalized capes (coolness bonus +10) and one can use dye (rather expensive, unfortunately) to customize the color of their armor which is itself customizable to a point via mixing and matching various types and pieces.

ummm...did I mention killing and disemboweling? Actually, there isn't any disemboweling graphically represented in the game per se, so you have to use your imagination on that one.

I should be an official spokesman of the game and get paid, no?

So yeah, Havok (my D&D character's name is Psavok, and that rhymes: interesting, huh?), hit me back and when I am finally able to play again, I'll put you on my friends list and we can play together--

--oh, yeah, and buzzrock, you can create little mini parties of friends or, as is more often the case complete strangers who, as is also often the case, quickly become friends...or not...ahem, and go questing together. It's a lot easier to kill monsters that are twice as big as you if there are 4 of you there to [insert witty remark about killing and disemboweling here] it.

Where was I? Oh, yeah... Guid Wars: it's so great, it's *guilded* ha ha heh heh hoooo! NovaTiger is not winning appeal with that one... :)
06/07/2005 04:46:54 AM · #4
I've been playing since Feb in the Beta weekends -- it hasn't lost it's punch yet!

Most recent character is an Elementalist/Monk, named Cryptic Karma, at 12th level after a couple of days playing.

Adding to mini-review:

As mentioned, the game is free to play online as long as you like -- ever so often, plans for 2-3 times a year, an update will come out with more territory, added skills, weapons, etc. This will cost, but nobody has to buy it to continue playing the game the same as they have been -- the idea is you get more options if you want, but don't have to take them.

Player-vs-player -- this is the main thrust of the game. Sure there are player-vs-envionment in the game, and no-one has to go against someone else if they don't want to but this is what keeps the game from getting stale. It's not about how well the single person can do, it's about a team working together against another team. The developers have done a good job of providing hundreds and hundreds of different skill, weapon, armor, rune, etc options to keep the variety going, but it doesn't really matter what equipment you have as long as you know how to use what you have well in a team environment.

Replayability -- Most games get very predictable, very quickly after the player 'gets use to' how the computer controls the opponents, with GWs the opponents aren't predictable -- their human. Any stategy has a counter strategy and someone on the other team is likely to come up with it and change how they play at any time.

Did I mention the teamwork is the focus of the game?

06/07/2005 04:53:45 AM · #5
I play it! My PvP character is Konador Maxxus W/Mo and my RP character is Zephiyr Syzan E/R :) It's a great game!
06/07/2005 05:38:07 AM · #6
Grrr - I've been working really hard at not buying this one. I tried it on beta and liked it but I doubt I'll be able to get my wife interested in this one. We played EQ together for years and we're playing WoW together at the moment.

I guess I might give GW a try sometime, though.

06/07/2005 05:48:43 AM · #7
It's a fun game; it certainly doesn't have the depth of something like EQ but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

One thing that slightly worried me before I got it was the emphasis on PvP in everything I'd read (including this thread!) - however I've found that the RP side, while relatively shallow, is still good fun.

If you're still resisting FloYd, then you probably don't want to know that play.com has it for £18... ;-)
06/07/2005 06:00:29 AM · #8
Originally posted by ganders:

If you're still resisting FloYd, then you probably don't want to know that play.com has it for £18... ;-)

With free shipping and no monthly fees :)
06/07/2005 07:59:25 AM · #9
This game seems very cool. Something I would probably love to play since I used to love AD&D when I was younger. A DPC clan would rock!

06/07/2005 09:24:03 AM · #10
Definitely a fun game, and you don't have to spend 5 hours at a time. You can just jump in for 30 minutes and still have fun, though I tend to stick around longer than that.. heh.
06/07/2005 12:12:56 PM · #11
Originally posted by Beagleboy:

This game seems very cool. Something I would probably love to play since I used to love AD&D when I was younger. A DPC clan would rock!

Yeah, but we'd have to use arrows instead of cameras. Lol!
06/09/2005 06:40:01 AM · #12
Originally posted by Beagleboy:

This game seems very cool. Something I would probably love to play since I used to love AD&D when I was younger. A DPC clan would rock!

Yeah that would be nice, but the sigil for a Guild Hall cost about 50-70k. I know you don't need one, but it wouldn't hurt having a hall.

I guess if I ever come across a sigil I guess I'll start up a DPC clan.
06/09/2005 06:43:19 AM · #13
is this really a MMORPG free play.
06/09/2005 07:17:26 AM · #14
Originally posted by Havok:

Originally posted by Beagleboy:

This game seems very cool. Something I would probably love to play since I used to love AD&D when I was younger. A DPC clan would rock!

Yeah that would be nice, but the sigil for a Guild Hall cost about 50-70k. I know you don't need one, but it wouldn't hurt having a hall.

I guess if I ever come across a sigil I guess I'll start up a DPC clan.

You get one free if you win Hall of Heroes!
06/09/2005 07:24:21 AM · #15
Originally posted by Discraft:

is this really a MMORPG free play.

Not exactly; they're very careful to avoid using the term "MMORPG" when referring to it. It IS online, it is multiplayer (although it's perfectly possible to play solo) and it is an RPG but it's certainly not an MMORPG in the EQ/WoW mold.

It is, however, free play :)
06/09/2005 07:28:51 AM · #16
Originally posted by Konador:

I play it! My PvP character is Konador Maxxus W/Mo and my RP character is Zephiyr Syzan E/R :) It's a great game!

Is this the thing I got or was that something different?

06/09/2005 08:26:14 AM · #17
Originally posted by Konador:

Originally posted by Havok:

Originally posted by Beagleboy:

This game seems very cool. Something I would probably love to play since I used to love AD&D when I was younger. A DPC clan would rock!

Yeah that would be nice, but the sigil for a Guild Hall cost about 50-70k. I know you don't need one, but it wouldn't hurt having a hall.

I guess if I ever come across a sigil I guess I'll start up a DPC clan.

You get one free if you win Hall of Heroes!

True, but I hear winning it from HoH is pretty random. Something close to a 1/8 of chance of actually getting one. Either way it's gonna take me sometime before I come across one. I just started playing less than a week ago ;_;

Message edited by author 2005-06-09 08:29:33.
06/09/2005 06:07:48 PM · #18
Originally posted by Havok:

Originally posted by Konador:

Originally posted by Havok:

Originally posted by Beagleboy:

This game seems very cool. Something I would probably love to play since I used to love AD&D when I was younger. A DPC clan would rock!

Yeah that would be nice, but the sigil for a Guild Hall cost about 50-70k. I know you don't need one, but it wouldn't hurt having a hall.

I guess if I ever come across a sigil I guess I'll start up a DPC clan.

You get one free if you win Hall of Heroes!

True, but I hear winning it from HoH is pretty random. Something close to a 1/8 of chance of actually getting one. Either way it's gonna take me sometime before I come across one. I just started playing less than a week ago ;_;

It used to be 1 member of the team but now it is 3 members of the team.

Yes Kavey it is! :D
06/10/2005 01:10:16 AM · #19
I play as Lotho Tanner.
Game rocks, the great thing is since you arent paying monthly, they took out the horrible grind MMO type games have. It is most fun.
06/10/2005 01:41:32 AM · #20
Picked it up a few weeks back, having a lot of fun w it :)
06/10/2005 04:36:02 AM · #21
Originally posted by Konador:

Yes Kavey it is! :D

06/10/2005 06:07:08 AM · #22
Originally posted by Kavey:

Originally posted by Konador:

Yes Kavey it is! :D


You should have a go on it if you can get Pete to let you, hehe :)
06/10/2005 06:55:06 AM · #23
From experience, I'd just get into trouble for making her motion sick if I let her play ;)
06/10/2005 07:02:38 AM · #24
I'm happier just chatting to real people about real things... these kinds of games are just not my thing... and the motion really does make me feel very sick... I tried my best to play EQ but the motion really got to me...

Message edited by author 2005-06-10 07:02:56.
06/25/2005 06:56:52 AM · #25
Took a break for a while there until my family finally switched to DSL (yay) now I'm back playing. My character's name is

Nevaria Leafsworn R/N18 (soon to be 19)

50-70k is not that much, actually. I just blew 3k on buying the services of a runner to get me to Droknar's Forge (I'm at amnoon oasis and couldn't wait to be able to get the best armor in the game). If we all chip in, the hall would be quite reasonable I imagine. Heck, the armor I'm about to get costs 7.5k--before I buy and aff the superior runes to it (add in another 2+k for each of those times 5 or so).

I had someone ask me why the heck I wasn't already in a guild this evening. Maybe it's time I start looking at that. The way I see it, guilds mean nothing until you're at least level 20 and serious about pvp.

Anyway. If y'all are ever on, give me a jingle.
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